Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


April 18, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


On the Revisionist firmament, there is one name that shines brightly. That name belongs to Germar Rudolf, a young, gifted scientist, formerly of the prestigious Max Planck Institute, who was hired by Ernst Zundel to be his expert witness at his 1991 Munich trial, after Fred Leuchter and Dr. Robert Faurisson were refused as witnesses by the judge in the case. (As it happens, Rudolf was refused, too . . . So much for German justice!)


Germar was still in his twenties - a young husband and father of two small babies, with a brilliant career ahead of him and not a bone in his body that was political. He simply took on a scientific study to make a little extra money on the side.


What happened next is described on the Zundelsite as part of the document called "Victims of Zion" at


"Germar Rudolf: Accused, tried and convicted in Germany. Career and doctorate dissertation ruined. Driven into exile.


Background and contribution: This brilliant, German-trained chemist re-examined Auschwitz, Birkenau and other installations and buildings, testing rocks, soil and other physical samples for traces of Zyklon B. As a scientist, he found the "gassing" claims to be scientifically untenable and, therefore, absurd.


Following the pioneering work of Fred Leuchter, he put the final nail into the coffin of the Auschwitz story. Even though he did scientific work and was utterly apolitical, Rudolf's home and office were raided, computers seized etc.


He was charged and tried in Germany for not believing in the standard Auschwitz story. A modern day Galileo, Rudolf was found guilty and convicted because he refused to renounce scientific facts and his own scientific tests and findings.


He was facing jail when he went into exile with his young wife and two babies. He now edits and publishes devastating refutations of the Allied Propaganda claims in a German-language journal.


The Holocaust Enforcers are dogging his steps, and he faces endless hassles and trials, should the "German" vassal authorities ever get a hold of him."


(You can find Germar Rudolf's work at one of the finest Revisionist websites in the world and particularly valuable for Germans, since most of the posts are in German!)


I am giving you this background to show how the very persecution and prosecution of formerly indifferent people brings our strongest and most committed allies into our camp!


Here is what a formerly indifferent and utterly apolotical Germar Rudolf wrote recently regarding NATO's Kosovo War:


"Beg your pardon, but this starts being unbearable.


Anybody out there having the slightest idea what was going on in Western Prussia between 1919 and 1939?


In this period of time roughly 1.000.000 (one million) ethnic Germans were "ethnically cleansed" from this former German province, which came under Polish control after WWI, although its population voted to stay with Germany where it was allowed to vote (92,5% in average for Germany).


Since 1919 the ethnic Germans under Polish rule were more and more, and systematically, deprived of all their rights, up to the point of mass-expropriations, which led to the flight of some 1.000.000 Germans to Eastern Prussia, Brandenburg and Hinter-Pommern. Violent attacks against Germans grew in early 1939 and became massive in July/August 1939.


Hitler's attack against Poland was morally more justified than NATO's attack against Serbia now, since Germany was simply trying to protect its people from genocide by the Poles. It was a matter of self-defence.


As soon as the war between Poland and Germany had started, Poles began mass killings against the remaining Germans in Western Prussia and the former, Polish dominated province Posen. Although the Poles had only a few days to commit these crimes, they managed to kill some 10.000 Germans. The biggest atrocitiy (occurred) in the town Bromberg. This event is today known as the "Bromberger Blutsonntag" (Blood Sunday).


If Hitler would have attacked the Poles only with his Luftwaffe in order to get them back to negotiations - which they never would have done since they were supported by both Great Britain and the USA in their politics of genocide!!! - the Poles would have killed all remaining Germans, perhaps another million.


Thus, Hitler's Blitzkrieg saved the lives of a million Germans and even the lives of many Polish and German soldiers, since there is no time for mass killings between soldiers if the war ends already after a few days.


This regional conflict did not necessarily have to end in a world war. But Britain and the USA decided to fight for the rights of the Poles to commit genocide against the Germans.


And eventually, in 1945, they succeeded: Poland, with support by their new allies from the east and with permission of Britain and the USA, cleansed not only Posen and Western Prussia from all Germans, but even Eastern Prussia, Hinter-Pommern, East-Brandenburg, and Silesia, thus killing between 2.000.000 and 3.000.000 Germans and "displacing" another 10 million or so.


So how can the USA or Great Britain claim to have a right to fight against ethnic cleansings, and (have), at the same time, the chuzpah to justify this with the "fact" that they did the same protective politics in WWII?


No, the opposite is true: In WWII they first supported the Polish attempt of genocide, and then they committed it themselves (air raids, camps of automatic arrest and disarmed enemy forces after the war, expulsion of some 10 millions Germans and mass murder against some 2-3 million Germans).


Remember: It was not Germany who declared war on Britain and France, and it was not Germany who started to fight against US-Naval forces in 1940.


It was not Germany who first planned to invade Norway or Greece. Germany just wanted to protect her kin in Poland. The rest was committed by the "Allies".


So please be aware: ethnic cleansing does justify military intervention, if all other solutions fail. But if war is unavoidable, it should be done in a "Blitzkrieg" to avoid civil losses and reduce military losses on both sides to a minimum.


"Blitzkrieg" requires the deployment of massive ground troops right from the start and a massive air support at the front (! And not against civil targets in the "hinterland"!).




1. Hitler's way of waging war is the only one that could be called effective and at the same time "human", if this attribute should be used at all in that context.


2. The German reasons in 1939 to attack Poland were much better ones than those the NATO can claim in the case of Kosovo, since, first of all, today's international law clearly outlaws this action, and secondly the NATO is a third party in this conflict. NATO can neither claim any right of self-defence or self-protection nor that someone asked it to intervene.


3. The way the NATO members justify their deeds - by way of "Auschwitz" - is a deceptive way to cover the truth, which is just the other way around: the Allies fought WWII to commit genocide against Germany, and they did succeed with that.


4. Continuing the propaganda lie of German guilt for WWII and German responsibility for all the damages and losses caused by it, as well as perpetuating the lie about the "biggest crime against humanity" committed by "Hitler's willing executioners" is another way of continuing genocide against the German people in times of peace, because these lies make Germany effectively defenseless against all sorts of accusations, claims, threats etc. and prevent the German people from making politics in their own basic national interest, i.e. preserving its people and nation from vanishing e.g. due to alien cultural domination and demographic shrinking.


Germar Rudolf


Thought for the Day:


The world's foremost problem has been growing for many centuries, and is now reaching paramount proportions. This is apparent in many of the facets of our daily lives now, where just a few years ago the problems seemed so remote, being apparent to only those politically astute individuals who had a keen sense for truth.


"The cancer is now spread to the grass roots level to be felt by common citizens. Maybe that is one of the requirements for an awakening?"


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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