Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

January 10, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

To recap briefly:

Once upon a time - in fact, not all that long ago - a former Marxist and Leftist turned Muslim named Roger Garaudy, living in France, discovered pretty much at the end of his life that there exists a school of thought called Revisionism. (In France, I believe, it is called Negationism).

Garaudy put together a book called "The Founding Myths of Israeli Policy" by borrowing liberally from one of Revisionism's finest, Dr. Robert Faurisson, also French. Garaudy forgot to give Dr. Faurisson credit, and published the title to lively interest and much literary/political acclaim.

The book was a great hit in France and elsewhere, I understand. It can be ordered by writing to IPP/UASR, PO Box 1181, Vienna, VA 22183-1181 and be had for a mere $14.95.

(Order it! I haven't read it yet but have been told it makes the Revisionist twin point that "Holocaust Equals Extortion" and "Holocaust Finances Israel" quite nicely!)

In France, there was much ado when this title first came out, largely due to yet another aging Leftist, Abbe Pierre who . . . but I think you remember the story: how the good Padre unwittingly endorsed the book of his old crony without having read it, only to face a howling mob of Holocaust Endorsers, causing him to flee to Italy in panic and hide himself away in a monastery.

This controversy introduced Revisionism into France Big Time, the irony of which wasn't lost on Revisionism. Now Garaudy himself is facing the music for having done what people cannot do in France - misspeak themselves about the Holocaust. ( The legal two-by-four is called the Fabius-Gayssot Law )

Dr. Faurisson, France's foremost Revisionist, for his part was recently in court for having done just that - as I recall, it was a press release in which he corrected somebody else's error. Naturally, Dr. Faurisson was charged and found himself facing a judge who showed a lively interest in Revisionism, as evidenced by many thoughtful questions.

This judge was reported to have treated Dr. Faurisson with much restraint and courtesy, but in the end he had no choice but to sentence and fine Dr. Faurisson for his heresy - according to said law.

Well, here is Garaudy now, in that same court, with that same judge - and what came of this latest is manna to us dissidents.

One of our correspondents reported:
"So, now, back to yesterday's hearing, Friday 9th, second day of Garaudy's trial.

Garaudy underwent a detailed interrogation on each and every revisionist sentence of his book. It was almost a torture for Garaudy; the judge keeping quoting sentences full of revisionism - the very ones which have made the success of the book - and Garaudy trying to avoid being confused with the revisionists, of course with a view to escaping the Fabius-Gayssot law.

But Judge Monfort used a Machiavellian stratagem. He decided he would trap the old man and hound him until he would admit that he is a revisionist.

Judge Monfort proved to be more revisionist than any revisionist: he asked Garaudy about the witnesses' accounts ("... preposterous, weren't they?"), the Leuchter/Krakov/Rudolf reports ("... very convincing, aren't they?"), the 6 million figure ("...incredible, isn't it?") and the poor man, each time, was trying to say he didn't agree with the judge.

As time passed, Garaudy was more and more staggering under the firing of the judge. And, after four hours of excruciating examination, out of a tremendous fatigue, he ended up saying the following fatal words - precisely those he had been trying to avoid for four hours:

"It is certainly not I who would have had the idea to make money out of the bones of my grand-father!"

Judge Monfort had won!

When the hearing was over, the judge stood up and went off to great applause from the revisionist audience.

Next (and last) hearing, the most important one, will be on Thursday 15. The sentence should be given approximately one month later."

Now, you see, why we Revisionist insist that there is gold in those court hearings? You plant a seed - you never know where it will sprout!

Thought for the Day:

"Have You Hugged The Holocaust Today? Hmmmm?"

(Proposed bumper sticker slogan sent to the Zundelsite)

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