Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


October 14, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Just two small but important items today:


First item:


The Leuchter documentary is scheduled to start playing in the United States on December 29. Watch for it!!!


Second item:


Remember this fellow, Wilkomirski ? He fantasized that as a toddler he was victimized in a concentration camp and wrote a sob story called "Fragments" about it. The book was published to high acclaim and all kinds of prizes and awards when somehow the story trickled out that all of it was invented. The eager author even "witnessed" his father, a "Latvian Jew", being beaten to death. He "found" these childhood memories in therapy.


Here is the latest, dated today:


FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) - After vigorously defending a disputed memoir of a young boy's survival in a concentration camp, the German publisher Suhrkamp Verlag has announced it was withdrawing the hardcover version from bookstores. Suhrkamp pulled the book after a historian's report raised concern that author Binjamin Wilkomirski had fabricated his book ``Fragments,'' spokeswoman Heide Grasnick-Mersmann said today at the Frankfurt Book Fair. (...)


"Grasnick-Mersmann described the controversy surrounding the book as a media-driven campaign against a "deeply unhappy man."


"He is not a cheat and a liar,'' she said. "His memory and dreams tell him something other than what documents say. That is for him a difficult thing."


The decision to remove the hardcover but not the paperback books is described as "largely symbolic."


Another Holocaust liar exposed!




Thought for the Day:


"Free the Germans from German-bashing!"


(Letter from the Zundelsite)


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