Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


March 31, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Part Five of the "Polish Crosses" controversy shows that Bob Kunst's letter writing campaign was braadening:


March 5, 1999

From: Bob Kunst <> To: All Media



Dear People Who Still Care:


Our next protests will be at the Polish Consulate on 37th and Madison in NYC at 1 P.M. on April 18, and May 16, 1999.


Also got this message from Israel Dear who took photos of the Polish "Nazis" and who saw them come out of the Consulate.


Their signs indicate how the Polish Government has handled this issue and how it wishes to be represented by Poles.


It's so dehumanizing and so revisionist and so disgusting and so "Polish" on how they are interpreting both the Holocaust and Auschwitz.


They had a 10 ft. cross with them and also a handheld cross they stretched out to us.


We wish to add that the Holocaust Museum folks 'negotiating' on Auschwitz, are going along with leaving the 26 ft. cross, against original negotiations the Polish Government reneged on, as well as Poland's own agreement with UNESCO in 1972, for no signage and no commercialism and the Holocaust Museum has sold us out again on this fastfood, banking and postoffice crass commercialism.


The Holocaust Museum apparently is more concerned with getting a part of the $98 millions Poland wants to put into Auschwitz, to make it a tourist attraction while revising what happened there and was so evident with those Poles who opposed us on Feb. 25.


We will do everything in our power not to allow this to happen and to expose it everywhere and on every level.


We will not allow this world's largest Jewish cemetery to be desecrated and misrepresented and commercialized and will oppose all groups who do allow this betrayal.




On March 14, there was another "Shalom International" from Bob Kunsts to "All Media", complaining about anti-Semitism:


Dear People who still care:


This rabid Jew hater (who) has been playing the game, seems to have placed himself in charge with little from the Government or Church or Jewish 'leadership', except for us, (Shalom Int'l., Amcha and Betar) to challenge him.


We sent you info already on 'GET YOUR ASHES OUT OF POLAND' reaction from Poles countering our last protest at the Polish Consulate at 37th and Madison Ave., on FEB 25.


Your continued 'silence' is allowing this outrage to continue.


Our next rally at the Polish Consulate in NYC will be on April 18, 1999 at 1 P.M. and also on May 16, 1999 at 1 P.M., and also at the Polish Embassy in London on those days as well.


Please help us to conduct this campaign with a check to: Shalom International, P. O. Box 402263, Miami Beach, Fla. 33140. We need to pay phone bills, buy postage and printing and travel to NYC. Please help us to help bring our community together.


Yours in Shalom

Bob Kunst 305-864-5110


- - - -


Apparently, this letter again had the previously mentioned attachment, which summarized the slogans the angry Poles were parading to call attention to a two-way Holocaust:


1. Bring Jewish Mass Murderers to Justice ! Extradite Shlomo Morel, Stefan Michnik, Renee Wolinska and thousand more.


2. Get Your Ashes Out of Poland.


3. Jews killed 3 million Poles - The Real Holocaust.


4. Holocaust Myths Hide Jewish Crimes.


5. Stop the Lies - Stop the Cultural Genocide.


6. The Jews - Marx, Lenin, Engles [sic.] Beria caused the deaths of more people than the Holocaust Death Count.


7. Zionist Beasts - Hands Off Poland.


8. Curtains for $hoah Business.


9. Under Orders of the Jew Beria - More Poles Were Murdered at Katyn than Jews were murdered at Auschwitz.


10. Stop the Palestinian Holocaust.


This is what the Poles believe, and this is what they are teaching and this is what they are saying at Auschwitz and the other death camps with their crosses and revisionisms, to trivialize it all and our "Judenrat" 'leaders' are allowing it to happen again. What a disgrace !


We urge you to wake up and let your networks know what is going on before it is too late again.


Our 13 protests have made a serious impact and lots of media and it's only the beginning. We will speak for the 7 million Jews who can't.


Yours in Shalom,

Robert P. Kunst

Shalom Int'l. 305-864-5110


Tomorrow: The Polish Crosses Vigil Continues: Conclusion


Thought for the Day:


"We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them."


(Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981)

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