Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 26, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


In response to yesterday's ZGram, titled "Just like the weather", where I described our moral lethargy to leftist social "innovations" that end up harming us, I received a small flurry of enthusiastic comments from readers appreciative of my slant.


So far, there has not been a single negative letter, though I expected some, since I was commenting on the controversial matter of busing young children so as to force society into an interracial mix.


While I was writing yesterday's ZGram, I was wondering, as I often do, how my readers and supporters from different backgrounds than mine might react to what I was saying. People always assume that my readers and supporters are of the homogenous, Aryan kind. Not so. Far from it - to put that on the record!


One of them is a lady of Aryan background but a converted Muslim, of whom I have grown fond because she often shares with me her interesting experiences and honest feelings as the wife of a 1960s black activist and the mother of interracial children. She and her husband were quite active in the Palestinian situation in her youth, and she has given me some fascinating early documents.


Before I met this lady, cyber-fashion, I had pretty much bought into the media version that groups and civil rights activities we used to call "extremists" in the 1960s were just exactly that. She taught me otherwise. And in one of her more politically passionate letters, she offered a take on the documented Jewish extremist, Meir Kahane, that bespoke a fury of loathing I have not seen in our own ranks.


If I am to believe this lady - and I see no reason why I shouldn't - it turns out that the systematic vilification that we are now experiencing were unleashed in similar fashion in the Sixties on some pretty idealistic folks who were on the Right, ***not on the left***, as we were all made to believe.


I cannot go into specifics for various reasons, but to me - who was a university student in those days, and who swallowed what the media and universities were spoon-feeding me with appropriate physical horror and moral revulsion - this slant came as a great surprise.


Well, be that as it may, the Sixties are now gone. This lady is now merely an observant bystander of the political scene, as far as I can tell.


I was thinking of her while I wrote yesterday's ZGram, wondering what she might think of me as I was tackling the thorny issue of this federally mandated racial mixing that was forced on American society in the tumultuous Sixties - an "innovation" which proved to be a disaster if ever there was a disaster, as far as societal health is concerned.


Here's what came back from my friend:


"Time to pontificate. I, German/Scots-Irish American, identify with the white race as far as I can look into a mirror and see graying red hair and green eyes. My heart of hearts sees not the outward racial appearance of someone else, but their minds!


We have "white" brethren who are the epitome of some race other than "ours" - and there are non-white people whose thoughts and minds are as "white-thinking" as our own.


How many Quislings are in "our" group and how many heroes of personal freedom and liberty are in those whose skin color matches not our own?


Time to stop the inanity of division on racial bias and begin to find those whose thoughts and aspirations match our own. As water finds its true level, most people would rather stay with their own racial groupings for their more personal attachments. But in the political arena, we must not alienate non- whites, but extend the hands of friendship to them as long as they are decent, upstanding, honest and true folk who are committed to those ideals we espouse.


Did you read the article regarding the Reform Rabbi's new resource book? It told of how it is going to be more difficult for people to convert to Judaism and that one of the promises they will have to make before a Rabbinical Court is to identify with Israel!


My point: I am Muslim - what would "they" say if all American Muslims were to swear to identify with Palestine - or Iran - or Libya - ad infinitum? What an uproar that would cause! It would go over like a lead balloon, it would!


I contend, we are going to have to ally ourselves with Arabs and Muslims and stop judging people solely by color alone. We don't want to be hampered by luke-warm individuals who may have blue eyes but a decidedly yellow streak down their backs!


In unity there is strength. The time for division is over if we are to survive with our minds intact."




Thought for the Day:


"I also had been led to believe that revisionists were all crop-haired neo-Nazis. The reality I found was very different."


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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