Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

March 30, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

After a harrowing few days and more computer crashes than I would wish on my worst enemy, I am up and halfway running again. My apologies for several missed ZGrams. There was simply no way for me to function even minimally, and the problems have not yet been completely solved.


My regular computer expert threw up his hands after a morning of frustration, admitted finally that he had no idea what might be wrong and left in a big huff - and two comrades, summoned hastily, sacrificed part of a weekend to see if they could help. One even donated an almost new computer, but the problems aren't fixed by any means. Therefore, if my ZGrams are erratic, please be patient and don't worry about my safety or other shenanigans - it is really and truly only a serious computer situation.


Now a quick update about several rather important developments, all of them proffered to lift up your spirit:


· First, after almost three years since the fire and the bomb at the Zundel-Haus and tons of subsequent emotional upheavals and financial nightmares that came in the wake of these terrorist acts, three suspects have finally been arrested for the bombing and their razor-blade/mouse-trap threats. Two of them are the previously identified hoodlums, Barbarash and Thurston, at least one of whom ARA-affiliated, and the third one is a girl named Rebecca Rubin - as judged by her name, obviously one of the tribe.


The $400,000 arson has still not been solved, however.


Even though these terrorists are clearly a threat to society - at least one of them with previous arms/arson convictions - who have been declared "extremely dangerous" and "a menace to society" and refused bail six times (!) by a judge in previous arrests and subsequent legal proceedings, this time both Barbarash and Thurston were released on bail - the same day they were arrested!


Can you imagine such irresponsible behavior? Can you imagine that so-called "right extremists" would have been treated likewise - had they, let's say, sent bombs and razor blades to Jews? Not on your life! The lapdog media, of course, did their usual pimping job for the powers-that-be and reported only minimally on the arrests - or not at all. No wonder responsible people turn to the Internet to get updates on news!


· Secondly, last Saturday, the long anticipated David Irving presentation at an Institute for Historical Review event took place, and David Irving was in splendid form! Irving is an eloquent speaker who took Revisionism in that lecture one step beyond the details of the "Holocaust" into a much broader historical realm - to one of the "whys" behind World War II and the subsequent exploitation and expansion of the war propaganda.


Specifically, he asked: "Why did Britain lose its empire?" and his answer was, delivered with no small passion and force: "Because we were STUPID!"


Amen! A fascinating speech - and one of the best, I believe, that has come out of the Revisionist camp since Revisionists came on the scene. The audience gave Irving at the end a one-minute standing ovation.


Also featured that evening was Professor Costas Zaverdinos who was visiting America for the first time from South Africa. He gave an overview thumb sketch presentation of Revisionism in general. I will be visiting with Dr. Zaverdinos within the next few days and look forward to getting a first hand account of how "equality", enforced by the Marxist ANC at point of bayonet at the south tip of the Dark Continent, has impacted on those hard-working Europeans who pioneered South Africa, and their dependents who are now either fleeing for their lives and moving to Australia, New Zealand, Canada or back to Europe, or barricading themselves behind security fences to protect themselves from the rabble.


· Last but not least, a stunning development in the Zundel Human Rights Commission situation seems to have occurred. Very briefly and with more to come in future ZGrams, we have been reliably informed that in an independent legal action - independent from the Zundel legal team, that is! - the Canadian Human Rights Commission has been severely chastised by two Canadian judges of the Federal Court and restricted in its attempts at doing political hatchet jobs on people certain agenda-driven lobbies or special interest groups don't like.


The cases involve Bell Canada that won a judgment against the CHRC - and the elements of the cases are very similar if not identical to the Zundel case still before the Tribunal. Much more about that later, as the Zundel legal team dissects the extremely long and detailed decision and reasons for judgment.


In the meantime, it is business-as-usual back at Zundel-Haus where lawyers, typists and researchers are hard at work to forge the arguments and find, analyze, copy and collate thousands of sheets of papers, prepare, submit and file motion after motion in court appearance after court appearance to make sure that one man, Ernst Zundel, can retain his right to be heard and read by the world.


What a record will be left in the annals of Canadian law! When will the Zundel foes wise up?! What monumental fools they are - to leave that kind of paper trail as evidence of their hypocrisy!


So much for now. I hope to be up and running efficiently before long very soon - but if not, please bear with me. My ZGrams are my high priority.




Thought for the Day:


Joseph Sobran quoting someone else, stated that

"government is 'organized plunder'. It might be added that a politics geared to this kind of government is organized whining."




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