Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 25, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


I lived in Wichita in the mid- and late 1960s when busing became mandatory, I was mildly against it, but talking only to myself. I hadn't given it much thought, but it felt wrong - not quite in my own interest. Why so? I couldn't put the finger on my disquiet.


The very first day when a busload of black children unloaded into our all-white neighborhood, a fight broke out in the school yard, and one of the black youngsters pushed down my youngest son, then a second grader, who hit his head on the curb with such force that it briefly knocked the vision out of him.


A shaken principal, delivering my weeping kid to me, his little head all bloodied, retching like the dickens and throwing up all over me, beseeched me not to call the media about this incident because it would have unforeseen political effects. There was such rabid resentment in the disgracefully bigoted, all-white community, the principal told me while carrying my messed-up kid inside and looking for a couch on which to put him down while I ran for a towel, that it would backfire in the media and retard social harmony in Wichita.


"We're all brothers under the skin," said this man, while avoiding to look at me fully. Was I not a good citizen? He knew I was. By just looking at me, he could tell.


I promised him that I would not call a soul except the doctor, since I was a good citizen. In those young days I, too, felt vaguely guilty for something that had been done to Blacks in other times and other places, thanks to their slavery. I, too, had bought into the notion that social restitution was in order - and never mind that I had never owned a slave, nor had anybody else I knew, as far as I could tell.


Clearly a principle applied. I did not argue back. I did not utter one small word of protest. A few days later, my kid was again good as new.


But I have never forgotten a very sharp feeling of alarm and foreboding as I was quieting my gagging offspring on the couch. It felt as though I was betraying my son by my silence for someone else's principle I had never agreed to, had never voted for, and hadn't even bothered studying.


In later years, this came to haunt me many times. As I watched my adopted country change from a clean place to live and earn one's livelihood into a cesspool of crime and corruption, I ever more strongly told myself that I had somehow sold out on my own children's interest for someone else's political agenda. But what that agenda might be, I had not the foggiest idea.


It was just happening around me. Like the weather. Was I not a good citizen?


This memory of my young injured son came back to me in a recent brief exchange with a professor at a Mennonite college who was berating me at length for my Zundelsite work. He told me he had daughters he would not want to know that someone from "his" background could do what I was doing and say what I was saying. Had I no conscience? Where was my community spirit?


"Your ZGrams are fascinating," wrote he, "but for all the wrong reasons."


This righteous champion for what we now know as the New World Order is where I was some thirty years ago. He clearly speaks from ignorance and not from any malice. Yet he is selling out his children's birthright, I dare say, for something he has never consciously approved - but that has come to him and he accepted. It's all around him. Like the weather.


I told him in this brief exchange that what he now believed would come to haunt him later on, but of course there is not yet a deeper understanding in this man of what is playing out politically right under his own nose - and so this gentleman predictably advised me to go look for Christ to calm my hidebound soul. Which, from his own perspective of a secure position in academia and an as yet benign religious campus in the Midwest is what you would expect.


They say we grow and learn, but sometimes that takes time. It took its time in my case.


I well remember that as recently as some five years ago, I asked Hans Schmidt, a Florida-based German American activist, in one of our earlier contacts, discussing the demise of the white race when he made the point that things like that were never accidental:


"Who in the world could have the slightest interest in foisting things on me? I am not against interracial couples. I am not for them, either, but I don't think the world comes to an end if . . ."


Hans asked: Did I prefer my kin, my mores, my values to someone else's neighbors, mores and values?


I said, well, yes. But. So?


Hans merely told me to start reading and reflecting.


What I am reading up on, and reflecting upon, ever more urgently these days is the absolutely staggering dimension of the Fraud that has been packaged, peddled, sold and sometimes forced on me and folks like me because of our naivité. Not a day in my life goes by that I don't encounter someone, wide-eyed and bewildered, asking:


"But who in the world would have the slightest interest in doing this to us?"


I borrow now some segments from an Australian writer named Graham Strachan who speaks of a similar fraud - financial shenanigans in banking industries. He could be speaking of forced bussing. Affirmative action. Militant feminism. Judeo-Christianity. The blight of Communism in our social institutions. The systematic dumbing-down of our children in our public schools. The so-called "Holocaust". All sorts of large-scale hoaxes.


Strachan was born in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, in 1941, and has degrees in Biological Science and Law. He has worked in large companies, has been a production management consultant and a practicing lawyer. He currently devotes his time to researching and writing articles and books on politics and philosophy.


Strachan's first book was "Economic Rationalism: a Disaster for Australia" (1997), and his second, recently released, is titled "Globalisation: Demise of the Australian Nation." His e-mail is:; and some of his articles can also be found at: or at


Strachan writes:


"Readers familiar with the motion picture "The Sting" may recall that the cornerstone of the successful 'Sting' . . . was that the victim had to be unaware at the end of it all that they had been defrauded. Even if told, they would refuse to believe they had been dudded (conned).


In the case of "The Sting" - the movie, the philosophy of the leading characters was that fools and their money are easily parted . . . the 'fools' being parted from their money are the simple, basically decent, trusting, ordinary people of the world, who are obliged to work for a living. (...)


The media, now staffed by capitalist groupies paid to glorify these (defrauders), fawn over the speculators and call them 'players'. . . controlled by men who are themselves ultimately beholden to the international bankers.


An area is targeted, like Asia. The world media then talk the area up. Then a crisis is precipitated . . . It is fraud and slavery on a massive scale, a scale so massive nobody would ever believe it was deliberate.


To make sure the victims don't wake up that they are being defrauded, the sole purpose now of the Western media is to keep the people ignorant, to prevent them understanding anything of any consequence, to keep them in the dark or distracted with sex, sport, and the private lives of people like Princess Diana. Economics is portrayed as being beyond human comprehension, even of the best brains in the world.


It's 'just happening'. Like the weather.


No it's not. This is fraud on a global scale: the milking of captive taxpayers by scoundrels with the help of paid liars in government and the media."


(Excerpt of an article sent to me by TRUTH IN MEDIA, e-mail:


Day and night I think about just how to strip down this SOS message - FRAUD ON A GLOBAL SCALE - to its barest essentials so that those nearest and dearest to us won't end up bleeding, suffering and throwing up all over us for something that we never bothered studying.




Thoght for the Day:


"Cleveland State is the first university to offer a master's degree in diversity."


(Instauration, September 1998)

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