Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 24, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


This is as good an argument as any - again from a newsgroup thread. For the sake of clarity and simplicity, I am combining several speakers into two - Revisionist and Holocaust Enforcer:




Anyone who seriously wants to deal with Holocaust Revisionism will have to come to grips with Mr. Irving, a plausible, eloquent man with some standing as a legitimate historian. A visit to David Irving's site <> is an excellent curative for the mistaken and *dangerous* notion that Holocaust Deniers are stupid, insane, or harmless.


Know This: If the members of the holocaust lobby have their way, full and free discussion of the holocaust will soon be a thing of the past.


Indeed the Holocaust lobby is endangering EVERYBODY'S Internet free speech, on any subject. How? The holocaust lobby is quietly trying to create a precedent in the censorship of revisionist Ernst Zundel.


Holocaust Enforcer:


This is a Canadian matter.




Exactly. And we never, never, never comment on Canadian affairs. We are too polite. It is none of our business. (Translation: The political winds fill my sails - - why should I complain?)


Holocaust Enforcer:


Holocaust Deniers have a hard time trying to come up with examples in the U.S.




I should think YOU would have a hard time explaining why Zundel is up on charges in Canada for information that is maintained by somebody else on a Web site in the US.


Holocaust Enforcer:


(Revisionists) have an uncomfortable time with the fact that the liberty they so hunger for is most ably defended by the ACLU and other organizations made up of people they would dearly love to exterminate.




So. The patient's paranoid psychosis is now in full view:


This historical events of the Holocaust must not be discussed freely in public. If these matters are discussed freely in public, it will result in extermination of large numbers of Jews. To prevent such catastrophe, large sectors of human rights must be curtailed. People must be imprisoned, fined, deported.


Have I missed anything? Oh yeah, there must be book burnings, Internet censorship, corruption of the Internet infrastructure to prevent access to the information, death threats and fire bombings, boycott, complaints and other commercial coercion to disrupt key communication lines.


This poster pretends he's for free speech, but ask the Simon Wiesenthal Center about their plans to censor the Internet.


When you think about it, who is the crazy one here?


If I say that organized Jewry are plotting to take over the world and put all the non-Jews in thralldom, I am, by ordinary standards certifiably insane, maybe even dangerous. Not to be trusted with more than a broom and, for God's sake, don't let me near the children.


But if I say that the white race is a mere whisker away from turning savagely on the Jews, rounding them up, and exterminating them with submarine engines and delousing chambers - - well hey, I am as sane as any bank president. In fact, I can publish books and make speaking tours pushing my line of paranoia:


"Holocaust Deniers talk to each other in ways that cannot be traced! They have secret communication lines and they meet after midnight in church graveyards! They are, in a word, PLOTTING! They are NOT "stupid, insane, or harmless". They are very dangerous, and they are secretive. And they are conspiring against the Jews!!


"I tell you it's a conspiracy!! And they are plotting just one thing, of course: EXTERMINATION of the Jews !!


"Bring the nets !! Make laws !! Bring the stormtroopers and guns !! Help police !! Holocaust Denial !! Help !!"


I can even advocate draconian laws for locking up incorrigible white people who disagree with me, confiscate their property, or deport them to other countries where the laws are more to my draconian tastes - like, for example, Germany, where Holocaust denial is an outright crime.


But, really, who is the crazy one here? Dangerous violent Paranoid A or dangerous violent Paranoid B?




Thought for the Day:


"I did a search at the Washington Post. Believe it or not, a search at the Post on the word "holocaust" brought up 62 articles in the past 60 days. Every DAY!!!"


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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