Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

January 2, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



This being the first workday of the last year of this lie-permeated, blood-soaked, brutal mess of a millennium, it is incumbent upon your worthy Zundelsite to make the most of what is left to help undo the damage done by previous generations.


That's one of Ingrid's resolutions - and a determined one it is!


Since our enemies are reading each ZGram with bulging veins, hawks' eyes and gritted teeth, I can only give you the barest of outlines of what I have in mind, but I invite you to participate in what will surely go down in history as the ". . . great intellectual adventure at the end of the 20th century," to quote yet one more time one of the classiest scholars in our camp - our very own and much beloved Dr. Robert Faurisson of France.


Please understand the points below are merely an outline of our intellectual battle plan. Specifics of that plan will be revealed to you to the degree to which you choose to be on our side. And, by the way, when I say "our side" or "our struggle" or "our final victory" - I mean the Revisionist community. Not just Germans! Not just Whites! I mean """all""" men and women of good will who cherish the truth over lies, who know who the enemy is, who are willing to say that they do, and who are truly committed to finding the path to a future of fairness and justice that will do their progeny proud.


Here's what is going to happen if kind spirits continue to smile on the Zundelsite efforts, as they have smiled so many times on our labors in the past - against the greatest of all odds and against powers of money and means that could have made us shake in our boots, had we allowed fear to force silence on things that we knew to be right over wrong.


We are proud men and women - not minions. We are free kin - not cowards. Not slaves.


Here's what will happen, I say to my comrades-in-spirit:


1. Above all else, we will continue to highlight the truly gargantuan struggle for Freedom of Speech on the Net, made visible by the Herculean efforts of the German-Canadian human rights activist of many decades, Ernst Zundel, in whose honor the Zundelsite is named. In Canada, there has truly never been anything like it such as the free-speech Zundel victories that have been wrought from stone. And this is now made """manifest""" by the astounding fact that practically all lapdog mainstream media slander around the Zundel name has ceased! Now there is an uneasy silence about most media fronts - and quite a dance of acrobatics and hinting mightily about-the-bush around the Zundel name. The Internet has made a difference - and our cyber hits and sheepish cyber visitors are showing it! As long as the Zundel struggle was contained within Canada, it was fairly easy for the enemy to get away with slander and demonization - especially since Ernst was gagged for more than a decade by court-ordered bail conditions and could not reply to the vicious attacks! Those times are past! Expect a great deal more to come! Watch January 19 for a start!


2. Next item of significance: Wherever you look, the German-born and German-descent community is stirring in Canada, in the USA, and even in vassal-governed, Allied-occupied Germany itself. A few braves, like Walser, are finally at long last speaking out - and causing the roar of an echo! Here, too, the Zundelsite has made a difference of planet-wide impact and scope. So things are changing - trust you me! These days, what I read in the press astounds me! I would expect that 1999 will see ever more Germans come out of hiding, get off their knees, lift up their heads, and do what Germans are supposed to do: ignite a firestorm of truth that might yet take the world by some surprise. We intend to continue our part to educate them systematically, to supply them with the oxygen of Liberation Information, to help them free themselves of decades of false guilt and half a century of lies. After all, from the astounding Walser development in Germany to step onto Revisionist shores is only a matter of time! New-found pride is now merely a mouse click away!


3. We intend to cross-fertilize the Arab-Zionist struggle with information of use to the victims of Zion - the poor, abused, displaced and tortured Palestinians. If people want to see what cold, uncouth, barbarian racism looks like these days, they shouldn't come to us! The Washington Report of Middle East Affairs is a fine place to start! It's on-line. Try it! You don't have to be Mikey to like it!


4. We consider the "Holocaust" question - once such a deep dark dirty mystery - now settled scientifically. We will no longer argue detail and split hair after hair with history's stiff dinosaurs such as Nizkor folks, the Wiesenthalers, Bnai B'rith and others of their ilk who still defend the lies of yesteryear. Good, solid information about that monumental fraud called "Holocaust" is now available on half a dozen quality Revisionist websites for anyone who takes three minutes' worth of time to learn how to use a search engine. The nitty-gritty labor of Revisionism has been done. It's for the world to use! It doesn't cost a dime.


5. We will expose those forces, those people whose prime tools are intimidation and character assassination to stop the investigation of yesterdays' crimes. Relentlessly. Big time! And without fear or favor! Just take my word for it! We want to focus on what the "Holocaust" """means""" - what forces fuel it, who cravenly exploits it, who hides behind it - how. where, and when, and why. We will focus on the unconscionable use of "hate laws" by censors - and tell the world how institutions of Western thought, such as our courts, our schools, our churches and our temples, are used for the purpose of intellectual terrorism unworthy of advanced civilizations heading into a new millennium. Do we need censorship in 1999? Can't we do better than that? Have men of education, guts and smarts been so castrated mentally and morally that they can be shushed with shriek upon shriek to fear words that are spoken by Zundel?


6. I personally will spend a great deal of my knowledge gained in years of study and practice in public relations on """simplification""" of our message. Once that is done, our intellectual soldiers can spread our message far and wide. I have an idea or two that will make you chuckle with glee. I deeply believe in clean humor and the maxim that "less is more" - a cartoon, a quote. a bumper sticker on an old clunker can do more in shopping plazas than some dusty text book in some swollen ivy college library that no one ever opens.


Folks, this is only the beginning! There's lots and lots to come!


I spent the Christmas holidays discussing many plans and details with friends, supporters and advisors, and I can only report that my heart is now packed to the brim with ideas. Before us lies an entire year to work our Revisionist magic. You are invited to join in. How? Brother, can you spare a dime?


Help us! What we do has got to be financed - and not just hand-to-mouth!


It costs money to do what we do. We aren't the Wiesenthal Center who can dip into the taxpayers' pockets to the tune of a $900,000 grant for their website! You would be shocked to know how little the Zundelsite costs - but then, we work our fingers to the bone, and then some! We need help. Paid staff. Good equipment. We have got to do this together. We've all got to put our money and our talents where our mouths are. It won't get done unless we all chip in and work for it - and all of us decide to pay for it. For, you see? We are buying the future. We don't want to be buried by lies.


I mean that literally. I am not even joking.


Write for instructions on how you can help if you are new to this. Become a proud and active part of the 1999 Zundelsite-Lebensraum movement!


And one last word: my hat is off to those of you who have supported me so loyally through 1998! You know who you are - and I know who you are. You are my trusted friends and comrades - just you and I and our cause to give it our all behind our humming computers! We are still on the air. We have wrought miracles already.






Thought for the Day:



"Today it is OK to believe the world is maybe not flat. How long will it be before it is OK to utter a doubt about the official Holocaust?"


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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