Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

September 28, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


I knew this young man, a Swedish university student, because he had done some Swedish translations from me, in the course of which he was introduced to the rudiments of Revisionism by studying the issues of Revisionism on the Zundelsite and other websites.


He struck me as cautious and sensible. He read and reflected for a while, and then he got a small group of other curious young people together and told them about what he had learned.


As I remember it, there were no more than 8 - 10 at this meeting - but it so spooked the powers-that-be that they threw the book at him, charged him and his girlfriend for good measure with something or other and, having done that to scare and neutralize this inquisitive young man, unleashed a gargantuan mailing to every household with school-age children in Sweden warning parents of the dangers of Revisionism.


I have that booklet - there is some mighty money behind it from the format and feel of it - but since it is written in Swedish, I cannot read it. It is my understanding from correspondence I have had with others that this booklet was put together in something like 6 - 8 weeks, and there are plans that it be used as a similar publication as a wedge into American schools.


I had not heard from this young man for quite a while, and when I recently cleaned up my backlogged mail and came across his address, I sent him a note asking: "What's new in Sweden?"


Here is his reply:


("N)ot much is happening on the legal front. The next trial is scheduled for November. (This is also the last one - if and when our case hits the Supreme Court, there's no new trial; they just look at the documentation from the two previous trials. I don't know if the same practice is used on your side of the Atlantic.)


I have recently been denied a request to change my attorney (unless I pay for one myself, which I can't afford), on grounds that seem very flimsy indeed to me. But then again, I have little idea what reasons are generally accepted.


Unless you're keeping up with other news from Sweden, there's been one hell of an intensification of the government's persecutions since the beginning of this year. Most of the ones being jailed are youngsters who've raised their right arms at an illegal angle or been caught wearing outlawed(!), ancient symbols such as the Celtic Cross, the Sun Cross, the Swastica, the Tree of Life, et cetera.


It all started with a bang on January 3, when the police stormed a "White Power" rock concert where people had been "inciting racial hatred". (This was way out in the middle of nowhere on the countryside... Exactly who were being "incited" against whom? The squirrels against the trees, perhaps...?)


Anyway, the police went in with full riot gear and nasty German Shepards (sic)- I got bitten by one of these otherwise quite lovable creatures myself - and started beating people up, including teenage girls in the audience.


They were met with fierce resistance which, however, was struck down within a few minutes. These brave Knights of Justice then proceeded to load the whole audience - over 300 people - into buses and ship them off into cells for the night, under the pretext that everyone was suspected of "rioting".


Afterwards, everyone who'd resisted, raised their arms at the wrong angle, or whatever they could come up with, were sentenced to jail. I was lucky enough not to be among these.


The same thing, only a little more "peacefully" (since people haven't been in positions to resist) has occurred wherever patriots have gathered. When there wasn't any "inciting" going on even by their ridiculous standards at a gathering this summer, they arrested people for "illegal camping" on the grounds that a tent had been erected...


Are they interested in upholding the law? Nope. I find the laws we have pretty unworthy of a so-called "free democracy" - or any free society - but this isn't even about upholding those. It's about arresting, beating and jailing people who disagree with the Agenda. Period.


One thing they're working on is legally making (homosexuals) an "ethnic group", believe it or not, in order to ensure their "protection" from people saying bad things about them."



Thought for the Day:


"The painters of today mix their brushes and ink with dust and dirt, and their colors with mud, and in vain smear the silk. How can this be called painting?"

(Chang Yen Yuan)

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