The Canadian Holocaust Lobby, with its unsavory tentacles right in the highest echelons of government, hopes one more time to use two agencies as "hit squads" to get Mr. Zundel deported to Germany where prison is waiting for him - for questioning the Holocaust.
This was attempted once before in 1996 - but aborted, for various known and some still "mysterious" reasons.
The agencies in question are the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (called CSIS) and its supposed "watchdog", the Security Intelligence Review Committee (called SIRC).
The story behind CSIS and SIRC and this latest attempt ". . . to get Zundel" is complicated and confusing for the uninitiated, and I will not repeat it here. Suffice it to say that someone had the bright idea four years ago to start Stalinist Star Chamber proceedings against Mr. Zundel to prove that Mr. Zundel was a ". . . threat to the security of Canada." Just how this "threat" would manifest itself was never made clear - then or now.
Such Star Chamber proceedings are Soviet-style tools. The powers-that-be arrange for a hearing, listen to "secret witnesses" behind closed doors, deny the accused and his lawyer his right to refute what may have been said, or even the names of these snitches, and simply rubber-stamp an accusation - against which there can be no defense. The accused never gets confront his accuser(s).
It is as I described it in one of my novels where I depicted the Stalinist terror interrogation that was routine practice in Soviet Russia:
Accused: "But I am innocent. I have done nothing wrong. You cannot prove my guilt to me."
Kommissar: "You have that wrong. You do not understand. I do not have to prove your guilt to you. I can sit here all day, twiddle my thumb, look at the ceiling, sip my tea, fondle my pistol, and wait for you to prove your innocence to me."
That's how it is these days in Canada.
The first attempt at this, in 1996, was serious, but Mr. Zundel fought back hard, seeking recourse in the Canadian courts. After much back-and-forth, in court and elsewhere, and some mysterious clues supplied to Mr. Zundel that linked some of the very opposition players to the mysterious Zundel-Haus arson in 1995 . . . all of a sudden (!) with no explanation (!!) the hearings were called off "sine die" - that is, indefinitely.
The government flunkies slinked off, their tails between their legs.
Now it is four years later, and Canada still stands. And once again, Ernst Zundel is to battle his opponents on the same charge - that he, somehow, poses a ". . . threat to the security of Canada". The hearings have been scheduled to resume on May 17 - less than a week from now.
In the March/April Issue of "Friends of Freedom" I found this brief summary of yet another Zundel/SIRC Review:
This is the Security Intelligence Review Committee Review and applies again to Mr. Zundel who is being required to fight a two-front war at tremendous cost. He has shown enormous stamina in this battle.
To summarize this case, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service alleges Mr. Zundel constitutes a threat to the security of Canada. To those familiar with Mr. Zundel's pacifist nature, and strong opposition to violence, this charge is ridiculous. He has no criminal record. He has been charged and eventually acquitted of publishing "false news." He is currently before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for what Ingrid Rimland posts on a foreign website in California about him.
But the Security Service has alleged, and the Review Committee is considering, not whether he advocates violence but whether he unknowingly might associate with persons who "might" constitute a threat of violence. In spite of the best efforts of CSIS agent Grant Bristow, no evidence exists to implicate Zundel in any violence - hence the strangely worded charge.
The member of the Security Intelligence Review Committee adjudicating the complaint raised the issue himself, of whether this was even an alleged offence known to law. He then said he was going to proceed as if it was, leaving the question open at the conclusion of the case.
Mr. Zundel appealed. Justice McKeown said it was not a ruling and an appeal could only have been brought about the substance of the charge when it was first brought - and hence was now out of time. (Semble that if a charge does not allege an offence known to law, you go through a trial to see if some evidence of it exists. It could be breathing - which is not an offence known to law but carry on as if it was.)
This strange ruling was appealed and comes before the Federal Court of Appeal in May.
The SIRC hearings are adjourned. The real purpose of the government in this case is to have Mr. Zundel deported to Germany and hence to jail. (Mr. Zundel) being only a landed immigrant, they can achieve this under security legislation if he constitutes a threat to the security of Canada.
This makes the struggle for him one of the most deadly real significance, though the charge is really frivolous.
I am telling you all this to document it once again how desperate the Lobby is to get rid of Ernst Zundel, and that another legal round is on.
I also want to mention that, just recently, both SIRC and CSIS got it on the snout in a very similar case where a Palestinian by the name of Al Yamani was accused of ". . . likely to assist in subversion or terrorism" but where the Federal Court of Canada told the offensive agencies, to put it bluntly, to buzz off.
I quote here from the Globe and Mail of March 14, 2000:
"Mr. Justice Frederick Gibson ruled in (Al Yamani's) favor yesterday, as Mr. Justice Andrew MacKay did in 1995. (...)
"Judge Gibson was particularly scornful of information from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service; it accused him, among other things, of playing an unspecified role in a 1977 bomb attack in the United Arab Emirates.
"The judge said it was hard to decide whether such information 'is reasonable inference or whether it is speculation and conjecture without adequate foundation'. (...)
"'Given the applicant's life experience, his statelessness, his commitment to re-establishment of a Palestinian homeland, his long period in Canada and his family responsibilities, it is perhaps quite unfair to demand a standard of forthrightness such as one would expect of a native-born Canadian citizen with an unqualified right to remain in Canada.' (...)
"The judge said he could not conclude on the basis of the facts before him that Mr. Al Yamani was likely to commit acts of violence in Canada, nor that he would engage in subversion, a word he said was difficult even to define.
"Mr. Al Yamani said he welcomed the judgement, because it recognized the right of immigrants not to leave their old causes behind.
"'You cannot be multi-cultural and ask people not to be involved in the politics of their original countries, because culture is not only dressing in your traditional clothes or eating your traditional food. Culture is a package that has to do with politics, with values, with all things.'"
And so it does. Culture and values have to do with the right - in fact, the obligation of an honorable man - to clear his father's generation of an unfair blood libel called the "Holocaust".
Please note the similarities. Please note that the agencies used in Al Yamani's case and Mr. Zundel's case are identical Stalinist tools and serve the Zionist agenda.
Please note that both accused are landed immigrants - Mr. Zundel having been in Canada much longer than Yamani, with not a hint of violence - ever! - to his name.
We will see if the German, Mr. Zundel will receive the kind of fair, impartial treatment in his upcoming appeal next week that Al Yamini, a Palestinian got.
Thought for the Day:
"Would the Canadian government arrest Jesus Christ for spreading false news?"
(Letter to the Zundelsite)