Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 17, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


In a previous ZGram I had made the point that what we are engaged in is already World War III. Immediately the Politically Correct Internet Howlers made fun of my statement so as to illustrate my "ignorance." As a result, the Zundelsite count almost doubled.


Therefore, it is incumbent upon me to pour some more oil on the fire - because every time Holocaust Enforcers exercise their emotions and vent their spleen on something that I said, our visitor count skyrockets, books and tapes are sold, and information is imparted on newcomers.


Here is what I meant, and what I will repeat: We are engaged in a spiritual war which has its roots in World War II - which in itself grew out of World War I and the horrendous "Reparations Treaty" of Versailles.


What we are seeing now is an ancient grudge being carried on by unforgiving people who have a deep investment in mediocrity and will try to destroy wherever greatness shows its mark.


Compare the excerpts below with what is happening today. There are uncanny parallels. General Leon Degrelle, a World War II hero of Belgian descent, blessed with the gift of moving oratory and writing, has laid it out for us in a sharp blueprint in "Hitler, Born at Versailles":


"One of the last actions of the Versailles Treaty was to brand Germany "Guilty" with a red-hot iron. Germany had to be exhibited to the world as so bestial a menace that no punishment would ever be enough to atone for its crimes.


This was the only way to justify the Allied mutilation and pillage of Germany, which were unprecedented in European history. Only if Germany bore the entire guilt for the war, like a blot of original sin, only if it was Germany which had committed the worst atrocities, could the Allies justify their treatment of the "monster." So reasoned the avengers.


British master propagandists had invented a long list of "German atrocities," which had to be used and recycled throughout the war, either to keep their unfortunate cannon fodder at a fever pitch of indignation or to outrage naive third parties into joining the war on their side. . . Although the weight of historical evidence points to the Allies, there is still ambivalence on the subject among the successors of the 1919 Allies. They are trapped in the lies that led to World War II, once more trapped in justifying their responsibility in that mass killing. (...)


German guilt and atrocities were articles of faith. To question them was unthinkable if one wished to avoid being branded a traitor, or worse. British propaganda mills had devised horror stories to suit each country's population. They were to be the cannon fodder, and they had to be convinced. (...)


While its fate was being dictated in Paris by vengeful enemies, Germany had to cope with the massive insurrection Lenin had unleashed on its soil. Despite the adversity and hunger, and perhaps because of it, a new patriotic spirit had arisen. Germany had been completely disarmed; helplessly watching communist terror spreading destruction throughout the land. While the peace conference was imposing a "Diktat" of punishment and mutilation, German volunteers from all over the Reich took on the Communists. They resisted Marxist terror by practicing greater terror, the only thing the Communists understand."


Small sidebar here: While this was happening, irony would have it that Hitler was lying in a hospital, recovering from being blinded by an Allied mustard gas attack. And he resolved right then and there that he would do his share to save his fatherland.


His own friends did not know of his mission. He himself was unaware of what history had in store for him. The rest is history.


Degrelle takes us back to the years right after World War I:


"From Berlin to the northern cities and the Ruhr the Germans had to fight in ferocious combat against the Bolsheviks. Inch by inch they regained their country. The center of Communist terror was Soviet-occupied Bavaria. The Communists deployed a Red army, 60,000 strong and armed to the teeth; they had occupied Bavaria for six months and were backed, not only by Lenin, but by powerful Freemasons in the West. All the Communist leaders in Bavaria were Jews, just as 75% of the Soviet bosses in Moscow were Jews.


The objective study of the evolution of National Socialism must at all times consider how constant was the involvement of Jews in creating, leading and implementing the Communist revolutions which plunged Germany into a reign of bloody terror in 1918 and 1919.


On July 6, 1917, when Germany (had been) in a position to win the war, Jewish agents had sabotaged the war effort. It was the militant left-wing Jew, Cohen, who organized and directed the massive strike throughout Germany''s munitions factories in April 1917. One hundred twenty five thousand strategic workers were led by Cohen out of factories on which the survival of the German army depended. (...)


No one in Germany would ever forget after the war that Jewish Communist leaders and operatives had almost taken over the German nation. To state these facts is not an "anti-Semitic" declaration but simply a historical explanation as to why nearly all Germans harbored anti-Jewish resentment.


In the spring of 1919 Lenin's main preoccupation was to strengthen his Bavarian satellite, which he regarded as the stepping stone for the invasion of Europe. (...)


The Socialists had tapped the patriotic feelings of the Germans for their salvation, and indirectly, that of Germany.


The delegates to the peace conference watched the life-and-death struggle in Germany impassively. Germany had emerged after four years of war and two years of revolution exhausted but alive. The Allies, who desired the destruction of Germany above all else, were still determined to bring Germany down, if not by Bolshevik revolution at least through massive reparations. (...)


Blinded by hatred and stupidity the Allies wanted to extract billions from Germany and at the same time destroy the country's viability. Politicians were prisoners of the blind hatred they had promoted for years.


The real crime of war, even more than killing, is to poison the masses with hatred, making it impossible for generations to return to reason and objectivity, thus laying the groundwork for the next war. (...)


The German people withdrew its support from the grubby democratic dealers, who were now the object of loathing and contempt. A transcending unity was being forged, despite the combined opposition of the left and the right. Instinctively people knew that the press and the conventional political parties did not represent them: they were, instead, an integral part of the cancer that was destroying their country.


The right wore the mantle of patriotism but never went beyond words to exercise their patriotism, while the left was captive of nebulous incoherent Marxist mouthings.


The savior of Germany would sweep aside all these contradictory and outdated factors. He would unite the workers in partnership with the industrialists on the premise that work is the real wealth and capital of a nation. Class war only benefited professional trade unionists living off the workers and the capitalist monopolies, both committed to the status quo, against progress.


The Weimar "mediocrities" had failed to free Germany from the shackles of the peace treaty, which was the one issue uniting the Germans. They had failed to gauge Germany's mood. People were willing to sacrifice themselves for the high purpose of saving Germany but no one was willing to fight and die for the sake of a pork chop or a pair of socks. The Weimar politicians were engrossed in materialism and just could not conceive of principles and ideals as a motivating factor.


In fact, they feared the popular will. The mass of non-issues which were being presented at election times or filling the newspapers were designed to diffuse popular resolve and energy. People's aspirations were side-tracked into dead-end roads. People's attempts to raise themselves above mediocre conditions were thwarted by the apostles of mediocrity.


In human affairs people yearn for an ideal to believe in. Religious or political figures who fail to fulfill people's aspirations are destined for oblivion.


It was when Germany had sunk to its lowest level of political mismanagement, when corruption and depravity were foisted on the nation from the top, when all seemed hopeless, that the people experienced their greatest need for regeneracy. Whoever had the qualities to answer the popular call would find the power to restore Germany's freedom and honor. Collective impotence would be swept by the man who would truly embody popular dynamism. He would fight for national honor, social justice, and class cooperation. Workers and industrialists all belonged to the same nation, to the same economic unity. Class war was an error against nature, a cynical exploitation of the productive elements of the nation. It had to be replaced by a genuine collaboration, with all parties sharing in the social profits. All work and all workers would have to be respected. The savior of Germany would be not only a nationalist but also a socialist: a patriot and a defender of social justice. He would not be trapped in a web of Marxist dialectics pitting members of the same nation against one another. He would gather all the energy of all the people for the benefit of social and national unity and for the benefit of all the people.


This man who both would be a nationalist and a socialist idealist; did he exist in German in 1919?


He was nowhere to be seen. There were mediocre politicians, cogs in unrepresentative party machines of nationalists without leadership or revolutionaries controlled by aliens and railroaded into murderous uprisings for the benefit of alien interests.


Yet this man existed, and his time had come."


(Quoted selectively from pages 515 - 535. Hitler: Born at Versailles by Lean Degrelle, available from the Institute for Historical Review.)


There are undoubtedly men and women alive among us, who are not understood by those closest to them. They live among us, quietly doing their jobs, until the clarion call of history awakens them into dramatic action, surprising often themselves - and scaring their enemies. This has been true since ancient times, as illustrated by the carpenter's son of Nazareth, Alexander of Macedonia, the blond-eyed wonder boy, the monk who dared the Church, and the young Corsican artillery officer who burst upon a world gone mad. They are among us, even now. America produced a Washington, and Germany a Hitler when the time was ripe and change had to come.


Be patient - history can wait! There is no lie so dark it can withstand the light. Savitri Devi told us in her treatise "The Lightning and the Sun."




Thought for the Day:


"And we forget because we must, and not because we will."


(Matthew Arnold)

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