Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 1, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



Now that fall is here, both we and our Holocaust Enforcer opposition are gearing up for yet another round before the so-called Human Rights Tribunal - the outfit desperately trying to keep its snout in the Canadian taxpayers' pockets.


Meanwhile, more and more conscientious mainstream reporters - much as they have been trained to demonize Ernst Zundel and to demonstrate to all and sundry that they are holding their noses whenever his struggle comes up - are deciding not to play lapdog to special interests any more.


The turning point came with the Zundel press conference on June 5, '98 on the steps of the Parliament Building announcing to the Canadian national media that the country's freedom had deteriorated to the point where Truth was no longer a defense, courtesy of the Holocaust Enforcers.


This historic press conference that generations will remember as the turning point and wake-up call for Canada unleashed a blizzard of very strongly worded editorials and articles by mainstream media journalists who had not yet sold out. We know from various sources that some media folks have seriously dug in to find out just ***what*** is going on and where the true political veins run in this ostensible witch hunt ". . . to get the hate monger Ernst Zundel".


Last night, a Globe and Mail article was faxed to me, written by one Daniel LeBlanc, a reporter of the Parliamentary Bureau in Ottawa. The Zundelsite will comment on each paragraph:


Daniel LeBlanc:


"The Canadian Human Rights Commission tries to do too many things and takes too long to do them, said Auditor-General Denis Desautels in a report tabled to Parliament yesterday."




Indeed they do - and why shouldn't they, since they are looking out for Number One? A good start to let the Canadian public decide if they approve of throwing millions of dollars to persecute and prosecute Ernst Zundel would be to make public just how much the silly Zundelsite case has already cost the taxpayers of Canada.


This political trial is now well into its second year - with dates already scheduled for 1999. And what will it accomplish?


There is no way to stop the Zundelsite - and our opposition knows it. The real aim is to get a conviction of a politically useful "villain", then gallop happily to Parliament with that conviction and try to strengthen the already highly repressive Human Rights Act. And other lobbyists will run to Parliament immediately to demand that, based on Zundel's conviction by the CHR Tribunal, Revisionism should be made a "criminal" offense under or as part of the Canadian "hate laws."


That is how people's freedom is stolen!


Daniel LeBlanc:


At a press conference, (Desautels) said that the commission and its sister agency, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, have formed a cumbersome, time consuming and expensive system. The two agencies were set up to provide a quick and flexible alternative to the court system in resolving human rights complaints, but Mr. Desautels said they're not doing their job.




To call them "sister agencies" is close. Twin inquisitors joined at the hip would be more to the point. The noble idea in the beginning, or so at least the idealists hoped, was for the Commission to accept complaints from the public about "discrimination", for the Tribunal to decide if they were, indeed, legitimate complaints and to settle them peacefully outside the court. This was supposed to keep the courts unclogged and save Canadians some money.


Yeah, sure!


In reality, the commission became the tool of the liberal-socialist agenda - and the Tribunal its brutal, Soviet-style enforcement arm. When you look at the Zundelsite Tribunal transcripts, you see that very clearly. There isn't even a pretense that it is otherwise. I drew up a comparison some time ago which might be of interest here. Search on the Zundelsite for "Inquisition"!



Daniel LeBlanc:


(Desautels) suggested the commission may be going too far in its efforts on behalf of equality-seeking groups, including women, homosexual couples, the disabled, the poor, and racial communities.




Yes they do. Remember that the power grab extends to the Internet? If Ernst Zundel loses, Canada will be the first country that will claim jurisdiction over a United States based website and will forbid a United States citizen to communicate and inform herself ". . . across borders, and regardless of frontiers." (Article 19 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights) And hardly a peep out of the so-called civil libertarians, human rights activists or cyber freedom fighters!


Daniel LeBlanc:


(Desautels) said the commission and the Human Rights Act should be subject to a fundamental review, as Justice Minister Anne McLellan recently suggested.




It is our pious hope that this will come about. One step in that direction would be for the judicial system in Canada to allow the judicial review of the Zundelsite hearings - and to get on with setting dates for these review hearings dealing with the very territorial jurisdiction and even the legislative authority of the CHRC in this matter! In reality, it has been one stalling attempt after another by the Holocaust Enforcer lawyers so as to prevent or at least delay that judicial review. A lot of judges, it seems, play along.


Daniel LeBlanc:


(Desautels) noted the commission, which has a budget of 14.8 million, has actively worked to expand interpretation of the Human Rights Act through court cases, sometimes in collaboration with complainants.




Yep. Translated, this means, to use a crass example, that the Holocaust Enforcers can pack their side with so-called "Intervenors" who are given full party status in the proceedings, being allowed to call evidence, call witnesses, cross-examine witnesses etc. That this has even been allowed is a steep dive for the legitimate judiciary who would never have permitted it, had the defendant been someone other than Ernst Zundel, and who are still happily snoozing away while this serious erosion of their own turf is taking place.


Daniel DeBlanc:


Mr. Desautels called for a clear separation of the commission's roles as promoter of human rights, representative of the public interest and advocate for an expanded interpretation of the Canadian Human Rights Act.




That would be a laudable start. What you have in these so-called Human Rights Commissions is a parallel quasi-legal system that is not bound by the standard rules of evidence in regular courts and that has arbitrary powers to run roughshod over both Anglo-Saxon tradition and law.


These agencies are far from being the "mediating" entities they smarmingly claim to be in their publications and press releases. Have they ever tried to mediate the conflict between Ernst Zundel and the Holocaust Enforcers? They made as much an attempt at mediation as a fox would have made to "mediate" between his interests and the interests of a chicken flock.


Daniel DeBlanc:


Mr. Desautel's criticism of the commission is similar to that of Mr. Justice Francis Muldoon of the Federal Court. Earlier this year, Justice Muldoon dismissed a case involving the commission and a group of Bell Canada employees, saying that the commission had overstepped its boundaries in trying to mediate a dispute between Bell and its employees, while also advising the employees on how to increase their chances of winning a settlement before the tribunal.




Here is your perfect example how Ernst Zundel's struggle is helping and not harming Canada. Here, again, the brave, protracted battle of Ernst Zundel against the Holocaust Enforcers proved useful, educational and constructive for Canada.


Please understand this very clearly: Judge Muldoon was the judge way back in January of this year who ruled the action by the CHRC to charge Ernst Zundel with contempt of court was not legal - and that the opposition lawyers ***knew*** as experienced trial lawyers that they leapfrogged the system. He assessed costs of $1,750 against them and fined them additionally another $1,000 for not fulfilling the Muldoon order in time. We may surmise that on that very day Judge Muldoon learned a thing or two about the Holocaust Enforcer tactics - and didn't like one bit what was before his eyes.


It was a small, small victory for Ernst - but it showed clearly that there are still some judges who will not knuckle under and genuflect.


Stay tuned. As Ernst has assured us time and again: "It's never over until it is over."


If the Human Rights Commission is in the hot seat with this report before Parliament, there will be additional surprises coming out of the scheduled Zundelsite hearings for the audacious Holocaust Enforcers - now that at least ***some*** members of the media are onto them, becoming wise to their conduct and courageous enough to let it be known they are the public's watch dog and not some lobby's lapdog.



Thought for the Day:


"There really is such a thing as psychological warfare, folks. Books and manuals have been written on it. Wars have been won using it."


(Post to a listserve members' group on Jewish deflection tactics)

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