Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 26, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


To come back to Wolfgang Juchem's analysis of how the Gentile mind was targeted with massive doses of the psychological poison of guilt so as to make it malleable to post-war exploitation, I reprint this:


Those who had hoped that with the increasing time interval of events during the war, a normalization of the histeriography of the war would take place were, however, bitterly disappointed with the divisive manner history was taught by cringing historians in the Federal Republic of Germany and in the so-called German Democratic Republic.


Furthermore, after the alleged re-attainment of our full sovereignty following our reunification all factions of Bonn politicians feel they have a special responsibility to disseminate the mendacious interpretation of what the victors claim to be indisputable and binding truths.


And this in spite of the fact that members of the German Parliament well know what the one-time US publicist and radio commentator Walter Lippman wrote in regard to this subject just after the war: 'Only when the war propaganda of the victors is entered into the history books of the vanquished, ***and this is also believed by succeeding generations***, only then will our reeducation have succeeded.'


This underscores the comments of a high-ranking French officer of the "Bureau Centre Espionage" made in a discussion with the world-renowned German jurist Prof. Dr. Friedrich Grimm at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof in Lindau, at that time a jail for prominent Germans. When the professor asked the officer: 'Now that the war is over, will your atrocity propaganda also cease?", the Frenchman answered: "No, no, now it will begin in earnest. We will continue with it, year-in and year-out. We will intensify it until the last spark of sympathy for the Germans has been eradicated and the German people themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know who they are and what they are doing.'


The effect of this unending flow of enemy propaganda has manifested itself in today's Germany. As if it were self-evident and normal, today's Germans of all ages and occupational groups tend to unilaterally blame our wartime generation as being guilty of committing war crimes, while at the same time they hail the most brutal and sadistic Allied murder bands as "liberators".



The reeducation of our people as willing tools who parrot the enemy line has meanwhile taken on dimensions of alarming proportions that are without parallel in the entire history of mankind.


The perfectly camouflaged diversion of guilt of the Allies and the continuing one-sided political incrimination of the defeated German people could only succeed when the whole educational system and the print media came under the control of the victors. That German teachers, journalists and political lackeys took part in the defamation of their own people is one of the greatest riddles of our time. These people must have known that the one-sided presentation of our history as interpreted by the victorious powers could do no harm to a bygone system but will destroy our chances of having a normal future.


When one reflects upon the fact that justice is indivisible, it becomes evident that a crime is also a crime when committed by the victors." (Truth and Justice versus Lies and Hatred, p. 15-16)


Thought for the Day:


"Deutschland, verrecke!"


(Frequent comment sent to the Zundelsite by brainwashed young leftist German students, translated as "Germany must perish!" or, more crudely put, "Germany, kick the bucket!")

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