Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

April 17, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


I had this little folder sitting on my desk for quite some time because I wanted to treat myself to a ZGram on Nizkor, specifically its prominent director, Ken McVay, who was A Favorite Goy for quite a with the talmudic crowd.


Since Nizkor and the Zundelsite have been glaring at each other from opposite sides of the fence, in the past we have had some unfriendly things to say about each other - but one thing I have to grant Ken McVay: when he speaks against censorship on the Net, and includes us as folks NOT to be censored, it has the ring of truth to it. I really believe that he means it - unlike some other Nizkorites or, more specifically, ex-Nizkorites we know.


I watched some mini-sparring yesterday in the fight-censorship news group that has been infiltrated by a noisy mini-swarm of these mendacious former aficionados of Nizkor who talk out of both sides of their mouths. Prominent among them, of course, is our beloved Jamie McCarthy who seems to have set up a Nizkor-type web page of his own, perhaps in competition with Nizkor, and one Marc Kaufman of HateWatch.


I haven't seen much of Ken McVay in fight-censorship lately, which probably has its good reasons. McVay, who was paraded around as a shining example of Good Goy Behavior, has grown rather quiet and pensive, it seems. At one time, Ken was boasting about 150 Nizkor volunteers - but where, pray, are they now?


Now I read the following comment from Kaufman, posted yesterday:


"That's funny, because . . . Nizkor is essentially a one-person operation, that person being Ken McVay."


Permit me now to speculate that Nizkor has essentially self-destructed internally, much like the Soviet Union, by its own bulkiness, dead wood and inefficiency. The rats have left the sinking ship. Where does that leave Captain McVay?


At, we find the following, apparently written by Mr. McVay himself:


"I am reliably informed that the following letter was received at the national office of B'nai Brith Canada in September of 1997, closely following the international symposium on "Hate on the Internet."


"The letter, written under the Simon Wiesenthal Center's letterhead, contained the following text, in part:


"On whose side are McVay and his cohorts on? For some time I have wondered why B'nai Brith continues to give him a platform when he avidly proposes policies which our respective agencies oppose. His site provides automatic links with almost all of the major Holocaust deniers - all in the name of free speech!


"Let's face it, McVay is a quirky loose cannon whose usefulness is almost over. If it weren't for B'nai Brith he would be out of business.




Sol Littman"


Wrote Ken from his sole post at the stern of his deserted ship:


"If Mr. Littman really believes that my work would come to a halt without the help and support of B'nai Brith, he is . . . misinformed.


It would be interesting to know if this letter reflects an official position of the Simon Wiesenthal Center."


(end of Nizkor post)


Well, we don't know. Now this may be a bit confusing to ZGram newcomers, but the gist of this letter is that the Holocaustonian Jews used the Gentile Ken McVay for quite a while, parading him around as an object lesson of Good Goy Behavior, but now don't think much of his laudable efforts and speak of him contemptuously - and that Ken knows it in his bones.


That is what happens to an obliging Goy - and haven't we all been in Ken's shoes?


Nobody tried harder than Ken McVay to prop up the sinking Holocaust tale - and there he is, alone, described as a "quirky loose cannon whose usefulness is almost over." Is that a way to treat man, I ask, with nothing to show for his pains but an Orden?




Thought for the Day:


"You give your best to it, yourselves, your soul. We give only our cleverness to it."


(A quote from "You Gentiles" by Maurice Samuel, in his chapter "We, the Destroyers", p. 148)

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