Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


April 22, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Now that Ernst Zundel is no longer tied up with the atrocious Human Rights Tribunal hearings, at least for the time being, he can devote a little more reflections to the kind of editorializing I have been begging him to do - to make use of his huge pool of political knowledge and insights. For the rest of this week, I will ship you a three-part essay of Zundel's thoughts on the Kosovo War.


Here is Part I:


Like many people the world over, I have been wondering: What could possibly have possessed the leaders of the "Western World" to go after Milosevic - and why did they decide on their ill-advised Balkan adventure?


I made myself some notes from a NATO briefing, April 2, 1999, 8:15 am. where Jamie Shea, NATO spokesman, said something to the effect that the policies and tactics adopted by the Serbs versus the Kosovars are nothing but an "extortion racket" and :institutionalized gangsterism" - because the refugees were driven out so quickly, often without shoes, in slippers, after they had their life's savings confiscated, their jewelry taken etc.


Shea made it sound as if this were a "first"!


I shudder every time I see Jamie Shea, with his arrogant, asinine smirk on his face, step up to the microphone in Brussels to put yet one more time a good moral spin to a murderous campaign of aerial terror bombing. My heart goes out to all those at the receiving end of this campaign of selective destruction, whether they be Serbs or Kosovars - for before this war is over, neither Serbs nor Kosovars will be able to call themselves victors in this mess. They are already both victims.


I have my own perspective of what is going on in that war, as do many of my war-time generation. I was a child in World War II, and I will never forget the terror, fear and the bone-chilling cold I felt when my mother shook us five children awake, night after night, as the air raid sirens wailed their death dirge in the distant villages and towns of Germany. I remember the bombing of our town when some Allied airman missed the target of some bridge and instead destroyed some civilian homes. I also remember the tales of naked terror my mother told me - of being strafed while loading hay on a cart outside our farmhouse by machine-gun firing Allied "Jabos', fighter bombers, who bombed and machine-gunned anything from school children to women pushing baby carriages to lone bicyclists riding on a country road to a farmer plowing his acre, having to watch his slow-moving oxen machine-gunned to death in an open field! Those are not pleasant childhood memories!


Thus, I bring to this war in the Balkans a different interpretation than the "baby boomers" Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, or Gerhard Schroeder and Joschka Fischer, the Western world's leftist leaders, all of whom have an appointment with destiny with this war - for this Balkan adventure of theirs is not some Hollywood Rambo film or exciting video game. This is real life, involving real people and the vital interests of important nations in a region which is peopled by unpredictable and volatile ethnic, religious and cultural groups. Only fools would rush in where angels fear to tread.


Right from the outset, let's get some basic facts straight. What we are seeing in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe is NATURE asserting itself! It's nature's truth against the lies and schemes of men - in this case, evil men!


"Yugoslavia", that multi-ethnic hybrid and totally artificial entity created by out-of-touch, effete snobs, the spoiled aristocratic offspring of a bygone imperialist era between the two world wars, was doomed from the beginning. I might add here: Just like two other artificial creations were doomed, Czechoslovakia and Poland, a collection of states that had the same sinister midwives and suffered the same totally deserved demise as Yugoslavia did since - and even up to a point, the Communist behemoth to the East.


What the baby boomers and their secret society handlers are conveniently trying to sweep under the rug - for it is devastating to their cause of Babylonian multi-ethnic cosmopolitan constructs - is simply this: Europe has been trying to shake off these arbitrarily drawn, artificial political borders for the whole of this century!


And now - guess what? The world is watching it on television screens and on the Internet! Unlike old conflicts of the past, this is a different ball game!


Ultimately, if one digs deep enough, WWI and WWII, and even the period since and increasingly again now, have always had ethnic (some call it racial) components. Those who concocted the abomination called Yugoslavia after the collapse of the Turkish occupation of the Balkans, and after World War I, created these in-the-long-run non-viable multi-ethnic states in the Balkans as well as Czechoslovakia and Poland. They, and they alone, are really to blame for this mess and all this predictable ethnic strife, bloodshed and suffering. Their snobbish refusal to accept the reality of ethnic pride, history, culture, and the power of religion got the world into this mess! Not just Milosevic!


The victorious Allies knew this and conspired together in Yalta, but especially in Potsdam, on the most brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known in recorded history, in order to cover their crimes, their guilt and their tracks, caused by the expulsion of approximately 17 million Germans from their ancestral homelands in Central and Eastern Europe - from the Baltic to the Balkans, from Russia to the Sudetenland - where these proud, diligent, self-disciplined ethnic people had lived, toiled and created stable, productive regions for centuries, in some areas almost a thousand years!


America, England, France and Soviet Russia all conspired to do this evil deed, and all were active planners and executors of this most brutal crime in human history. Those of us, especially the wartime European generation, who did not get spoon-fed on the intellectual pablum of Hollywood or CNN sound bytes - we recall this crime vividly! There is hardly one among us whose family was not touched, in one way or another, by this greatest ethnic cleansing crime in history!


I note with quiet rage the oily hypocrisy of the talking heads on the TV screens in their too-tightly-fitting uniforms or their carefully groomed hairdos, their effeminate gestures with their polished fingernails, their Pierre Cardin suits, Gucci ties and loafers, as they talk detachedly about their "air campaign" - pretty word! - which destroys from 15,000 feet height the cultural treasures, buildings, bridges and infrastructure of a whole region of Europe, slowly and painstakingly built by countless people for many generations, brick upon brick, over a thousand years! Anger and impotent fury are the only feelings I can muster when I hear the soulless babble of countless politicians, active or retired military officers and media pundits offering their facile, flawed analyses from five thousand miles away in their air conditioned offices of television studios in New York, Atlanta and Los Angeles.

They have one thing in common - every single one of them! They mouth off about "ethnic cleansing."


Yet they studiously ignore and deliberately sweep under the rug the greatest and most vicious and, unfortunately so far, also the most successful campaign of ethnic cleansing of all times - namely the one of the Germans in all parts of Eastern Europe, when the fortunes of war turned against Germany.


Make no mistake: This was a policy promulgated by all those who scream the loudest now - and carry on about the crime of "ethnic cleansing" today!


Up-front, the perpetrators were the Bolshevik Soviets who had lots of experience in genocidal campaigns against classes and ethnic groups in their slave empire, created and erected at bayonet- and gun-point, with the massive help of New York and other Western bankers and governments. Churchill and Roosevelt knew about Stalin's criminal, genocidal ethnic and cultural/ religious extermination campaigns. Churchill even wrote about the evils of Bolshevism in one of the largest British newspapers, the Illustrated Sunday Herald, as early as 1920. Yet he willingly allied himself with this evil power, and even helped promulgate these criminal "ethnic cleansing" policies, advocated as far back as the Teheran, Casablanca, Yalta and Potsdam conferences, which led to the deaths of three million German people at least - and this after the shooting had stopped!


These days, it is fashionable for the Western/NATO Allies to have their history conveniently start in 1948, after their murderous blueprint of raping, robbing, expelling and killing millions of Germans had been successfully completed. It might be a fashionable and expedient tactic, but this crime, that "ethnically cleansed" 17 million people, is now coming back to haunt them.


And what makes the Allies' guilt and responsibility so much greater is the fact that while they actively planned and executed this Holocaust against 17 million Germans, they were drawing up plans in rigged Nuremberg War Crimes Trials to finish off Germany's leaders for allegedly engaging in exactly these policies. Talk about hypocrisy!


In the end, the Allies judicially murdered the German military and civilian elite in one-sided kangaroo court proceedings, against which there was no appeal - where the Allies supplied the accusations, where the brutal interrogators framed the charges, supplied the prosecutors and the judges and, in the end, the hangman to boot!


And then they controlled the media by military censors for years to come in Germany and Europe! They callously condemned men who, had they lived, could have borne witness to a different truth in fair proceedings!


There is ample pictorial and written, even filmed documentation about British involvement in the training and equipping of Tito's murderous gangs of cutthroat Communist Partisans. Hundreds of thousands of ethnic German civilians paid with their lives in the Balkans, and more millions elsewhere in Europe, because of this policy of deliberate ethnic murder, advocated and sanctioned by London, Washington and Moscow. Today, these Yugoslavs take their cues from the most competent, bestial and cold-hearted murderers in World War II, the Bolshevik Soviets.


Yesterday's bosom buddies and allies, comrades in arms, have now become NATO's enemies! If that isn't ironic, what is?


Tomorrow: Part II


Thought for the Day:


"No call alligator loudmouth till you pass him."


(Jamaican proverb)

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