Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


February 1, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Last August, my cup floweth over - and I treated myself to blowing my stack. After a very long day at my computer struggling with burning eyes while sifting through hundreds and hundreds of letters from readers, I opened one that rather snidely berated me for having made some spelling errors.


The charge had merits - because my spelling is not what it should be and could be, had I more time and stronger eyes, but the tone of that letter did not. It was uncalled for. It was rude. This person, who had been on my list for close to three years and had never done anything constructive, to my knowledge, took me and my endless, mind-numbing and sometimes physically dangerous work for granted. I simply despised the arrogant way he dared to talk to me. But there's a silver lining to every cloud, and his letter solidified in my soul a resolve that I would rather have far fewer comrades - but more respect and appreciation for what I was trying to do.


And, thus, a Zundelsite tradition was born. Two days a year are set aside that shall be known as the "Sock-It-To -'Em-Days." The dates are August 1 and February 1.


Last August 1, I asked my ZGram readers to find themselves a sock that had lost its partner in the washing cycle, find a nail, hang it up at a convenient spot, and start collecting quarters, dimes and nickels to support the Zundelsite so I could hire help and would not feel so overwhelmed. Twice a year, I announced, I would ask my readers to empty that sock.


Today is Sock-It-To-'Em-Day # 2 - - and I'm asking.


Last August, about half of my readers understood I meant it and sent me a donation. The other half did not - and Ingrid grit her teeth and removed them the list. Thus, with the click of a mouse, I cut my readership in half. This caused quite a commotion and some unhappiness.


Some of my readers suggested that my doing this was careless and not quite "patriotic." I received quite a few complaints, the most frequent being that it did not cost me any more in either time or effort to send my ZGram to (. . . let's pick a number for the sake of argument. . .) ten thousand rather than five thousand readers. The argument was that I was cutting off my nose to spite my face.


It isn't quite like that. Five thousand quality people who understand the nature of our struggle are healthier for the struggle than ten thousand people who hide behind a screen name, sometimes praise and sometimes criticize but never act to change things for the better. It takes time and effort to keep such a list.


The positive results of my move were immediate. Less clutter in my mail. Less time updating the list in case of change of address. A stronger feeling of togetherness, comradeship, sense of direction and purpose - and, I believe, ***more love for the cause because of earnest sacrifice.***


And sacrifice it is for many people who financially support my work. I understand that and fully appreciate it. Often, these good and dedicated people, many of them elderly and a surprising number former Allied soldiers who are now having second thoughts about having been suckered into a horrid fratricidal war against their fellow Aryans, support many patriot causes, and the additional financial burden matters to them. Still others have large families and only part time work. I heard many stories of genuine hardship, and every dollar counts - and these folks who simply couldn't afford an extra donation, were immediate reinstated. But there were many others who could help - and did not.


I don't want to be cruel, and I don't want to be unreasonable. Therefore, let me explain my guidelines, which are as follows:


Above all else: Please realize that I don't keep your real names and addresses with your screen names. There are technical, clerical as well as confidentiality reasons for that. I only have an e-mail list for those who receive my ZGrams. Therefore, you ***MUST*** tell me by return e-mail if one or more of the following applies to you so I can keep you on my list. Otherwise, unless I hear from you, chances are you won't receive my ZGrams after February 14 any more:


_____You are a ***regular*** supporter of my work and receive my monthly print letter, "Lebensraum!".


_____You have made a donation ***last August*** that you consider sufficient to cover a year


_____You have sent in a donation ***recently***


_____You have ***joined*** the ZGram list only a few weeks ago and would like to have a grace period


_____You are one of my ***cyber comrades*** who are helping me with research, consultation, pro bono legal advice, typing, product donation etc.


_____You are a member of the ***"symbio"*** list


_____You simply cannot make a donation at this time because of ***special circumstances***


_____You live in a ***foreign country*** with weak currencies where American dollars are prohibitively expensive


_____You have a ***publication exchange*** arrangement with me


_____Other (please tell me what I left out...)


All others, please empty your Zundelsite socks!


The criteria above are not hard and fast rules. They are only general guidelines. I am asking you to do what you can to help share the load and shoulder at least a small part of the financial burden I incur - because our struggle is serious and very time-consuming. I work full time at this information outreach mission, and I don't have a regular income. Because I am a professional cyber warrior with much experience with media, I know how to cultivate leads, and the Zundelsite is making inroads and having an impact - worldwide. Believe me my ZGrams are having an impact where impact is needed. You have no idea how much!


Those of us who put our heads on the block need you. We need not only your verbal support and passive appreciation - we need your financial help. Those in the patriotic movement have just lost one very fine professional writer, the former Associated Press reporter, Michael Hoffman, who had to cut back drastically on Internet work because he did not receive sufficient financial report. That was a loss to all of us - and I don't want that to happen to me.


There is no set fee for receiving my ZGrams - I ask that you do what you can, or if you can't, you simply tell me the reasons. And I will gladly make an exception - for believe me, I know what it means to live on the edge.


If I don't hear from you and do not recognize your screen name among the thousands that are on my list, chances are you won't receive my ZGrams after February 14. However, you can still read them on the Zundelsite where I am posting them as time permits - but often a week or two late. By myself, I can only do so much - but with your help, I can do ever so much more. I can hire the skilled help to double and quadruple our outreach and effectiveness. Help me do more by giving me the means, the tools - along with your love, trust and vote of confidence.


My mailing address is:


Ingrid Rimland, Ed.D.

6965 El Camino Real, # 105-588

La Costa, CA 92009-4195



A special message to my regular and dedicated supporters who receive both my ZGrams and my Lebensraum letter: Thank you so very much! And let me pledge to you I will not disappoint you.


Last Blast: Those of us who choose not to be worms under the feet of the Global Plantation maestros will have to get our act together. We have the truth; we have the will; and we shall prevail. Our enemies may build themselves a throne of bayonets - but can they sit on it?






Thought for the Day:


"The humblest citizens of all the land, when clad in armour of Righteous Cause, is stronger than all the hosts of Error."


(William Jennings Bryan)

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