Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

February 12, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Time and again, I brood about ways to move Revisionism from exploring yet another itsy-bitsy detail of the past, which drains our energy, to the pressing, over-arching ***relevance*** of what is happening today because of ignorance about that past.


Were America to understand that holding on to their favorite villain, Adolf Hitler, with gritted teeth and snow-white knuckles, because supposedly the Führer caused the "Holocaust" - that is, the systematic genocidal gassing of the Jews of Europe - America would understand its horribly expensive ignorance of history. It causes cities in faraway continents to be bombed and children in foreign lands to die of starvation like flies. It imposes "political correctness" in places like Haiti, El Salvador, Kosova and Iraq - and never mind the so-called Western "democracies" where people get jailed for opinions! - practically at the point of bayonet. It causes many other evil outgrowths of something that should have been investigated half a century ago!


As I have said before and will announce again, the Zundelsite has no intention of resurrecting the Third Reich. What the Zundelsite insists on, as long as the First Amendment holds in America, is the right to inspect ***all*** parts and all facets of history - unimpeded by the shrieking and hissing of "Nazi!" by self-appointed Holocaust Enforcers who are protecting and advancing their agenda.


One such area to be examined in much more depth is the benign, well documented collaboration between the early Hitler regime and certain Zionist factions, both parties of whom realized that they had common interests.


Hitler wanted to remove the Jews out of the social fabric of his Volk, first in Germany and then Europe, because he thought them to be socially corrosive and politically subversive - and as destructive as the Bolsheviks in Russia. He did not want them, and the Zionists of the 1930s did. These Zionists needed the self-disciplined, highly educated Jews from Hitler's Germany to help in the building of the infrastructure of a future Israel. It was only later, in the ever-more desperate days of the war, that detention of some (but not all) of the European Jews in concentration camps became a war-time security measure, born of necessity.


One of the many inroads for which Revisionism can be credited is the penetration into the Arab consciousness about the real circumstances of how this brutal statelet, Israel, has really come about - and who still pays for its existence through massive foreign aid and philanthropy. Probably more than anyone else, the one-time Marxist French philosopher turned Muslim, Roger Garaudy, drawing in important pioneer work of Robert Faurisson and others, has made a real impact and difference with his "The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics" - a book now widely translated, even into Japanese! (. . . with a special dedication to Ernst Zundel!)


Below is a column written by an Arab, Khalil Al-Qashtini, which can be found on a truly erudite Arab website at <> This article first appeared in Asharq Al-Awsat, for which the author is a senior columnist.


What is said in that column can be seen as a pay-off for decades of diligent Revisionist work.


Here is that article, slightly shortened, along with some Zundelsite comments:


Khalil Al-Qashtini:


Our attention has recently been diverted from important matters by the sleazy revelations concerning Monica Lewinsky and President Clinton. We have lost sight of vital matters such as the call by the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to rally round Roger Garaudy, the French thinker accused of anti-Semitism.


The plain truth is that Zionism thrives on anti-Semitism. (...) But for anti-Semitism, the Jews would never have gone to Palestine. While the Zionist leaders admit this, they also believe that Jewish minorities cannot coexist peacefully within other larger groups. It seems that almost always these Jewish minorities manage to evoke the dislike and animosity of the larger groups living close by them. The Zionists have failed to explain this but they have certainly used it in order to support their claim for a state of their own. This was the argument of Herzl in all his appeals to the authorities in Britain, Russia and Germany. This was surely the reason he openly admired a rabidly anti- Semitic Russian minister who ordered the massacre of Jews. In fact, in his book Zionism in the Age of Dictators, Lenny Burner explains how the Zionists cooperated with people such as Hitler. In places where the Jewish community was living peacefully, oblivious to Zionist machinations and tactics, agents provocateurs were sent to create an atmosphere of terror that would make the Jews flee to Palestine.




The absolute classic background book for this is called "What Price Israel?" by Alfred Lilienthal (Regnery, 1993) It gives detail after detail of Jewish-manufactured "anti-Semitism" in this century!


Khalil Al-Qashtini:


(T)he state of Israel was established and soon had a population of over five million. The Zionists saw the fulfillment of their mission. From that time onward, the immigrant flow has sometimes reversed itself with Jews moving from Israel to the United States and other rich countries. Here begins the Post-Zionist period. Because Israel could not contain all the world's Jews, Post-Zionism focused its efforts on establishing influential Jewish pockets in important capital cities around the world. These groups of Jews lobbied for all kinds of support and help for Israel and one result of this lobbying has been that in the US, one-third of all US foreign aid has been given to Israel.




Information about this "community effort" can be found in the following books, available in any good library.


Classic titles are: "The Fatal Embrace," (Benjamin Ginsburg, 1993), "Jewish History, Jewish Religion," (Israel Shahak, 1994) "Jewish Power", (Jonathan J. Goldberg, 1996), "The Lobby," (Edward Tivnan, 1987), "They Dare to Speak Out", (Paul Findley, 1981) "The Fateful Triangle," (Noam Chomsky, 1983) and "The Zionist Connection" (Alfred Lilienthal, 1978)


Khalil Al-Qashtini:


Post-Zionism at present, unlike Zionism in the past, has nothing to gain from anti-Semitism. Anti- Semitism has often threatened the Jewish lobbies but any move against Israel, justified or unjustified, or against these lobbies has been blackened as anti-Semitic which has come in the public mind to be synonymous with Nazi death-camps and Hitler's "final solution". It has been a triumph for propaganda but it has worked and shows no signs of not working in the future. Things have even gone so far as to suppress any writing at all from whatever period or in whatever context which contains anti-Jewish references.




Canada Customs is a typical case in point. Any book with the word "Jew" or "Jewish" in the title - or touching even in a peripheral way on any topic of concern to Jewish interests - is automatically seized at the border. Books like "An Eye for an Eye" by the Jew John Sacks or "A Jew in Racist-Marxist Israel" by another Jew, Bernstein, have been seized - as have, of course, my novels with the "incendiary" title, "Lebensraum!" ( . . . even though these novels cover 200 years and a pacifist, agrarian era long before the so-called Hitler Lebensraum movement . . . )


Khalil Al-Qashtini:


Post-Zionism has adroitly produced and manipulated certain myths in order to achieve its goals. First among these myths is the number of Jews killed by the Nazis -- in other words, the number of Jews who died in the holocaust. It remains a mystery how the Post-Zionists arrived at the figure of six million but then, Post-Zionism is not very particular with evidence. What matters is a large and impressive number that the gullible and not very well-informed American public will accept. And in deciding on six million, Post-Zionism had a colossal success. The myth is now registered in the American psyche along with all the other myths that America lives by. Myths of course have to be rooted in the hearts of people and once any doubt is raised about the correctness of any details, the myth begins to explode. This is exactly what the Post-Zionists fear.




This point is well made by the Israeli political commentator and historian, Tom Segev, in his astonishingly frank book about Israel's founding myths and gyrations, titled "The Seventh Million", available in any good library. This title can also be purchased directly from the bookstore in the bowels of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., where Sack's "An Eye for an Eye" should also be still available. (At least so I was told...!)


Khalil Al-Qashtini:


And this is precisely why they are after Garaudy's blood. (...) Once the magic figure of six million vanishes, the whole myth will crash down and it may take years before a suitably acceptable figure takes root in the public's mind again. And who knows what might happen in that interim?




Kabbalism and numerology have always had a fascination for the shtetl dwellers of the medieval societies of Europe. Besides, the mythical "six million" figure was peddled during or right after World War I. It took another war plus several decades of massive brain washing until it finally grew roots.


Khalil Al-Qashtini:


Garaudy is not the first victim to suffer for an objective approach to this particular historical atrocity. All who have questioned have endured a similar fate. They have lost their position of respectability and been stigmatized as outlaws. The British historian, David Irving, vanished into oblivion when he demanded evidence for Hitler's direct involvement in the holocaust. The guns of the media and the judiciary were trained on him with such force that his name is now everywhere discredited. This is the irony of the so- called liberal western press. For generations, people have been free to write what they wished. Kings and queens have not enjoyed immunity from attack. Christ Himself has been attacked with impunity. But never the Zionists or any of their interests.




One of my more popular ZGrams, titled "Revisionist Victims of Zion" - use the Zundelsite search engine! - bears witness to the correctness of that statement.


Khalil Al-Qashtini:


The Zionist and the Post-Zionists have converted the myth of the six million holocaust victims into a perpetual money-making machine. The machine has squeezed billions of dollars from various countries and has even forced Switzerland to open its secret bank vaults. Post-Zionists will go to any length to silence voices which dissent from its views or indeed any voice that dares to articulate the faintest hint of suspicion that things are not as they have been painted by the myth-makers. The myth has become the monopoly of the post-Zionists to such an extent that no other group which suffered under the Nazis is allowed to participate in their martyrdom. (...)




As mentioned in yesterday's ZGram, Hans Schmidt illustrates this well in his newest book "End Times / End Games" (. . . which gives me an opportunity to apologize to Michael Hoffman II, who penned the article titled "Jewspeak" in Schmidt's book, from which I excerpted the "Truth is not a defense" segment. I thought I recognized Mike's style but was in too much of a hurry to read the entire chapter . . . )


Khalil Al-Qashtini:


It is ironic that freedom of thought and expression should be so shamelessly suppressed. Western thinkers whose ancestors often bought these freedoms with their very lives must be held responsible for such a travesty of truth and justice.




This Arab writer is so right! One cannot help but feel a bit of embarrassment and shame to have to be told by a man coming from a society that most arrogant and "politically correct" graduates of Western schools and universities erroneously think of as "backward" and "less-than-enlightened."





Thought for the Day:


"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him, I may think aloud."


(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

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