Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


May 13, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Outspoken and passionate as always and hurling adjectives like slingshots, Ernst Zundel recorded his feeling about the Irving verdict in his May Power Letter to his supporters and friends in 42 far-flung countries. Since I had so much positive feedback on yesterday's ZGram, "Why fight?", I thought I might as well give you a second "Power" installment:


My goodness - I could not believe some of the reactions of my friends near and far to the Irving defeat! These past few weeks, I have had to point out, over and over, that David Irving was not a Revisionist of the Holocaust - you could call him a Revisionist of some WWII history, but not the Holocaust! As a best-selling author, he tried to bring some semblance of sanity into understanding Adolf Hitler and his Reich - always, of course, from his own blinkered view of a British historian and chronicler who cannot, to this day, fathom - along with 50 million of his countrymen - what made the Germans flock to Hitler or what deep-seated chord National Socialism sparked in the German psyche. He never studied the Holocaust subject in-depth. He said he found it boring - as do I and millions of other people. He never wrote a single book, not even a booklet, I dare say not even an article about the Holocaust subject!


That's why the enemy used him. They built him up as the world's foremost "Holocaust denier" like a straw man in order to knock him down at the appropriate moment. They used their usual tricks, their behind-the-scenes network, which like tentacles reach into every nook and cranny of Gentile life and society, especially the court system. They studied him and his every uttered word for years, and Lipstadt brags about it now in her triumphant synagogue tours. Unfortunately, Irving only belatedly caught on to the reality that his enemies were hell-bent from the beginning to turn this libel trial into a Holocaust trial. It was a classic case of improperly evaluating an enemy's intentions.


But his defeat is not the end! David Irving is a formidable man and writer. There is no one like him - at least I have not met anyone like David Irving. Some of my Revisionist colleagues, advisors and even teachers do not share my appreciation or my view on Irving's importance. Some think I am a little "star-struck" when it comes to Irving. I don't think so! My role in all of this has been to drive the historical debate forward, especially about what happened before and during World War II in Europe as concerns Germany, the Allies, and peripherally the Jews of Europe and their role in history at that crucial time and place. David Irving is, has been and, I dare say, will be a significant player in that debate - if his health and stamina hold out. It will take much more than one decidedly biased and one-sided, imbalanced judgment by the most junior judge at that level of court in England to deter a healthy, vibrant, combative and ego-driven man like Irving!


I make a prediction that Irving's enemies will rue that April 11, 2000 judgment till the end of their miserable, crooked, insignificant, twerpy lives! Compared to David Irving, Deborah Lipstadt is not even a lightweight! She will enjoy her undeserved glory for a few years and will continue to mouth her platitudes and cultish crap about ". . . having done battle with Amalek" in that courtroom. She did nothing of the kind! She sat there with her lips clamped shut and would not even testify! She was and is a mediocre mind, a mere tool and a means by which the con-men and history perverters and crooks inside and outside academia on both sides of the ocean shore up their carefully built edifice of lies, deceptions, falsehoods and Jewish psychodrama they have foisted off on a gullible society as "history" - largely thanks to their considerable control in the media.


As we all know, that version is at most a Zionist-Jewish-Marxist version of that period of history. It is one warped, narrow-minded, quasi-cultish, self-serving interpretation of what they claimed has happened. They are typical products of people who have begun to believe their own propaganda. That might be useful to browbeat second- or third-rate thinkers and politicians into submission who crawled out of the rubble and ruins of Germany after that country's disastrous military defeat. These Holocaust promoters managed to squeeze admissions of guilt and vast sums of reparations out of their carefully chosen and appointed puppets like Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl, former Chancellor and money launderer. They can make their vassals grovel and apologize from here till whenever - it does not alter the historical facts one iota!


And the Irving trial has spread these facts far and wide. Practically every paper repeated the Revisionist mantra: "Irving says: No gas chambers. No Führer order. And the numbers of victims are highly inflated!" What we saw was a Revisionist media bonanza!


So the Irving "defeat", as I see it, is a mere and really rather insignificant setback in the grand design of things. It will be overcome.


I have no idea how David Irving personally will overcome the crippling costs issue. But as Canadians say: "You can't get blood from a stone." Unless some oil sheik steps in, I don't see how David Irving can ever hope to pay those exorbitant bills. Judge Gray awarded $150,000 as a first down payment in what many people think and see as undue haste. Irving's lawyer has asked for affidavit evidence of Penguin and Lipstadt to find out where and from whom the financing of the case originated. According to people in-the-know I have talked to, this is standard legal procedure.


Here again, odd things are coming to light. Apparently Judge Gray did not demand that they produce these crucial documents, which should be one more point - an important one! - for Irving in an appeal. Apparently he now has - at least so it seems from his reports on his website - competent legal counsel. Better late than never! This should make a real difference in how the case will go forward.


And please remember this: David Irving has lost libel actions before. He has always lived on the edge of financial disaster. So to him this will be nothing new - just a disaster of bigger proportions. He might lose his flat on prestigious Duke Street in London - so what? He says the neighborhood has gone to hell anyway! He and Benté, his ailing wife with their small daughter, Jessica, might move out into the British countryside, away from the madhouse downtown London has become. It won't be the end of the world.


What might the future bring for Irving? There should be movie and book rights in this matter. Some American media lawyers I have spoken to told me that nobody can make a film about a still living person if that person hires a lawyer and claims proprietorial rights - or whatever the term might be - to his own person and name. I read recently that some minor figure in the Oklahoma bombing, who was (or turned) government informant, got a rumored $500,000 because she was going to be played by some famous actress in Hollywood. David Irving should be able to claim millions! That's what my lawyers tell me. It's called "Appropriation of likeness or personality."


Don't count that man out! Remember, this defeat was a mere first step - it has not even gone to appeal. And remember also, I speak from experience!


I was roundly defeated, condemned, jailed, vilified in the same virulent language and by hundreds of nasty news articles in 1985. My enemies triumphed. They held mass celebrations in their synagogues. Politicians, even premiers, spoke at their phony candle-light vigils that drew 5,000 people. So what? What did it matter? What did it prove? My enemies tantrumed like spoiled children. They professed outrage that Ernst Zundel was getting so much press coverage, just as they do now in the Irving case.



Did I care? Do you think Irving cares about their shrieking?


I organized my appeal with the help of my attorneys and my many friends. 18 months later I stunned them by winning my appeal. It went all the way to the Supreme Court, thanks to the loyalty and generosity of my many small supporters in 42 countries.


The Government officials, eyeing the Jewish vote, re-charged me in 1988. Again, they put me on trial - because I dared to ask: "Did Six Million Really Die?" For four solid months, I put their racket on trial, in the process nailing down for all eternity 20,000 pages of invaluable transcripts. Because of this new trial, I gave the world Leuchter and his famous Leuchter Report. And I converted David Irving - at least temporarily! - to Revisionism. He adopted the findings of the Leuchter Report and published his own colorful British edition. For a few years, he became the locomotive of Revisionism, touring Canada, America, Europe, South Africa, hammering away at the Lie of the Century.


You might say I lost my case. I was in jail. I lost my appeals. All true, but after 9 years of Herculean struggles, I won my lawsuit by one single vote of one courageous judge, a woman called Beverly MacLaughlin - today Chief Justice of Canada! The rest is history!


Thus - had it not been for my trials, we would not have had the recent London trial, worth three months of wall-to-wall, worldwide media coverage!


There is no reason to despair - even if David Irving were to succumb, for whatever reasons. Dr. Faurisson has raised competent, promising and courageous young scholars. His seeds are sprouting in many places. In Belgium, Siegfried Verbeke is indefatigable, with an enormous output in literature all over Europe. <> The IHR is one more time on the scene with new vigor, new books, new people, a good website at <> The upcoming IHR International Convention promises to be the most spectacular ever. Bradley Smith's website, CODOH <> gets 500,000 hits per month. Bradley himself is shaking them up on the campuses in the United States with his ads and insertions of "The Revisionist" - a slick, attractive publication. The Zundelsite <>, Ingrid Rimland's flagship website, is busy as heck. She has given personal interviews to reporters coming to her from Germany, Sweden and England. There is so much ferment out there, so much about Revisionism, Irving, the Leuchter Film (which will play on nation-wide television in England on May 15) that there's no end in sight.


Even as I write this, word has come via an Associated Press release that a new Holocaust six-part mini-series is being prepared, whose major topic is ***that Hitler knew nothing about the Holocaust*** and that ". . . the Holocaust emerged in a piecemeal, step-by-step way and not as the result of a single order from Nazi leaders." Well, haven't we said that all along - that there was no Hitler order?


Our enemies are now using our findings!


And Germans' reaction to that?


"When I told people in Germany about the series, they were telling me, 'Not again!' Maurice Philip Remy, the series' Munich-based producer and director, said at a news conference in London detailing the documentary's findings.


Not again! That is the universal feeling!


People are so fed up with Holocaust propaganda, the signs of overload are simply everywhere. A friend at a large Canadian university accessed the university's data bank typing in "Holocaust Industry" - and on the screen appeared 50 major papers and sources where the words had been used in this combination. There were apparently many more - but the university's computer allowed a visit to only 50 sources. Is that progress - or what?!


The aftermath of the Irving-Lipstadt civil suit continues to dominate the revisionist scene. Even in the mainstream media there are still ominous underground rumblings as if a volcano were soon to erupt, belching forth mountains of ashes and billowing smoke, and spewing out streams of deadly, fiery lava ready to race down the mountainsides, incinerating and smothering all in its path. That's how it must feel for the guardians of the Hoax of the 20th Century.


Ingrid Rimland, who daily monitors the Worldwide Net, reports a testy mood, even in some lapdog media outlets. She says that in some quarters it seems almost "chic" to be accused of, or actually be called, a Revisionist these days. This does not surprise me, for I too have seen at first timid signs of that feeling, which lately have developed into what would worry me if I were the custodian of the Holocaust Lie - and the Holocaust Racket spawned by that Lie!


The meaning of the Irving Trial for the ruling oligarchy


The Irving-Lipstadt trial was, of course, important to Revisionists from an intellectual point of view. For psychologists it was of interest because they got inside glimpses into the persona of Irving. For the Holocaust lobbyists and Holocaust industry profiteers it was of vital importance, for they must have trembled at the prospect that their whole house of cards could be collapsing if an impartial, courageous judge looked at it with judicial detachment, capable of separating facts from innuendo. It seemed for a while that there might even be a chance of the court, the whole circus, judge and all, going to Auschwitz proper for an on-the-spot forensic investigation to look at those "holes" and "perforated pillars." Well, it was not to be! Irving's "traditional enemies" found a way around that dangerous iceberg. The old behind-the-scenes network managed to choose the most junior judge - the new kid on the block, a man who hopes to be a judge for decades to come, with all the perks and prestige accruing to a judge in English society. So naturally he came down with a judgment that pleased the Jewish side and also saved the "Weltbild" of the calcified British ruling elite - the historical orthodoxy, carefully woven into a tapestry of lies-agreed-upon posing-as-history. The whole establishment - not just the Jewish Lobby - breathed a collective sigh of relief, you can be sure, once Judge Gray got going!


The vilification, virulence, character assassination unleashed against Irving after his defeat by Judge Gray and the media is totally out of proportion to the little he has really said or written about people like Hitler, Goering, Goebbels and Himmler. I must confess I have always been irked by Irving's gratuitous remarks about German leaders being "gangsters", "diabolical", "cynical" and worse. I thought it unworthy of a man of character - especially given the unsavory character of Hitler Germany's opponents, like Stalin and his entourage of outright murderers and torturers, or Churchill's vicious gambling and drinking streak, or his psychopathic attitude while ordering the mass killing of German women and children in indiscriminate fire bombing of most German cities of any size. Hitler's opponents unleashed and established a reign of rape, torture, terror, starvation and ethnic cleansing of Germans in Central Europe and the East unparalleled in human history! And they did it with premeditation. They did it coldly, without remorse or mercy. They caused tens of millions of displaced people and millions upon millions of deaths of innocents - while condemning Germany's leaders in Nuremberg of "war crimes" against humanity and for "waging aggressive war". All that is history.


Obviously, David Irving thought that he could curry favor with the powerful, just as he thought he could manipulate Judge Gray by making those totally off-the-wall concessions about "97,000 gas van victims" and "experimental gassings" in Auschwitz or elsewhere. It did not help him in the least! It did not protect him from becoming an outcast. Judge Gray did not honor these concessions, and neither did Rampton or the Lobby.


Had he praised Hitler to the hilt, the verdict would not have been worse!






Thought for the Day:


"Most every story reminds us Irving is 62. How old is Lipstadt?"


(Letter to the Editor)

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