Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

December 30, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

On the second to last day of this year, I treat you now to to an astringent Giwer essay, "Off Limits for Discussion." I have edited it only very slightly to make it conform to my ZGram style:
"It is difficult to find things that cannot be discussed today, (since) we live in such an open time. While many thing appear off-limits for discussion, they are not. It is like the McCarthy Era - everyone freely talks about what they cannot talk about.

But the matters that cannot even be called politically correct are things Jewish.

One such matter is Zionism - and its corrollary that Israel is sacred. Anything done in the name of Israel must be understood, explained away, and preferably not mentioned. The penalty for finding any but the most superficial fault with even the most murderous Israli action is being called "anti-semitic", "neo-Nazi", or worse. Above all, one must never find fault with Americans who vote the interests of Israel, and never criticize those with dual loyalties via dual citizenship. Criticizing a generation of vipers is always dangerous.

The Jewish Holocaust is another matter that has to be discussed in the "positive." The positive in this case is the negative and from an exclusively Jewish perspective.

As a minimum it has to be the worst thing that ever happened in human history, and it has to have been perpetrated upon the first totally innocent people ever to exist in all of human history.

Different countries have different treatments for those who will not comply. As a belated Christmas present in France, Jean-Marie LePen was fined for failing to show proper reverence to the Jewish Holocaust. His action was putting it in true and proper perspective in relation to WW II, which is considered a crime in France. This is his second punishment for a repetition of the same act: speaking of it in perspective of the war.

In the US, the media self-censors the Jewish Holocaust in addition to negative reports on Israel. Jewish groups, generally run by rabbis, such as the franchised Simon Wiesenthal Center, act as watchdogs on errant media outlets, as well as working to censor the internet.

The Jewish Defense League creates files and spies upon those who are guilty of irreverence, in addition to being involved in terrorist activities, such as fire-bombing.

The Canadian government is not divorced from these Jewish interest groups. The same Simon Wiesenthal center via its Canadian franchise-holders is working with several other Jewish organizations in Canada, attempting to criminalize internet content in the US. The Canadian government, being helpless before such organized political power, continues to persecute Mr. Ernst Zundel after 17 years of failures.

Germany is so at the mercy of these organized Jewish power groups that it has prosecuted Mr. David Irving for having ***repeated*** a statement about the Auschwitz Museum by the Director of the Auschwitz Museum.

In another case, a scientist was convicted of exercising free academic inquiry but failing to come to the conclusions approved by these Jewish power groups.

In these cases we have clear demonstrations that these Jewish power groups can pervert the law and the courts and gain convictions contrary to the facts of the case. Yet, mentioning Jewish power even with the supporting data is considered anti-semitic.

It is not that the power to subvert justice does not exist; it is that such power is not to be mentioned. Mentioning it is self-censored in the media, and condemned if beyond media control.

While we do not know why the media censores itself, we know the one reason it cannot be that ". . . Jews control the media." We know that despite all appearances, it can not be that! But we do know the only people interested in public reverence for the Jewish Holocaust are Jews.

There are many examples of this interest. For example, it is only Jewish groups behind Holocaust education in schools. And, as in France, it is promoted at the expense of relevant matters in education.

(Students) may not know much about the causes of World War II other than ". . . Hitler hated Jews"; they may not know much about how the war was won; but they certainly know ". . . the war was fought to liberate the Jews from concentration camps."

Our non-Jewish controlled entertainment media can't seem to get its fill acting out the Jewish Holocaust myths nor of using anything related to Germany at any time in its history as a symbol of evil. Even in a totally unrelated movie like "The Phantom", the bad guys use German guns even from the First World War.

It is this same media . . . that finds it nearly impossible to find any motivation for the action hero but revenge. Duty, honor, country are not beyond their understanding, but rather part of what they hate. As with free academic inquiry, any motivation other than the approved revenge is condemned by our entertainment media. It is part of their mythology that revenge is a righteous motivation for attacks by them. It follows that there can be no call for revenge upon themselves who are innocent victims via ancestors they never knew.

But I am mis-speaking myself, the media is not controlled by Jews, so none of the above observations can be true. There has to be another explanation for it all. I am certain if I watch the credits more closely I will find an explanation.

And because the media is not controlled by those with a vested interest in reverence for both Israel and the Jewish Holocaust, there must be some other reason why the irreverent side of these matters are not open to public discussion.

Certainly it is not due to general public knowledge or interest. As with Iraq and Vietnam, most people cannot find Israel on a map.

As to the Jewish Holocaust, part of it of those who have heard of it only 80% "believe" it happened. Not one in ten of those who "believe" can recite the major features of what they believe.

But these people, even if they are believers, are not organized. They do not speak up. They do not exert any pressure for reverence towards either Israel or the Jewish Holocaust.

Despite pretensions to the contrary, historians have largely kept hands off of the Jewish holocaust, knowing when the skills of their profession are not wanted. But even if historians had studied this Jewish Holocaust more than anything else, no other matter of history entails a punishment for disrespect.

Having eliminated the improbable, we are left with the impossible - the impossible being that organized Jews are those who are accusing people of blaspheming against the sacredness of Israel and the Jewish Holocaust.

Blaspheming is an otherwise unheard of crime today. The essense of the crime is that, first, something is holy and sacred and that, failing to regard that thing with the proper forms of reverence, is in and of itself evil and necessitates punishment.

The nearest analogies in the US would be burning the American flag or speaking ill of our war dead. Yet those are defended particularly by our uncontrolled media. These subjects are not off limits because they hurt feelings, or fail to show respect for the dead, or because they offend general sensibilities, or because they are unquestionable. Rather they are off limts because they violate the ritual respect Jews demand be held for their issues and their beliefs.

It is a demand that non-Jews hold sacred what Jews hold sacred.

More than a demand, it is the power of organized Jews, one way or another, to enforce their religious observances upon not only the people, but upon governments.

In the US they do it by control of the media by whatever means. In other countries they obviously have the political power to force governments to ignore their own laws and punish blasphemy against Jewish beliefs.

It is a power they clearly have. It is a power that must clearly be taken away."

(Matt Giwer, (c) 1997. Permission for posting granted.)

Thought for the Day:

"In academia and scholarly debate people don't base their arguments on the bad character of their opponents."

(Danny Yee of Fight-Censorship)

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