Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


September 26, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


If Adolf Hitler could speak to us from wherever his spirit now dwells, he would say with a twinkle in his eyes:


"Imagine, Citizen, the irony! Will I influence the next American presidential election? You bet - I already am. The media are abuzz with headlines about Pat Buchanan's honest assessment of America's unnecessary meddling in what was then a limited war in the 1940s - and its catastrophic comet's tail this decision entailed for America and the entire world. Thus a new generation of Americans is going to come face to face with the folly of their fathers and grandfathers. And high time, too. Maybe this generations of Americans will be less easily conned than the wartime generation. Maybe the new vitality of discourse brought about by the Internet will make a difference - for news now travels far and wide into millions of homes at the click of a mouse, and the power and influence of traditional media whores are broken."


And the Zundelsite says to the Holocaust Lobby:


"May you live in interesting times. Buchanan is not saying anything that thoughtful, unblinkered historians and political thinkers have not known, written and talked about for almost 60 years. Buchanan is merely the first American political leader with a respectable and large-sized constituency and a high enough profile in public who cannot be ignored or easily silenced by hysterical shrieks of "Nazi!" and "Racist!" - as has happened to other politicians like David Duke, for instance."


Pat Buchanan has become a publicly declared Revisionist of World War II. He joins the ranks of many outstanding American thinkers like Harry Elmer Barnes, Dr. David Hoggan, Professor Revilo Oliver, Dr. Arthur Butz, Mark Weber of the Institute for Historical Review and others, all of whom have commented on the debacle and disaster the Second World War was and has increasingly become for America - a disaster to our core values, traditions and our true national interests, which clearly diverge from those of the dominant Zeitgeist promoted by the all-pervasive Jewish Lobby.


May the Zundelsite point out as well that now Revisionism has become a life force - and Hitler and his ideas are far from irrelevant, even as we enter the New Millennium.


Hitler's policies, his war aims, his ideology - everything is going to be debated from now till the coming election in full public view - provided that Buchanan will run for the Number One spot in the world. And this is only the beginning. There will be others, now that the dam has been broken, following in the footsteps of Buchanan - mark my word! Most goys have had it with the constant pandering to Israel and the special pleading by the Shrill Minority, for truth will out - and out in the open it is!


The worst nightmare for the Holocaust Promoters is now coming true! Their carefully constructed edifice of lies and distortions is crumbling before their very eyes!


The article below is only one of many my readers have shipped me in the last few days. It was written by Ben MacIntire and is posted at <>


As I always do with long articles of this sort I want my readers to study, I am interspersing it with brief comments.





The right-wing presidential candidate Pat Buchanan has ignited a historical firestorm with a new book claiming that Britain saved Stalinism and may have expanded the Jewish Holocaust by going to war with Hitler in 1939.




Please understand: This is not an off-hand remark. Buchanan had lots of time to reflect on whether to include these paragraphs in his book - or to more prudently refrain from using them. A book is not a speech - or a press conference where there has to be instant reply. Books reflect more. They are statements of principle, known to be around for decades, even centuries. Buchanan knew what the consequences would be. He is throwing down the gauntlet to the enemies of America.




Mr. Buchanan is expected to quit the Republican Party to seek the presidential nomination of the Reform Party, and his bizarre interpretation of modern history has prompted outrage among historians, Jews and his political rivals.


In "A Republic, Not an Empire", published to coincide with his presidential campaign, the veteran television commentator claims that Britain and France were wrong to go to war with Hitler after the invasion of Poland. He also asserts that Hitler posed no threat to the US after his initial victories, that America had no stake in the war even after the Nazi occupation of France.




Buchanan knows the ropes. He knows who controls what in America. The publication of this title is a calculated risk.




Mr. Buchanan's questionable thesis, which blames most 20th century evils on the defeat of Germany in the First World War and the decision to oppose Hitler in the Second, has offered a tempting target in the contest for the lucrative Reform Party nomination. (...)




It's not a "questionable thesis." It is logical reasoning by a mind that has finally freed itself from the fear of the destructive Lobby and is now unblinkered by the lies of that Lobby.




Donald Trump, the New York property developer who is being urged to run on the Reform ticket by Jesse Ventura, the Governor of Minnesota and the party's rising star, condemned Mr. Buchanan for insulting the memory of Americans who died fighting Hitler. Mr. Trump's critique, distributed by fax, was only slightly undermined by the misspelling of "Adolf".




Sounds like The Donald has had lunch with the spin doctors of the Anti-Defamation League and Simon Wiesenthal Center to learn the proper phrases. What will he do next to ingratiate himself with his New York cronies?




"Pat says Hitler had no malicious intent towards the United States. Hitler killed six million Jews and millions of others. Don't you think it was only a question of time before he got to us?" Mr Trump told The New York Times, revealing a hitherto unknown interest in history.




Trump's sophomoric comments prove he has no understanding whatsoever of history and merely regurgitates what he thinks will enhance his chances - and open the wallets of gullible Jewish donors to his potential political campaign. These Jewish donors have been manipulated for years by outfits like Klan Watch, the Southern Poverty Law Center etc. They respond to trigger words like "Nazi" like Pavlov's dogs to a bell. Not for nothing did The Donald live in the Big Apple for so long.




Mr Buchanan responded with typical ferocity: "Mr Trump's views reflect an almost paralysing ignorance of the history of the Second World War," he said.


But historians say that Mr Buchanan's take on modern history is also as dubious as it is intemperate.




What historians? Not one is named - for obvious reasons. Any decent and honest historian worth his degree would have long ago come to the very same conclusions - unless he viewed history only from a Jewish perspective and wanted Jewish interests served above the American national interests.




In his book he argues that if Hitler had been allowed to swallow Poland and go on to attack the Soviet Union, then Stalinism and countless Jewish deaths at the hands of the Nazis could have been stopped.




Did Pat Buchanan think that cloaking himself with "Jewish losses" in this form would protect him from the frenzied reaction by the Tribe? If he did, by now he knows better. "Never forget - never forgive!" There are now many in America who will perceive this concession to the Lobby as weakness and discord. But never mind small blemishes!




"By redirecting Hitler's first blow upon themselves, Britain and France bought Stalin two extra years to prepare for Hitler's attack - and thus saved the Soviet Union for Communism," Mr Buchanan writes. "Had Britain and France not given the guarantee to Poland, Hitler would almost surely have delivered his first great blow to Russia . . . had Hitler conquered the USSR at enormous cost, would he then have launched a new war against Western Europe, where his ambitions never lay?"


He concludes that, by going to war over Poland, Britain and France made a fatal error, without which "there might have been no Dunkirk, no blitz, no Vichy, no destruction of the Jewish populations of Norway, Denmark, Holland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and even Italy."



Buchanan is wrong here. The Jewish populations of these countries were not "destroyed." They suffered dislocation, internment, persecution associated with minorities who are considered security risks in wartime as aliens or allies of the enemy. They did not suffer destruction. "Destruction" connotes genocide! Germany had no policy of genocide against the Jews.




Mr Buchanan also takes a starkly isolationist approach to the First World War, claiming that Britain and her supporters pulled America into a conflict in which "no vital US interest was at risk".


If America had held back from the conflict, "the Allies would probably have been forced to negotiate an armistice or sue for peace," Mr Buchanan writes, before indulging in some full-blown hypothesising.




That have been David Irving's findings for 20 years, after he has studied in the archives of Moscow, Washington, London and Germany! That's why Rudolf Hess was sent on his mission to England - known to be a peace mission so that Hitler could obtain a free hand against the Evil Empire in the East.




"Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin and the whole grisly gang might have been hung from the lampposts of Petrograd. A strong, united and prosperous Germany

would not have spawned a Hitler. There might have been no Holocaust, no quarter-century reign of Stalin, no Cold War. There would have been no Versailles, no occupation and dismemberment of the German nation, no American war dead, no debt, no era of disillusionment."




Irving writes half of the British Cabinet of 1939-1940 wanted to come to a non-interference agreement with Germany - except for war monger Churchill. Churchill was owned by such financiers as the Czech-Jewish banker Strakosch. He was in the pockets of Jewish financiers like the American banker Bernard Baruch.




Deborah Lipstadt, a historian, described the Buchanan argument as a "serious distortion of history because it shifts blame for the Holocaust to the Allies". Michael Kelly, a Washington Post, columnist went further. "This is all a fantastic, hideous lie," he wrote.


Arguing that the US should avoid "unsustainable" foreign commitments, Mr Buchanan also emphasises the influence of ethnic groups over US policy abroad. "After the Second World War, Jewish influence over foreign policy became almost an obsession with America leaders," he writes.




Jewish leaders and Israeli writers have bragged about that fact for decades that they own Congress - and with Clinton the White House as well!




Mr Buchanan has often been accused of anti-Semitism. He recently suggested that three quarters of all places at Ivy league universities should be reserved for "non-Jewish whites" and once described the memories of Holocaust victims as "group fantasies of martyrdom".




Buchanan is not alone in this assessment of Holocaust survivors engaging in "group fantasies" etc.. Samuel Grigauz, a Jewish editor, stated that already in the Jewish Social Studies Magazine in 1950 when he wrote: "This is the reason why most of the memoirs and reports are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks and apologies."




Supporters of Mr Buchanan said that the row would not derail his prospects of winning the Reform Party nomination, and the $13 million (£8 million) in federal campaign funding that goes with it.




And thus the battle lines are drawn!


Is it unreasonable to speculate - and is it not the height of irony - that Adolf Hitler will be the deciding factor in who will become the President of the United States in the Year of Our Lord 2000?





Thought for the Day:


"Is anybody worrying that Marxist websites on the Internet will be the vehicle for spreading Communism?"


(Overheard - but credited to Jared Taylor of "American Renaissance")

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