Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


April 20, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Today, of course, is Adolf Hitler's birthday. This singularly powerful, almost mystical and now mythical man was born 110 years ago and has been dead for more than half a century. You wouldn't know it, listening to the world's hysterical media whores.


As practically every kindergartner knows, Hitler was both loved and feared - loved for his extraordinary vision, and feared because that vision almost came to pass.


What was that vision? A racially homogeneous society, freed of the chains of usury.


What would that have meant? Ask that of yourself, by pondering the alternative, as summarized by two of my correspondents:


The first, whom I call "Matthew", wrote two mini-essays expressing his thoughts, one titled "The Forgotten Land", the other "The Unconscious People." The second writer is a young kid from Utrecht University.


Matthew first:


For fifty years, the United States have been propping up unpopular regimes and intervening in foreign quarrels all over the world. The net result has been:


1) the creation of massive anti-Americanism in areas of the earth where previously the name of America was as good as gold -


2) the exascerbation of conflicts which would have resolved themselves much sooner if we had stayed out -


3) the wasting of incredible sums of money to the detriment of our standard of living -


4) the creation of a messianic do-good mentality which has allowed itself to be manipulated by alien interests.


Illustrations of these facts are so numerous that it would be impossible to catalogue all of them.


The Near East offers several choice examples of #1. The never-ending Palestine problem and the toppling of the Shah of Iran suffice to demonstrate the point.


World War I and WW II plus Vietnam prove # 2


As to # 3, the sums spent on "defense" ever since FDR "solved" the Great Depression by lying us into WWII, the dollar totals are so great that the actual amount can no more be calculated than the real amount of all the hidden taxes imposed on the production of goods. What this money could have done to raise the standard of living of the average American, if properly invested, would bring tears to the eyes of every pauper and repossessed home owner.


# 4 is the worst result of all. A people once renowned for their sobriety and honesty are now the moral lepers of the universe. They are hated to the four corners of the earth for seeking to impose their moral authority where it is not wanted. They drop bombs to make foreigners dead and presume to know the rights and wrongs of disputes which do not concern them. They are shocked at "terrorist" acts on their own soil even as they terrorize the earth with the sword of "righteousness." As the most "understanding" people on earth, the cause-and-effect relationship escapes them.


The American people have escaped (the appreciation of the struggle of) Nazism (against) Communism with the conviction that they are the moral voice of the world. They are not. The best example any country can make is to tend to its own successful affairs.


The contribution of that "Forgotten Land" to the reformation of man was far greater than the bombing raids of Albright, Cohen and Berger."


The second of Matthew's contribution is an excerpt from "The Unconscious People":


"Unconscious patients, if they do not wake up, usually die. Unconscious races, if they do not wake up, suffer the same fate. The White Race is utterly unconscious. It is oblivious to its own interests.


The word "racist", which is directed solely at Whites, is intended to make it a crime to stand up for White racial interests. The terms has no other meaning.


The term "racist" is never rationally debated. This is because the whole issue proceeds from an unstated irrational premise - that Whites alone have no right to think in terms of their own racial self-interest.


The unstated assumption behind "racism" is paralleled by a tacit agremeent - never to discuss the agitating group behind the anti-racist agenda.


Whites did not of their own volition close their eyes to their own racial self-interest. They were taught to do so by one particular ethnic minority. Whites are as unconscious of Jewish power as they are of the reality of their own separate identity. Until they become aware of the source of the attack on their identity, they are doomed to perish." <end>


And here is what that means, as summarized by an "unknown student whose tongue was evidently firmly pressed against the cheek."


This youngster studying at Utrecht University, we may safely infer, is one of our own who is beginning to wake up:




White House--President Clinton announced today an all out bombing offensive against England will begin in two weeks, unless a peace accord is ratified by England and its break-away province of Northern Ireland.


"Using the fine logic we crafted in the Kosovo intervention, we have decided to add, incrementally, to the list of peace initiatives around the world," he said in a prepared statement.


A background briefing indicated that on a weekly schedule, the Clinton administration would intervene in the following areas:


Week one -- Bombing of England to free Northern Ireland -


Week two -- Bombing of Ankara, Baghdad and Teheran to free the Kurds -


Week three -- Bombing of several random African countries to stop the Hutus from killing Tutsis -


Week four -- Bombing of both Istanbul and Athens to solve the Cyprus problem -


Week five -- Bombing of Madrid to free the Basque Country -


Week six --Bombing of Ottawa to free the Québécois -


Week seven --Bombing of Jakarta to free the Timor Islands -


Week eight --Bombing of New Delhi to free the Tamil peoples of Sri Lanka -


Week nine -- Bombing of Paris to free Corsica


Week ten --Bombing of Washington, D.C. to free the Confederate of Southern States, held captive for 139 years -


"This schedule will do until we can come up with others," said Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State.


She did not respond when asked when the bombing of Beijing in order to free Tibet would occur."




Thought for the Day, quoted from memory:


"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come."


(Victor Hugo)

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