Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


May 21, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


In the Jewish Press, March 12, 1999, we learn what the "threat of anti-Semitic harassment" in Canada looks like. Below are some of the statistics that form the basis for the Jewish call for brutal censorship.


I quote selectively from "Special Report: Anti-Semitic Incidents rise 14% in Canada in 1998":


Jewish Press:


"There were 240 reported incidents of anti-Semitic harassment and vandalism in Canada last year, according to the 1998 Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents, a 62 page report, released by the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada. This represents a 14% increase from the 212 incidents reported across the country in 1997.




In a country of almost 30 million people and in a year that has 365 days, what are the chances of the Average Joe committing an offense against a privileged group - keeping in mind at all times what Laird Wilcox, the American political writer, found in his research and published in "The Hoaxer Report": that many a "hate crime" was, in fact, staged by the "victim"?


Jewish Press:


"After two consecutive years of declining incidents, anti-Semitism and hate appear to be on the rise again," said Dr. Lawrence Hart, National President of B'nai Brith Canada. "The League has been compiling statistics across the country for 17 years, but since the peak years in the mid-1990s, when organized hate groups and their leaders were the prime perpetrators, the incidents of anti-Semitism in Canada have become more diffuse in nature, and the faces of hate are becoming harder to identify," said Hart.




So the "faces of hate" are becoming "harder to identify"? Could that be because the public has found out that many of the "hate activities" were committed by paid government agent provocateurs like Grant Bristow in Canada or people with an alcoholic or mental problem?


Jewish Press:


Harassment, including the distribution of hate propaganda, threats, and slurs, comprised the largest proportion of anti-Semitic incidents in 1998 with a total of 198 reported cases. This is an increase of 29% from the 154 cases cited in 1997.




I bet I can come up with 198 cases of slurs against the Zundelsite in only a couple of weeks! One also wonders if there is a direct relationship between increased provocation to slurs and increased slur activity - the ". . . you call me a Nazi - I call you Kike" variety. Who counts the slurs against the Germans? Anyone? Nazis as rats! Their faces smashed in! How about the "Die Nazi die!" or "Your days are numbered!" graffiti all over Toronto by the B'nai Brith supported ARA?


One needs only to peruse B'nai Brith's various reports, or the Simon Wiesenthal Center's, or the Canadian Jewish Congress's, their statements to the press, or what they say inside the Human Rights Tribunal hearings - to come up with a sad public record of expressions of hate!


Jewish Press:


The spread of virulent anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial via websites on the Internet, while monitored and of great concern, is not documented for statistical purposes. Only specifically targeted e-mail or named threats were included in the harassment category, and such incidents are clearly on the rise and are clearly becoming more vicious.




Not documented for statistical purposes? Could that be because it is impossible to show a direct cause-effect relationship of websites and harmful behavior?


Jewish Press:


Toronto - There were 123 reported incidents of anti-Semitism in Toronto, an increase of 26% over the 98 incidents reported in 1997. Toronto, the largest city in Canada with the largest Jewish population, accounted for 51.3% of the Canadian total for the year.




Could it be that there is a direct correlation between numbers of Jews and numbers of "incidents of anti-Semitism"? The chicken-or-the-egg variety? Toronto is the city where the most vocal of Jewish Lobby groups ply their nefarious trade and stage their press conferences and noisy demonstrations. Jewish leaders and their fellow travelers never seem to ask themselves if their own ethnocentric behavior and shrill accusations against every critic being automatically and immediately labeled an "anti-Semite" might cause people to react negatively.


Jewish Press:


Montreal: With 20 reported incidents (one down from last year) Montreal stayed relatively close to its 1997 total, although specific anti-Semitic incidents were not available from the police this year the way they were in the past, suggesting a likely increase, especially since the hate crimes unit reported an overall increase in hate and bias crimes without breaking down the victim groups.




If statistics are not available, why speculate on a "likely increase"? This clearly shows the mindset of the authors of this report. That's why people should be wary of many of these self-serving claims by B'nai Brith.


Jewish Press:


Winnipeg: There were five reported anti-Semitic incidents as compared with 18 the previous year, representing a 72% decrease. Aboriginal people are more frequently the targets of racism and hate in this area.




Could it be that Winnipegers, being the city with the largest number of Mennonites, are reading Lebensraum! on the sly and benefiting from increased understanding of inter-ethnic conflict - so deftly, intricately and artistically sketched by the author? :)



Jewish Press:


Saskatchewan and Alberta - The prairie provinces reported five incidents, a slight decline from the 7 in 1997.




So there seems to be a direct correlation between an absence of Jews and an absence of reaction against Jews? Maybe the Jewish leadership should examine its behavior and conscience?


Jewish Press:


British Columbia - There were 17 reported incidents in 1998, a decrease of 10.5% from the 19 in 1997.




Undoubtedly the B'nai Brith spin doctors will claim that the drop in "hate" (N = 2!) must have been the consequence of hauling Doug Collins before the Human Rights Inquisitors. That ought to be a slant they could parlay into a few more shekels from donors or a few more grants from government agencies!


Jewish Press:


The Maritimes - This region had one reported incident in 1998, down from two in 1997.


Zundelsite: Same rule applies here as to the prairies - no Jewish grandstanding = no reaction against Jews. Interesting, too: What do these statistics say about the impact of so-called Internet "hate sites" on impressionable minds, like students in the prairies or in Quebec and the Maritimes? The school kids and citizens there have Internet access! Here's one more proof that more balanced information on history, world affairs and Jewish issues like their wild and exaggerated Holocaust claims in effect lead to less, not more, anti-Semitism!


Crudely put in summary: These statistics simply indicate "More concentration of Jews = more anti-Semitism." Assuming that these meager statistics are valid statistics (by no means verified!) they either they cause it by their behavior, or they cause the incidents by staging some of them, as Wilcox found.


By the way: How much money did it cost to tabulate this one "reported incident" in the Maritimes? Inquiring minds want to know.





Thought for the Day - worth repeating:


"Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is interesting, but what they conceal is vital."


(Aaron Levenstein)

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