Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

June 21, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

One of our global reporters sent me a short item overnight that is certainly food for thought. It deals with a French anti-Revisionist film called "Terminale".


This film, by Francis Girod, scripted by Jewish psychiatrist Gérard Miller, is not the first anti-Revisionist movie in France which denounces Revisionism. In this film, the villain is what our reporter calls ". . . a revisionist-perverted teacher in philosophy. In the casting, a Jew, Bruno Wolkowitch, is the revisionist-perverted teacher."


His pupils end up killing this teacher. The last sentence of the film is: "The worst of it all, with bastards, is that they make you want to kill them".


According to this overnight report, the French weekly "L'Evenement du jeudi" (of May 28 to June 3, 1998, p. 76-77) issued a "debate" on the topic, called: "May one kill an antisemite?"


Four high-school pupils were interviewed. They did not like the film very much.


A girl is quoted as saying: "The bastard is dead, but that won't change anything - a thousand people like him are left!" One of the boys says: "They were right to kill him. I'm not shocked that those high-school pupils kill a Revisionist".


Imagine a film that would openly call for the murder of members of an "identifiable group" we all know? Where are the Human Rights aficionados when we need them?


When I read news like that, I can see that some people can become discouraged and are tempted to flee from the Revisionist struggle and leave the battle field to historical lies. To that I say: Baloney! A Ukrainian friend of mine sent me a brief notice with the subject matter line as "Liar! Liar! Nose on Fire!" describing what is happening to our opposition and why ever more desperate - and transparent! - means such as this irresponsible film are resorted to in order to contain the world-wide fires of Revisionism!


Liar! Liar! Nose on Fire! This expression - sounds like a most effective school yard taunt to me! - is one I hadn't yet heard, but it certainly fits what is happening all over the world.


Here are a few brief items:




The Associated Press, in a release issued June 6, 1998 reported a real cat fight among the Jewish factions surrounding the "Nazi Gold" issue - an issue highly explosive in Switzerland, with news about near-riot conditions where the police are siding with the Swiss demonstrators against the defamers of Switzerland, and where reports of these clashes are religiously and rigorously suppressed.


From assorted news snippets I gather that the Swiss Jews seem to be afraid of what the World Jewish Congress has unleashed and the American-based Wiesenthalers are so irresponsibly pushing. Here is a brief AP glimpse of how this is playing out:


"A Jewish newspaper in Switzerland disputed a new report that alleges some Swiss leaders were pro-Nazi during World War II, charging Friday that the study distorted the strength of a movement supporting the Third Reich.


The newspaper, the Israelitisches Wochenblatt, alleged the study issued in New York by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, 'deliberately suppressed the strong anti-Nazi movement in Switzerland.' (...)


The paper joined the country's other Jewish weekly in attacking the study. The Basel-based Juedische Rundschau on Thursday described the study as full of 'exaggerations and falsifications.' (...)


'So many details are presented painfully wrong,' said the Juedische Rundschau, which earlier this year led Swiss Jewish criticism of a report by Schom asserting Switzerland put Jewish refugees in slave labor camps.


On Wednesday, the U.S. State Department also disputed the charges in Schom's new report, noting that Switzerland provided shelter for 50,000 Jewish refugees."






From Spain we have word that the case against Pedro Varela has gone another step forward - in favor of Revisionism. Varela is a young, smart, highly flamboyant Spaniard who does not permit, as we would say in German, to have his buttered bread be clawed.


On Friday, June 8th, the court gathered again to ponder the five charges filed against Varela, to wit:


- Violating copyright laws

- Illegal association

- Insults against minorities of racial backgrounds

- Exaltation of genocide and holocaust denial

- Racial hatred


After some previous defense team victories, only the last two were sustained. However, SOS-Racisme attorney asked once again for the first charge to be included, and therefore the SOS-Racisme attorney, the Jewish community attorney, the state attorney and the defense team were ordered for another court date on June 8th.


"Surprisingly,' writes our correspondent, "all the prosecutors agreed that the (attempt at reinstating charges) was null and void. So we (had traveled) to Barcelona for nothing. The judge said that the trial would finally take place next September or October. We had no problems during the attendance and there were just 8-10 persons in the court room. 5-6 were ours."


Does this look like another "retreat and regroup"? Shades of what happened when the Canadian Inquisition pulled in their tails and slinked (slunk?) out of the courtroom - after a hue and cry went out all over Canada about their idiotic statement that "Truth is no defence!" and "Truth is irrelevant!"




Great Britain:


According to Smith's Report in its Worldscope Section, June 1998,


"The Libertarian Alliance for Life, Liberty and Property has issued an excellent pamphlet that not only defends freedom of expression for Revisionists, Holocaust and otherwise, but offers in its twenty-three pages a comparative wealth of information on Revisionist histeriography and on anti-Revisionist measures over the past several decades.


"Freedom of Expression" by David Botsford, is both pleasurable and informative reading for the seasoned Revisionist and the novice alike, for Americans as well as Britons."


Our very own Revisionist libertarian, Bradley Smith, who edits Smith's Report and keeps the ADL busy running after ads in college papers Mr. Bradley plants, is reported to have "received generous notice." Kudos to Libertarian Alliance, 25 Chapters Chambers, Esterbrooke Street, London SWIP 4NN




And, finally, here is your latest from what is ever more frequently referred to as Absurdistan - read Canada:


An article from "Hinduism Today" magazine tells us that the Ontario Press Council in Canada upheld in March Prakash Mody's complaint against the Toronto Star newspaper for its incorrect depiction of the Nazi swastika.


For years Mody, a Jain, has urged the media to print the Nazi version of the swastika tilted at a 45-degree angle and labeled "Nazi swastika."


The swastika, a mark of good fortune to several faiths, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, is most often used by those faiths upright, with the arms horizontal or vertical.


"Even graffiti artists know the Nazis made their swastika at an angle," Mody told the council. Surely, he said, journalists who could remember to type "Jeep" with a capital "J" because it is a trademark, could make a distinction between the two forms of the swastika symbol.


The council agreed, and it will now be so in Ontario.


(Small sidebar, according to Ernst: "The one judge of color in our case is a Jain!")




Thought for the Day - a bit of a "writing on the wall"? :


According to the Schwarz Report, May 1998,


"A few months ago, there appeared in the Sunday Magazine of the New York Times a full page apologia by a self-proclaimed 'red diaper baby': Her parents may not have exercised good judgment by becoming a (Communist) party members, but at least they "believed in something".

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