Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

September 13, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


A most significant development in our favor has occurred. It has to do with the Rudolf Report - which was a double-check on and verification and expansion of the Leuchter Report done by a brilliant German scientist, Germar Rudolf, a few years ago.


Rudolf subsequently had to flee Germany with his young wife and two small babies because of vicious persecution by the Holocaust Enforcers - who sentenced him to prison for his scientific work!


Now the RUDOLF REPORT has been cleared by the Swiss courts as a legitimate scientific text!


This will have vast ramifications in our favor, I believe. More about that in a few days when I have had time to consult with other Revisionists about the political meaning for the world and practical consequences for Germar personally who still lives in exile in danger of being sent back to Germany to be put behind bars. I am very happy for him - and for us.


Meanwhile, for some time there has bounced around on the Internet a rather poignant summary of the state of mind of Revisionists today. This piece has been passed back and forth so often that I am not sure that every word of it is still in the original, but I am recording it here for posterity because it is so lucid - and, I believe, so true for most Revisionists.


It started with a Holocaust Enforcer, as far as I can tell, asking the following:


"Let's ask the question, whether revisionists would stop, if, let's say one day it would come out that the holocaust really didn't happen? Would they retire with a fulfilling satisfaction that they achieved their goal, now history correctly being written and life can go on? Do you see that as a realistic possibility? Or would there be some next steps?"


The person taking the Holocaust Skeptic position, answered as follows:


The holocaust happened. A great many Jews were persecuted and killed by the government of the Third Reich or its agents.


The Holocaust (the canonical one) happened in part.


What mainstream revisionism (meaning of course "the subject as I see it") aims for is a broad scholarly examination of the gas chamber claims, the number of Jews who died in the camps, and the official government policies regarding treatment of Jews (specifically, was there an extermination order or intent).


The most desirable outcome would be then to see:


* the relentless public promotions of the Holocaust come down to some reasonable level, removed from the public schools; government support of memorials, museums and study programs halted;


* a cessation of world acceptance of the Jewish tragedy of 1933-1945 as sufficient excuse to tolerate Israel's current human rights abuses


* acceptance of Germany as a normal nation of normal people, along with an end to the relentless German bashing in our media and in world politics.


All of these are desirable outcomes - but they are frustrated by the fact that


(a) Jews are still working out in their own psyches what the Holocaust "meant" -


(b) as the most recent entrenched immigrant cadre in America many Jews have high profile mouthpieces in publishing and the media, consequently -


(c) a lot of this highly personal psychological working-out is inflicted on us non-Jews constantly, and that shouldn't be the case.


I won't be discovering America to point out that Jews, like most Europeans, are quite vain, and so they think that what happened to them is the worst thing since the Fall. Hence, the harping. Hence, the belief that the Holocaust should be "taught",. Hence, the lobbying for museums and countless Holocaust memorials which will vie with Grant's Tomb as the refuge of pigeon shit and graffiti in times to come.


All of the above noxious aspects of "Holocaustomania" however are directly related to the psychological process mentioned above, coupled with the current (but not forever) high representation of Jews in public discourse. It won't last; in fact, when the Jewish cadres find themselves replaced by Asian, African, and non-Jewish Middle Eastern cadres, you will find yourselves glutted with stories about a whole new bunch of "holocausts."


The next two: Israel and Germany.


Israel has gotten away with using the Holocaust to cover over the way they treat their local Arabs. But again that is becoming increasingly irrelevant, because most young adults today have seen far more film footage of IDFs soldiers beating up Palestinians than newsreels of Germans beating up "Ostjuden". And that trend will continue in the future.


Another way in which Israel "uses" the Holocaust is as a rallying point for Jews to migrate to Israel. But there are not going to be anymore large migrations to Israel, no matter how many speeches Netanyahu gives about the "duty" Jews have to emigrate. So that will also abate.


Finally, the Holocaust is used as a club by conservative Jews to try to rally the troops away from excessive assimilation, intermarriage, and "loss of faith" in the Zionist enterprise. But those who use the Holocaust in this way are time-bound: they are almost all in the early baby boom generation or even older. Younger Jews do not have this obsession, in the main.


The only thing that is left is when it will become possible to open debate (on) the non-existence of the gas chambers.


A normal perspective on Germany: that takes time. We did fight two wars with them, and that water has to pass over the bridge.


Those are optimistic goals, and I do not expect to see them in my lifetime. However, if they came about you can bet your last buck that I would drop this subject like a hot rock.


And so would 90% of revisionists, who would then turn their attention to the sacred cows of other groups (if they haven't already) (But g)iven the fact that a lie from WWI, that Germans made soap from human bodies, still circulates from its second application 55 years ago, this may be a long, long road to arrive at a change.


What I think will happen before any successes on our part is that there will be a revolt against the militant orthodoxy coming from either academia or the Jewish communities, or both.


The movement by orthodox and conservative Jews to outlaw Holocaust revisionism will go down in history as one of the most foolish, ill-advised and counter- productive measures ever adopted by an anachronistic elite intent on maintaining the hegemony of their belief system.


Far from discrediting revisionism, their efforts have simply strengthened it."


Thought for the Day:


"There WILL be an apology (about the Holocaust), said one Vatican observer. The question is for what." (Emphasis added)


(The Pope and the Jews, NYT, Nov 30, 1997)

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