Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

February 21, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Infrequently, but nonetheless quite noticeably, there are fresh gusts of wind in Canada that blow away the cobwebs that keep intelligent people from seeing what's playing.


I remember a comment in the early days of my learning of the Zundel struggle. Ernst told me that he was the only one still "spared" of the then young patriots of the early Sixties who had warned Canada of the dangerous slide into uncontrolled multiculturalism - at the expense of the values that had made Canada the shining and pristine Jewel of the North.


When I asked him what was responsible for his having been "spared", he said very quietly:


"I am useful to them. I am a known factor. I am their punching bag."


There are now some who are beginning to understand the political usefulness of a caricature "Nazi" called Ernst Zundel, and who are beginning to see a much larger, more ominous picture. This can be deduced, for instance, from some fascinating quotes that appeared in the January issue of "Culture Wars" in a semi-juxtaposed book review commentary titled "Slow Genocide".


In it, Mark Wegierski commented on two titles, "Web of Hate" by Warren Kinsella, and "The Invisible Empire: Racism in Canada" by Margaret Cannon.


I am picking out a few telling quotes - the most important, summarizing one the following:


* "In a seemingly paradoxical way, the managerial-therapeutic elites need and really love those neo-Nazi groupuscules. One is reminded of the passage in Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago where he meets a prisoner who actually was (or so he said) a spy and saboteur. He said that he was kept alive precisely for the reason that he (as far as the Soviet system was concerned) legitimated the entire Gulag, the round-ups and deaths of tens of millions of innocents.


"It is not for nothing that the activities of someone like Ernst Zundel are amplified by the Canadian media. The alleged "clear and present danger" posed by him (and a very few others) are among the main justifications for the perpetual maintenance of one of the most elaborate and effective systems of conditioning and thought control ever devised in human history." <end>


Well said, eh? Read on and ponder additional quotes - re-ordered for the sake of clarity - from the same article:


*** ". . . Cannon can be seen as a virtually paradigmatic self-hating white, "Anglo-Saxon" liberal. Her work could be interpreted as a continuous and relentless examination of her antiracist conscience, continually uncovering the stain of racism in the most unlikely places in Canadian society, and damning without compunction decent, ordinary Canadians who have the slightest reservations about muss, dissimilar immigration and/or the excuses of multiculturalism."


*** ". . . Many white ethnics might well begin to feel a good deal of cynicism about a situation in which they had to work long hard hours to get anywhere, whereas the red carpet is today being rolled out for Third World immigration."


*** ". . . It is precisely . . . elites that benefit from newcomers as new client-groups and voters for the welfare state. At the same time, these elite groups are best able to insulate themselves from the negative consequences of this mass, dissimilar immigration.


"Can such an immigration policy be seen as in any way normal or natural, in relation to the life of any nation? Is such mass immigration to the West now to be accepted with a resigned sense of inevitability, or can any Western state ever reassert control over its borders? Why should the West inevitably multiculturalize itself, while all non-Western countries remain emphatically themselves?


"Finally, is not the multi-culturalization of the West over the long term tantamount to the effacement of European ideas, ideals, beliefs, and in the end, populations? It might indeed be called - to all intents and purposes - a form of "slow genocide" or of "death on the installment plan."


*** ". . . (B)y now, seriously traditionalist, conservative, or nationalist thought has indeed been virtually eliminated from the Western academy, prestige media, and general culture.


"So one may again ask where are conservative minded persons going to draw their ideas from, so they can become more elevated and reflective in their expression? How often do they encounter serious discussion or representation of such ideas in the Canadian mass media and mass education systems?"


*** ". . . One may indeed admire the serious thinkers and cultural figures who were able to shake themselves free of the flood tide of liberal and left-wing thinking engulfing European societies.


"However, the counter-enlightenment is now conventionally understood as having born the evil fruit of Nazism, and it was the obvious excrescence of Nazi Germany that served as a pretext for the further tightening of the liberal and left-wing hold on Western societies in the post-1945 period."


*** ". . . What is also not considered is how the very palpable fear of Bolshevik and Soviet savagery might well have led some people to embrace even someone like Hitler."


*** ". . . In the face of the manifest, unrushing crises of late modernity, left-liberals cling to the myth of a "far right" threat like a drowning person clings to a life preserver."


<end of quotes>


Hold that thought. That "life preserver" has a name. It is called "hate laws" - in my opinion a brutal measure of abject desperation on the part of a losing elite that sees liberal control slipping away, along with their own, soon-to-be-discarded century.


Listen to Warren Kinsella, the quintessential liberal, telling us in a National Post article, titled "Freedom to hate?" what these "hate laws" will mean, and read between the lines.




*** ". . . Under the new proposals for Section 319, defendants cannot plead truth as a defence of denying the Holocaust or other notorious genocidal events. This would permit us to avoid the sort of time-consuming and ultimately fruitless exercise we went through in the Ernst Zundel trial. In that case, the judge permitted Mr. Zundel's lawyer to spend many months attacking the factual basis of the Holocaust.


But getting to my larger point of view regarding the censorship of hate speech, I don't believe I am a censor. Rather, I support the exercise of judgment. Rights are not absolute. Section 1 of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides limitations on free expression. Speech is subject to reasonable limitations, I'd say, in every Western democracy, including the United States. <end>


Compare that to Ron Gostick, head of the Canadian Intelligence Service, the longest private researchy service on issues of free speech in Canada, and editor of a publication conceived in 1948 and in existence since the early 1950s:


*** ". . . "This Truth Is No Defence Human Rights Tribunal ruling is the most obscene and deadly attack on freedom ever made in the English-speaking world. Indeed, it's the most treacherous and dastardly assault on English and Canadian common law since the infamous Star Chamber "courts" of four or five centuries ago in England.


Consider what this ruling means. An accused is assumed to be guilty before the kangaroo hearing even starts - not on evidence or fact, but simply on someone's "perception", feeling, dislike or outright lies, with Truth irrelevant and the accused stripped of all common-law and court-rights protections.


A "justice" system where Truth is no defence - not even relevant! <end>


Ernst is so right! Ever since he kicked the Wailing Wall in Israel with his own father's soldier boots and swore that he would dedicate his life to lift the Zionist blood curse from the German nation and people, the Litmus Test has always been, is now, and will be in the future, the so-called "Holocaust"!




Thought for the Day:


"Auschwitz is not suited to become the means for a routine threat, a tool that can be applied anytime for intimidation, or a moral prod, or merely as an exercise of duty."


(Award-winning German novelist Martin Walser)

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