Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

December 1, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Today I have to concentrate on getting my December "Lebensraum!" newsletter out to my financial supporters, and therefore I have only three small, unrelated items for you - one a possible retraction, one a clarification, and the third one a laugh.


Otherwise, all of you have a good day - and if you would like to support my Zundelsite efforts in ways other than with sage advice on how I should conduct myself - as in ". . . why not distance yourself from Ernst Zundel?" - please write for further instructions of how you can help.


If you cannot support those of us who are out there, in the open, getting shot at electronically, at least do me a favor - consider putting your name behind your covert activism on the Net. Sooner or later, said Mencken, you'll hafta.


Believe me I can see the necessity of remaining anonymous if you have a fearful wife, a handful of kids, and a mortgage - or a sensitive government job you could lose. But I don't think we're going to become a permanent force to be reckoned with in this spiritual struggle of truth over lies if we fear "discovery" or "exposure."


Discovery of what? Exposure by whom? What is there to be feared?


We have a moral duty to say what we are saying and do what we are doing, to replace lies with truth and to remove the negative stereotyping of Germans in the world, and I believe with all my heart we increasingly have the numbers "out there" - if only more of us would stand up as examples of principle and courage to show that enough is enough!


It always offends me when gentiles scurry like cockroaches the moment the ADL or some such gummy outfit tries to shine the light of alleged "racism" on them. Just who are they to do that with impunity - and who are we to run?


I hate it.


And speaking of hate as a legitimate emotion, who is to say that it doesn't exist - or ***shouldn't*** exist, by government order? It is a fine contrast for love and ought to be used sparingly - just as love is a fine commodity not on the open market. Discernment is the motto.


Now to my hodgepodge items:


* I credited Janet Reno with something she seems not to have said. On November 26, 1998, I used the following quote as my Thought for the Day, attributed to Reno:


"A cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ, who frequently attends Bible studies, who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause, who home schools for (sic) their (sic) children, who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong belief in the Second Amendment and who distrusts big government.


"(A)ny of these may qualify a person a cultist but certainly more than one of these would cause us to look at this person as a threat, and his family as being in a risk situation that qualifies for government interference."


(Janet Reno on National TV on June 26, 1994)

Several people have since written in and told me that this is a quote that has long been debunked. It sure sounds like the Janet we know. doesn't it? I have seen it bandied about so often, always referenced, that I assumed it to be a legitimate quote. I did not hear her say it. Has anyone actually heard this? How many of you have?


* Secondly, our cyber cyclone, Giwer, gave me a well-deserved scolding, to wit:


"With all the pretention and turmoil surrounding the attack on free speech in Canada and in particular on the internet, I would like to correct one rather significant point.


You referred to Ken McVay as the President of Nizkor. What I would like to point out is that despite searching and questioning and all the like, no one has ever been able to discover any other but two volunteers associated with Nizkor who have since severed their association.


It appears quite so very pretentious to say "president" when the man is also treasurer, recording secretary and the entire membership of the organization.


Perhaps you can establish that there are in fact members who have elected him president. But to the many of us who know of Nizkor, your giving him the title of "president" makes it appear you have been suckered by a made-up title and a fax machine.


It is your credibility that is on the line here."


Well, Giwer is right. I shouldn't have said that. I should have said El Presidente, as in Fidel Castro. Big mouth, and little island. I well remember the time when we heard that Nizkor had 150 volunteers. This was shortly before Ernst Zundel discovered that there was no elaborate, sophisticated Nizkor operation in Nanaimo, as claimed - that there was only one mail drop in a shopping mall and one rabbi who took messages for McVay.


These days, McVay is reduced to posting his daily "Holocaust Calendar" in alt.revisionism and very little else that I can think of, but he is still paraded in the Canadian media as Super-Duper-Goy. Since hope springs eternal, I still harbor hope that Ken will one day see the light and turn into a Zundel Expert Witness on how some goys get snuckered. I know I could sing a song about that.


* Finally, here is a gem from Sweden on where we are going on the slippery slope of ". . . not offending" tender violets in our vicinity. It was sent in by one of our Revisionist veterans in response to Canada's cretinous attempts of strengthening the "Hate Laws" to "protect" people from being offended:


"Speaking of legislative insanity - when I was visiting my girl friend and Ditlieb (Felderer) in the early to mid 80's , the government busy-bodies and watchdogs were harassing everyone with "hets mot folkgrup" or the "baiting of an ethnic group" and this applied to every denomination of humanoid one can think of.


In my naively simplistic imagination, I thought that such incredible nonsense and stupidity would never make it out of Scandinavia and onto the North America Continent.


Well, you guessed it right and we're reaping the whirlwind.


There were corporate, high-level meetings about catering to the lowest common denominator and worse. I used to write letters lampooning this Swedish system to all my friends stateside.


I keenly remember my girlfriend having to eat an apple outside the building where she worked because some nitwit was allergic to the sound of chewing apples.


Well, he who laughs the loudest must be the Swedish socialists and their systemic degeneracy."


I wish you all a happy Christmas Season which, for us Germans, begins today.




Thought for the Day:


"It is enough to know which side is using jail cells to prove their point."


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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