Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

March 18, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

There will be yet another show-down on Free Speech, come Saturday, in the little town of Oliver where Bernard Klatt resides, an internet provider who says that he is not a censor. Instauration hits the nail on the head in its latest issue by commenting on some but not all of the background:
"As elsewhere, defamation in Canada has been a monopoly of the libs and the glibs. Minorities can say anything they want about the Majority, but if the Majority goes after the minorities, it is decried as fascism, even anti-Semitism.

No more. Two courageous Canadians, Eileen Pressler and Malcolm Ross, are sueing their defamers for defamation. What is good for the goose is good for the slanderer.

Pressler's target is David Lethbridge who, despite his WASP name, is an old fogyish Jewish Stalinist. He spends his time trying to shut down public meetings of any group he dislikes.

New Brunswick school teacher Malcolm Ross has long been the subject of filthy cartoons by one Josh Beutel, one showing Ross with a pencil up his rectum. Beutel falsely accused Ross of spreading Nazi ideology in the classroom (before he was fired).

No matter how the trials turn out, the dynamics of anti-Majorityism will be turned down, and the minorityites, especially Jews, will find to their dismay that what they have done to others can be done unto them.

The problem for Pressler and Ross is that they will have to pay for the litigation out of their own pockets and contributions from friends. The defendents can charge off their costs to public institutions and foundations."

(Instauration, March 1998, p. 26)

To refresh your memory: Professor David Lethbridge is the enterprising fellow who showed professorial disdain by pulling down his pants in a public parking lot and mooning people with whom he was displeased.

The absolutely atrocious cartoon referred to above of Malcolm Ross has all the earmarks of those Chosen ones who show their fascination with, of all things, that human orifice that Dr. Wallach calls "exhaust pipe."

These are the kinds of people who think they can defame and slander decent human beings with impunity. Well, we shall see.

For a starter, the show-down this weekend in Oliver, B.C. - dubbed the "hate capital of Canada" by none other than Sol Littman of the Canadian arm of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an organization that has built a a global empire out of peddling hate against Germans and others they dislike - will mark another milestone in this struggle for free speech.

Why do I think the ARA will make one of its grubby appearances?

From Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression Inc. and one of the scheduled speakers, I received overnight this Letter to the Editor of the Oliver paper, which adds color and spice to the unfolding tale:
"Your paper ran a front page story ("Politicians in Oliver urged to halt forum", Penticton Herald, March 17, 1998) featuring the demand by last federal election Communist Party candidate David Lethbridge that the Oliver town council cancel our "Free Speech IS the Issue" information meeting this Saturday night.

It was St.Patrick's Day and the Okanagan College psych teacher was peddling enough blarney to swamp the Emerald Isle. Lethbridge inadvertently makes our point for us: "Free Speech IS the issue."

Here we have a communist, a follower of a system that preaches dictatorship and has consigned 100-million human beings to gulags and grisly death this century, and he's demanding that others be silenced!

That is precisely the nature of censorship in this country. The censorship fanatics won't discuss, won't debate. If they don't like your point of view, they holler abuse -- "fascism" "white supremacy" -- and demand that you be silenced.

I trust that the Oliver town fathers will remember the freedoms my dad fought for during four years in the Royal Canadian Navy in WW II and tell the communist teacher to go fly a red kite.

Our information meeting will explain what the Internet is all about, will give the much maligned Oliver Internet provider Bernard Klatt a chance to explain his case, and will explain how the Oliver problem is part and parcel of a much larger threat to thinking men and women across this country by the ugly forces of political censorship."

If you live in the area, attend and report back to me about this coming Saturday. Will the Canadian town of Oliver be cowed?

Thought for the Day:

"Watts required to operate an IBM personal computer: 93. Watts used by the human brain engaged in deep thought: 14."

(Source: Harper's Index)

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