Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


August 25, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


People are learning from the Jewish reparations racket, and many who have lost their treasures, land and loved ones to Communism, a murderous doctrine financed largely from the canyons of New York, will soon be on their toes.


According to a BBC release, dated August 20, 1999, "Trillions (are) demanded in slavery reparations."


I quote from this release:


"The West is being asked to pay Africa $777 thousand billion within five years in reparation for enslaving Africans while colonising the continent."



The African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission, meeting in Accra for its first international conference, also called for all international debt owed by Africa to be "unconditionally cancelled''.



The Accra Declaration issued at the conference says that money will be demanded from ''all those nations of Western Europe and the Americas and institutions, who participated and benefited from the slave trade and colonialism''.


This group demanding reparations and, oddly enough, "repatriation", is co-chaired by two persons named as Dr Hamet Maulana and Mrs Debra who


". . . announced plans to set up an international team of lawyers from Africa and the Diaspora to pursue all legal means to collect the money."


They have announced plans to involve the International Court of Justice as well as two other organizations, the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity. Furthermore, the BBC release goes on to say:


"Mrs Kofie told the BBC the reparation figure was based on the number of human lives lost to Africa during the slave-trade, as well as an assessment of the worth of the gold, diamonds and other minerals taken from the continent during colonial rule.


"She says Africa's turn has come. 'We are the only group that have not received reparations. The Jewish people have received reparations. The native Americans have received reparations. The Korean comfort women and so-on and so forth,' she said."


This declaration sounds a bit politically incorrect, for it adds that


". . . all those in the Diaspora, who want to return and settle in Africa, should be allowed to do so and that those who enslaved and colonised Africa should provide seaworthy vessels and aircraft for such repatriation."


What numbers are we talking about? It is estimated that during four centuries, between 1450 and 1850, an estimated 12 million Africans, perhaps more, were shipped from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean, and absorbed in settlements in North America, South America, and the West Indies. Additionally, some 20 million slaves are estimated to have been exported to other parts of the world such as the Middle East and North Africa.


The BBC release adds a suspiciously talmudic indirect demand that "The United States has never formally apologised for its participation in the slave trade."


Below, one of our cyber Revisionists has figured out an approximation of what such staggering reparations numbers might mean. I am no mathematician and submit the following for your verification - and extrapolation.


Here is what he came up with, and I quote:


The request here is for 777 trillion dollars, unless I missed something. I can't conceive of what else "777 thousand billion" could be.


* To put this in perspective, the annual GDP of the United States is

8.083 trillion.


* Our national debt is 5.641 trillion.


You may ask -- how does this compare to other reparation agreements?


* Current US and German bankrolling of Israel probably comes to about 5

billion a year. (Give or take)


* The above request represents one third of one tenth of one percent of

the money we have given to Israel (liberally stated) throughout its entire existence.


* To put it another way, if we bankrolled Africa the way we bankroll

Israel, it would take over 3,000 years to pay off this "debt".


* By the way, the above disbursement would be equivalent to making

every single African a millionaire.


You ain't seen nothing until you seen someone lose a million dollars at three card monte. <end>


Folklore talks about a silver lining on every black cloud. Behold that silver lining:


Initiatives like these are useful because they show the parasitic nature of these operations - and where it will lead if no stop is put to it. Furthermore, this interesting reparations template can easily be modified and copied. Now that the Jewish organizations are in a feeding frenzy, smart people know it is only a matter of time until others catch on to the scent.


Soon Germans and Eastern Europeans will demand reparations and compensations for our cities, our stolen patents, our lost real estate, for the years of slave labour of our men and women in Allied captivity, for the confiscated factories, the raw materials and agricultural products taken for decades from lands like East and West Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania, Sudetenland, Voivodina etc.. Not only Greater Reich Germans, also Rumanian Germans, Volga Germans, Mennonites etc. will all stand in line.


And, of course, we will want a good chunk of those reparations and compensation, plus interest, from Israel and those Jewish individuals and groups who had a hand in military, economic and political blackmail that caused such horrid suffering in two world wars and all the havoc in-between and after.


Furthermore, is only fair to insist that the same formula and the same criteria - the same liberal interpretation and documentation of and for claims - be used that we were forced to accept.


Yes, some of us are dreaming.






Thought for the Day:


". . . The Bolshevists and their emissaries abroad have redoubled their efforts to represent their creed as a harmless development of 'advanced' Liberalism."


The Times (London), December 9, 1919, p. 15.

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