Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


March 25, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


I am repeating the introduction in each of this 11-part ZGram series. Read it until you know it by heart!



A mainstream Jewish writer, giving his readers the standard Jewish slant on well-worn Holocaust orthodoxy in response to the then upcoming Irving/Lipstadt-Penguin Trial, made amazing and telling pre-emptive admissions in an article published in the February 2000 Atlantic Monthly. This 19 page article, significantly titled "The Holocaust on Trial" by D.D. Guttenplan, is so far the most comprehensive and extensive write-up on the subject of Revisionism and the Holocaust that has appeared in the global mainstream press.


The choice of the title itself speaks volumes. It is an open acknowledgement - long overdue! - that Revisionism, far from being a fringe movement run by a few crackpots and "Hitler lovers", is in fact a vibrant, legitimate historical discipline of far greater spiritual depth and political importance than has been admitted by those who would like us to listen to the B'nai Brith and Anti-Defamation League type smearmongering just a little bit longer.


Holocaust orthodoxy is not yet a sacred religious dogma of Judaism. It is, in fact, the central core of the Zionist political agenda. This agenda has had diabolical, monstrous results. It gave us World War II, the Morgenthau Plan, Operation Keelhaul, the Nuremberg Trials, an Israeli state, German reparations to maintain that state, more than half a century of Bolshevic occupation of the heartland of Europe, deliberately media-induced, all-permeating "Holocaust thinking" and, as a by-produce, permanent, bloody wars and upheaval in the Middle East. It is also the backbone of the New World Order.


Understanding this Zionist agenda is of crucial relevance to every person on this earth who prefers truth over lies, unfettered scientific and historical inquiry to back up that truth and demolish those lies, and freedom over slavery for future generations.


Leuchter's findings, Irving's adoption of these findings, and the subsequent Errol Morris documentary film about Leuchter played a central role in the lengthy Irving-Lipstadt/Penguin litigation, as the court transcripts reveal. This illustrates the crucially important role played by the much-maligned Fred Leuchter in the demolition of this edifice and relic of World War II propaganda lies.


Guttenplan's choice of the Title, "The Holocaust on Trial" - was borrowed from a Zundel publication - the 1988 'consumerized" version by Reporter Robert Lenski of the 1988 Zündel trial, reviewable on the Zundelsite. (Use the Zundelsite-specific search engine for topics of specific interest!) The title signifies acknowledgment by the back door of the importance of the two Zundel Trials and their seminal impact on Holocaust historiography.


It is only fitting that Ernst Zundel should review the Atlantic Monthly article. In this article, Guttenplan is continuing the traditional modus operandi of the "in-elite" by talking about us, around us, past us and against us. Who better than a German to respond to the continued blood libel against the Germans - and to assure more balance, sanity and honesty?

Who better than Ernst Zundel, battle-scarred veteran of this herculean struggle and originator/catalyst of the all-important Leuchter Report?


I yield my ZGrams to Ernst Zundel. The Internet allows this veteran of Holocaust Revisionism to have his say - his way!


(Paragraph pairs are numbered and separated by a line. )




Part XI:


131. Guttenplan: What Hilberg does endorse is facts: numbers, names, places, dates. When I arrived at Hilberg's house in Vermont, at the beginning of September, we began by talking about numbers. In The Destruction of the European Jews, Hilberg says one million Jews were killed at Auschwitz. His total for the Holocaust, however, is 5.1 million, not six million, a conclusion that has caused him no end of trouble. Does it really matter? I asked.


ANSWER TO 131. Hilberg believes in his own set of numbers. One more time:

The Polish authorities, and the Zionist propagandists used to claim 4 million victims for Auschwitz alone. Then, after the Zündel Trial, they first reduced the numbers to 1.1 million. Under Jewish protest, they raised it to 1.6 million. Most Jewish encyclopedias say 2.5 million. Hoess, the tortured one-time Commandant of Auschwitz "confessed" to a full million more than the Poles claim since 1993 - namely 2.6 million. For good measure, he even claimed "gassings" in a non-existent facility called "Wolzec":


We now know from the Book Legions of Death (Robert Butler, Hamlyn Paperbacks) that Hoess was beaten almost to death by Jewish members of the British Field Police upon capture, and badly mistreated thereafter. His wife and children were threatened with deportation to Siberia.


Here is how such confessions were obtained:


Clarke recalls vividly: "He was lying on top of a three-tier bunker wearing a new pair of silk pyjamas. We discovered later that he had lost the cyanide pill most of them carried. Not that he would have had much chance to use it because we had rammed a torch into his mouth."


Hoess screamed in terror at the mere sight of British uniforms.


Clarke yelled: "What is your name?"


With each answer of "Franz Lang", Clarke's hand crashed into the face of his prisoner. The fourth time that happened, Hoess broke and admitted who he was.


The admission suddenly unleashed the loathing of the Jewish sergeants in the arresting party whose parents had died in Auschwitz following the order signed by Hoess.


The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless.


Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: "Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse."


A blanket was thrown over Hoess, and he was dragged to Clarke's car, where the sergeant poured a substantial slug of whisky down his throat. Then Hoess tried to sleep.


Clarke thrust his service stick under the man's eyelids and ordered in German: "Keep your pig eyes open, you swine."


For the first time, Hoess trotted out his oft-repeated justification: "I took my orders from Himmler. I am a soldier in the same way as you are a soldier, and we had to obey orders."


The party arrived back at Heide around three in the morning. The snow was swirling still, but the blanket was torn from Hoess, and he was made to walk completely nude through the prison yard to his cell.


It took three days to get a coherent statement out of him. But once he started talking, there was no holding him."(Legions of Death, pp. 236-237)


Hoess gave his "testimony" and "affidavit" under oath in a language he did not speak or understand. Historians today are finally admitting that Hoess was a totally unreliable witness. Even Christopher Browning admitted that in a Vanity Fair article some years ago already. Yet the "Six Million" number simply refuses to die!


Note this for future reference, one more time: The Death Registries of Auschwitz detail 74,000, of which less than 30,000 have Jewish names. So believe what you want. Numbers are obviously just numbers to these people.




132. Guttenplan: "Yes, it matters," Hilberg said. "It matters on a variety of counts. When you segment these losses by country, you find that the major difference between my count and those who say six million ... is the Soviet Union. Which means, if they didn't die, they're there .... That matters, because you are talking about a substantial part of Jewish history. And you're talking about current Jewish history!"


ANSWER TO 132. Hilberg knows that they are there - for he has undoubtedly read the Revisionist studies by Sanning and others about the "Korherr Report." Irving is right. Jewish victims number at most in the hundreds of thousands of all causes. Not millions! Regardless of what he might now say - possibly to curry favor with Judge Gray.




133. Guttenplan: Hilberg launched into a learned and fascinating lecture on the vagaries of the Soviet census, the politics of census data, and the dangers of accepting unsourced estimates. "The German statisticians called it a house number," he said, "whenever a number like that appears [that] you can't prove."


ANSWER TO 133. That's the first thing Hilberg has said in years with which I could agree.




134. Guttenplan: I asked about gas chambers. Irving has devoted so much energy to creating doubt about gas chambers. Why? "People are shot or hacked to death in other countries," Hilberg said, "even after World War Two - Rwanda, for example. You built the gas chamber with a view to killing a mass of people. Once you have a gas chamber, you have a vision, and the vision is total annihilation. In a gas chamber you don't see the victim. So the gas chamber in that sense is more dangerous, the gas chamber is more criminal. The gas chamber has wider implications. So when you deny the gas chamber, you deny not just a part of the event but one of the defining concepts. Auschwitz has become the synonym for the Holocaust. And of course you deny, apart from anything else, the death of several million people."


ANSWER TO 134. Since the Germans did not build homicidal gas chambers - an entirely American concept for executing criminals, expensive and impractical as well as inefficient - Hilberg can philosophize all he wants.


His Talmudic gyrations don't amount to a row of beans!


The gas chambers are at the core of their lie! And how did it come about? Because Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz, supposedly "confessed."


When this whole campaign of deception started, the victorious Allies and their Jewish puppet masters looked around, saw Germany in ruins, all their former enemies in their captivity and already half starved to death, or even beaten to death, many on trial in Nuremberg and hanged, and decided that this was the time to take "revenge":


Julius Streicher, for instance, as reported in the London Times, April 27, 1946, was tortured, whipped, spat on, and forced to drink from a latrine. Streicher's testimony was later stricken from the record of the trial. Harlan Fiske Stone, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, referred to Nuremberg as a "high grade lynching party" and Judge Charles Wennerstrum, who presided over one of the Allied war crimes tribunals at Nuremberg, talked none-too-cryptically about the "recently naturalized aliens" - a euphemism of the time for the flood of Jewish emigrés who flooded into America, having very nicely survived World War II.


They not only thought they could get away with lying about what happened to them - hell, they were even getting away with torture and murder! Psychopaths that they are, they lived for the moment of bloodlust, thinking only of today, their moment of total victory over their hated Goy enemy. Little did they know there were already the Faurissons, Irvings, Butzes and Zundels climbing out of their diapers and play pens. Fred Leuchter and Germar Rudolf were not even born yet - and yet here they are, their scientific reports internationally acclaimed and feared.




135. Guttenplan: Whatever we talked about - Goldhagen, Hitler's guilt, the parallel lives of Soviet and American Jews - we seemed always to come back to numbers. "These numbers do matter," Hilberg said. "They also matter for a very simple reason - call it religious, if you like." At this point he saw my gaze shift from the Teletubbies magnets on his refrigerator to the menorah on top of his television set.


ANSWER TO 135. Hilberg the Atheist trots out religion for his beliefs. Religion is frequently the refuge for scoundrels.




136. Guttenplan: "I'm an atheist," he said. "All these things belong to my wife, not me. I am an atheist. But there is ultimately, if you don't want to surrender to nihilism entirely, the matter of a record. Does the record matter? In my judgment it is not discussible. It is not arguable. It matters because it matters to me - it's my life."


ANSWER TO 136. The gall of these people! Only their figures, their records matter? The lie has become their whole life? How right he is! They are consumed by it, fearful their carefully spun net of deception will be slashed like a spider web by a stick.




137. Guttenplan: The sanctity of facts. As I left Hilberg, I thought, It's not much. After a lifetime of studying brutality, inhumanity, murder on an industrial scale, after personal tragedy and professional conflict, this is what he has left to hold on to. The sanctity of facts. And yet Hilberg's passion for detail, his police-reporter's faith in getting it down right, stayed with me longer than any of the conflicting sympathies aroused by my inquiries. The sanctity of facts. It isn't much. It may not be enough. But it is all we have.


ANSWER TO 137. For Hilberg and Guttenplan to talk about them believing in the sanctity of facts is really chutzpah. They are simply two Jewish writers trying to delay the inevitable exposure of the Holocaust as the biggest "Hoax of the 20th century." Holocaust revisionists will have brought this about - not Hilberg or Guttenplan. This article - the longest ever in a mainstream press organ - needed to be commented on for truth and accuracy's sake.

- Ernst Zündel



Breaking Story. . . Bulletin:


The Eichmann Memoirs


In what is seen by some as a desperate move to shore up their disintegrating case, Lipstadt's defense team in David Irving's libel action, requested from Israel the release of 1300 pages of Eichmann's notes and private papers that he accumulated while being held in solitary confinement in Israel, after being kidnapped from Argentina by Mossad agents.


This was a sensational development, for Israel has sat on these documents for forty years - not releasing them for fear Holocaust revisionists would exploit their contents, contradictions etc. Leading Israelis have cautioned against their release, some saying that historically they were of little value.


Yehuda Bauer, head of the Yad Vashem Historical Institute, said that Eichmann changed his tune to win favor with his Israeli captors. (AP Feb. 29, 2000)


Ha'aretz (Feb. 29, 2000) called them "jailhouse memoirs." Amon Hausner, a lawyer and the son of Gideon Hausner, who prosecuted Eichmann, was against the release and questioned the wisdom of using them in court.


The London Times (March 1, 2000) reports that Eichmann does not once mention Zyklon 'B' - which was supposedly the killing compound. He claims that Höss, the Auschwitz commandant told him that carbon monoxide was used - that's something new!


Other press reports talk about cotton soaked in sulfuric acid having been used.


Amon Hausner said that enough holocaust survivors were still around who could testify to the gas chambers. Why use the writings of a Nazi war criminal?

David Irving reports heightened media interest. Even Israeli Television has interviewed him as has Suddeutsche Zeitung, ZDF and others.


The Eichmann Diary release was just the publicity shot in the arm the Irving-Lipstadt case needed. The press should now be locked in for the rest of the trial.


Why the Lipstadt legal team felt it necessary to enlist the help of the Israeli state is odd.


How can the self-serving, obviously coached, lurid horror tales, possibly win brownie points with a judge?


Truly, never have so many lied and cried for so long, about so little, for so much profit!


Back to Table of Contents of the March 2000 ZGrams