Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


February 20, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Today I have three items for your perusal. One is a brief but cogent commentary on the on-going Irving Trial. The second and third items are selected quotes from pertinent "Holocaust"-related articles pertaining to the Haider Tempest-in-a-Teapot.


* Observations on the Irving trial:


With millions of people allegedly killed in gas chambers, one would expect that objective, irrefutable evidence to support this crime could be easily produced.


What we received instead from the greatest experts on the holocaust have been witness statements by five now-deceased survivors - out of 50,000 whose statements are on record. And even those witness statements read to the court contained at least partial impossibilities based on the laws of physics.


Strangely, every one of the thousands of still-living survivors of Auschwitz, who should have been able to clear up ambiguities, have been ignored in favor of witness statements by five deceased.


My question is: who would rely on witness statements of dead witnesses to support his case if he could chose from thousands of living witnesses?


Answer: only someone who wants the story of his witnesses not challenged.


The next question: who wants the story of his witnesses not challenged?


Answer: only someone who has something to hide.


One would think that all the "professional survivors" like Wiesel and Wiesenthal who wrote books on Auschwitz would rush to court to tell their story. After all, they never grow tired of doing so at holocaust remembrance conferences all over the world. If moral outrage against Irving would not have motivated them to offer their indisputable evidence, Lipstadt's lawyers surely would have been happy to pay their fees.


Instead of original blueprints of gas chambers from the files of the Germans - all their documents at Auschwitz were captured intact by the Soviets, the court is shown drawings by architect students.


All the rest, like what the Nazis actually meant by "Endlosung," etc., is conjecture. But it is this kind of conjecture that the expert witnesses excel in - while being weak in evidence that could be empirically verified.


Most interestingly, none of the experts appear to be interested in doing any research that would include forensic testing. In this they resemble the church who, long after carbon 14 testing was available, still preferred the Shroud of Turin be examined by experts in middle east history - preferably Catholics - to determine its age.


(Send in by a ZGram supporter)




* The second item pertains to an article written by Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, February 19, 2000, titled "Europe's Austria Hypocrisy." Krauthammer, as you can tell by the name, is one of the Chosenites, but I have always liked his writing and "cutting-to-the-chase" style.


So in this article. I quote you a few nuggets:


"Joerg Haider's far right Freedom Party has been part of the Austrian government for two weeks now. No sign yet of an invasion of Poland."


"(T)here is nothing wrong with the civilized world's registering its protest at the inclusion of a suspect, indeed loathsome, political party in the coalition government of a democracy. But this is hardly the first suspect and loathsome party to join a European government. The French Communist Party, which for most of a century was handmaiden to Stalin and his successors, is currently a full member of the French government."


"Haider's crime is expressing passing sympathy for those who fought in Hitler's army. (A French government official who charged that Haider had made "a number of anti-Semitic statements" later retracted the claim.) Yet in the Middle East, the government-controlled press routinely publishes Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic vitriol. Indeed, the very week that Haider came to power, the official Syrian daily Tichrin denounced and ridiculed as a "myth" the Nazi murder of millions of Jews during World War II."


"Anti-Semitism in the official Palestinian press is so ingrained that you find it in the newspaper crossword puzzle. Clue: "Jewish center for eternalizing the Holocaust and the lies." Answer: "Yad Vashem" (Israel's Holocaust memorial)."


"There is no cheaper way to burnish phony human-rights credentials than to come out resolutely against Nazism. Oh, the courage. Anti-Nazism was a specialty of Soviet propaganda for 50 years. All while the Soviet regime was running a gulag empire and doing its best to eradicate what little Jewish life Hitler had left behind in Eastern Europe."




* Third item:


Moshe Ronen, President of the Canadian Jewish Congress let go of one of his diatribes in the National Post, 2/18/2000. I am culling the most salient quotes:


"Can anyone really doubt Haider has crossed the line?"


"Austrian political leader Joerg Haider has been on a mystery mission to Canada. What he has been doing here is a matter of much speculation."


"(T)he new situation in Austria is unique and warrants our greatest concern."


"Once again," (here Moshe is quoting Henri Hajdenberg, president of the European Jewish Congress) "Austria is covered with shame."


"A)n unwritten and sacred rule in post-Second World War Europe in politics has been violated: Far-right-wing xenophobic parties must not be granted the status of being recognized as mainstream parties by including them in governing coalitions. The legitimation of such parties can have profound consequences throughout Europe."


"The words of Viktor Klima, the outgoing Austrian chancellor, in his speech at the recent Stockholm conference on the Holocaust, take on an even more pressing imperative: The Holocaust is not only the worst crime of the 20th century, it is one of the most monstrous crimes in the whole history of mankind. ***Anyone who does not say this clearly and unambiguously is unsuitable to be entrusted with any responsible public position, either national or international."*** (Emphasis added)


So there you have it. Bow down to the lie, scrape and lick the boots of the Holocaust Lobby - or else you're in the dog house, unsuited for public office! The gall of these people seems to be bottomless!






Thought for the Day:


"As a former Trappist Monk, I never had to prostrate before the Eucharist as much as this German President had to bow down before the Holocaust God!!!"


(A ZGram reader, commenting on the shameful surrender of Johannes Rau, President of Germany, currently under investigation for corruption. who ceremoniously put ashes on his head in the Knesset, apologizing abjectly - in German, no less! - for the mythical "Six Million.")


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