Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid
A. Rimland
December 8, 1997
Good Morning from the Zundelsite:
Here is Part III of the five-part CHRC excerpt hearings:
I missed the morning of the second day of the preliminary CHRC hearings
last May, but when I came to the courthouse in the afternoon, the Zundel
team was flying high, because the Battling Barrister had been in magnificent
What Doug Christie had done, the crew told me, was to take on the opposition's
penchant for the seamy ARA, the Anti-Racist Action* - a bunch of Marxist
hoodlums who had beset Ernst Zundel on many previous occasions, and who
stood implicated in the 1995 arson of the Zundel-Haus.
Now ARA thugs were swarming all over that lunch room, insulting and threatening
us. They were there, ostensibly, to bolster our opposition.
Since I wasn't there in the morning, the transcript excerpts below - though
a bit rambling - have a special meaning for me, particularly as they refer
to the Tribunal's casual and offensive dismissal the previous day of the
two affidavits of German organization leaders - on the grounds, and I paraphrase
here, ". . . who are they, after all? What do we know of them? And
how representative are they of Canadians of German background?"
Here was the question Doug Christie posed to the Tribunal: How representative
are these so-called "intervenors", given what we know of them
- and of their fellow travelers?
"If I could show you an animus - I'm showing you something
that I've never seen before - a direct, personal animosity to the Respondent.
That should not be an allowable position for an intervenor.
I heard no question arise as arose in regard to the German organizations,
when my learned friend said he represents a major Jewish human rights organization,
with the largest membership. Nobody asked how many families he is paid
to represent.
The Canadian Jewish Congress claims to represent the Jewish people. B'nai
Brith claims to represent the Jewish people. I don't know who represents
the Jewish people, any more than anybody knows who represents the German
people, if they have a representative.
But I wonder whether it's correct to say this is the largest human rights
organization of Jewish people.
I wonder if the Jewish people are quite comfortable with organizations that
plan, organize and control demonstrations that stand outside people's houses
and shout 'burn', and 'kill and shoot him, stone the house, we have the
power, we want him dead.'
Is that what major Jewish organizations do? I doubt it."
Previous ZGrams have covered the ARA before. The group is as vulgar as
street hoodlums can possibly get. For a while, I had an 800 number, and
they put their filth on regularly, so I know how they think, speak and act.
In this vile group and their demeanor, you can really see the underbelly
of a decaying Western world.
Here is what ARA members have on their website - with my apologies for having
to do this to you:
"Fuck authority - fuck hierarchy - organize horizontally
not vertically - fight and resist fascist asskissers in the corporate state
. . ."
In the ARA Magazine "On the Prowl", they attack not only Ernst
Zundel but a Toronto Sun columnist, Christie Blatchford:
"Racist media grandmongers like Christie Blackbutt from
the ill-reputed Toronto Sun to Ernie No-Neck Zuny (ph) had to stop scratching
their white asses and start lobbying to keep us from getting the money.
The article gave a special fuck to that right-wing shit-head Christie Blatchford
with the Toronto Sun."
What this ARA verbal vomit is referring to is, believe it or not, an endorsement
for a grant these Marxist/terrorists wanted - and eventually received! -
courtesy of your friendly "intervenors", especially Dr. Karen
Mock of B'nai Brith.
That money, two hefty grants of $8,000 each, enabled the ARA last year
to put on a summer seminar, in which such luminaries as Sabina Citron of
the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, and Karen Mock of B'nai
Brith participated.
Doug Christie put it all on record:
"Mrs. Citron and the CHRA supported the ARA in a letter
to Metro Council July of '96. Writing as the Vice-President of the CHRA,
which she still is, she described the ARA as a group of 'young people',
having 'a great deal of sensitivity and concern about the issue of Nazi
Racism in Canada.'
The CHRA supported the application to Metro Council for the Anti-Racist
grant, and Mrs. Citron spoke at their 'Youth against Hate Conference' in
June of '96."
Doug Christe then cites from a letter of endorsement:
"Here is the info you requested on ARA. Just so you
are aware, we have have (sic) worked with them before, we presently have
a very workable and amiable relationship with the ARA, despite their tactics."
Now, this is true also in relation to Karen Mock, who speaks as a representative
of B'nai Brith, who attended organized meetings of the ARA, took part in
their conference, which was publicly funded in part by the same complainant
here, the council for the {Metro} City of Toronto provided funding for this
Christie then goes on to point out:
"If, for example, my client was involved with people
who were involved with violence against Jews, and was seeking intervention
status, do you think that a body like yourselves, who are interested in
maintaining racial and ethnic harmony, would allow such a group to intervene?
I submit, not likely, and the shoe should be equally applied on the other
"(I)t certainly indicates a long history, not just of concern for Jewish
interests, but deliberate attacks upon Mr. Zundel of a nature that comes
close to criminal."
"(ARA) is the organization with which B'nai Brith has a very workable
and amiable relationship. (B'nai Brith) is the organization that comes
before you and claims interest, expertise and unique, non-repetitive submissions.
The ARA has been banned as a violent hate group by many Ontario School Boards.
The Scarborough Board of Education has banned the group from their schools,
so has the Durham Board of Education, the Wellington Board of Education.
Apart from threatening posters and violent demonstrations in front of Mr.
Zundel's house by the ARA, this organization has been implicated by the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service in the arson of Mr. Zundel's house,
and are taped - and we'll provide a copy of this video time, if you choose
to view it - in which they identify themselves as representatives of the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service, and they say among other things:
'One of the problems we've had - we also have with the ARA, as Peter was
describing, is that they bomb, and they firebombed, you know. Ernst Zundel.
You've heard about the problem he has, and the various leaders and so-called
right wing have received fire bombs.'
Well, Mr. Zundel's house, of course, was fire-bombed and, you know, here's
an organization that has an amiable relationship with a group that CSIS
says was responsible for that.
They come before you and ask for intervention status as if they were just
the most altruistic, well-intended group of people concerned with the welfare
of Jews.
If I was a Jew, I would find it extremely embarrassing to have such a group
speak on my behalf, and I do not for one moment condone the suggestion that
they speak on behalf of all Jews or that they speak on behalf of the majority
of Jews. There's no evidence of that whatsoever.
They have not filed one single affidavit and it is difficult to believe
that an organization that has a close amiable working relationship with
terrorists speaks on behalf of Jews.
It is, in my submission, true that this organization, B'nai Brith, has continued
their vendetta against Mr. Zundel as he avers in Paragraph 44, and used
its close and amiable working relationship with the
ARA even though it knows that publications of his views have been held repeatedly
by numerous investigations not to incite hatred toward Jews.
And it is my submission that we are engaged in the consideration of whether
those who involve themselves in forum shopping should once again find another
forum in which to carry on what has been carried on for so long by this
organization, which is nothing other than the harassment of Mr. Zundel.
When they speak of themselves as victims of Mr. Zundel's practices, if would
be quite remarkable if anyone in Mr. Zundel's position, or anyone of any
other organization, would dare to come before a tribunal and say: 'Allow
us intervention because we are victims of someone else's viewpoints. Although
we have a close working relationship with those who fire-bomb, who threaten
to kill people, don't concern yourself with that, just let us be parties.'
I say to you nobody has had the nerve to come before a Tribunal and ask
for that before. It's up to you to decide, but my submission is these are
not the type of people who have sufficient impartiality, altruistic concern
for the law, to be of genuine assistance to any tribunal whose mandate is
supposed to be to protect all cultural groups and the interests of all citizens,
based on race, religion or ethnic origin, creed, marital status, sexual
orientation, from discrimination."
"(W)hat is before you to decide is whether a group of people who make
themselves in a close workable relationship with those who burn houses really
have much to add."
"For instance, as you say, they claim an interest. One can see what
they mean by that if you look at the facts.
It means they basically hate Mr. Zundel and want to get him shut up. Nothing
could be clearer. And they're willing to associate themselves, and never
dissociate themselves publicly, from those who will do so violently.
That's an interest, is it a legitimate interest? If someone came before
you and said, "I hate this person so much and I associate with those
who would bomb his house," his house was firebombed, "so I want
to have a chance to get at him here."
Well, respectfully, the Tribunal is impartial and does not concede to such
requests. It's not a forum for mob violence here. It's not a forum to
extend mob violence by some other means.
So if they don't have an expertise in a relevant relationship to an issue,
what expertise do they have? They say they have an expertise in hate.
Well, that's been conceded in court. They've testified and argued about
that. And the position of the courts on hate is as clear, I guess, as it's
going to get.
The Supreme Court of Canada . . . says it's intense dislike. And I haven't
heard a more precise definition so far, so there's lots of scope for whatever
anybody wants to find in that regard.
Do we need more assistance to define the term? Is what they say here going
to change Mr. Justice Dickson's words? I submit not likely.
So as far as hate is concerned, they have the definition they wanted, what
more do they want? Do they also want to tell you how to apply it on the
facts of a specific case, so they get the guy they don't like? Well, that's
the interest they purport.
And with all due respect, all that amounts to is the opportunity to exercise
their animosity.
Now, the theoretical position of a party here is to seek the truth as to
the facts, participate in a discussion from the point of view of examination
and cross-examination of evidence, and, then, presumably, in an ideal sense,
to argue the position of the law so the Tribunal can decide what is the
appropriate interpretation.
If the interest expressed is personal animosity, does that really assist
you? Would (you) like to hear those who also, for example, like Mr. Zundel,
if someone came forward and said, I have an interest here because I agree
with Mr. Zundel and I want to stand up and speak for him?
While your position is, you know, this is not a public opinion poll, or
this is not a popularity contest, we're here to discuss legal issues and
facts, and if you have anything specific and unique about the facts to add,
we'd be interested in hearing you, perhaps the Commission can call you.
But let's not allow it to deteriorate into, you know, the ventilation of
likes and dislikes.
Because if you do apply the rule that allows this type of animosity, you
must also, I assume, to be fair, apply it to those who have reported likings
for Mr. Zundel, and that deteriorates the quality of the Tribunal from looking
objectively at facts and looking, presumably objectively, at law to basically
a forum to ventilate emotions.
The best solution, in the interests of justice, is to take the view that
interest means more than personal interest or animosity.
Expertise means expertise in an area where there is some relevant issue,
and in this case, the relevant issue would be the interpretation of Section
13.1, vis-a-vis what is telephonic and what is a telecommunication facility
within the legislative authority of Parliament, and what causes a communication?"
Thought for the Day:
"That, in fact, is the chief measure of its power: its ability to
impose its own taboos while tearing down the taboos of others - you might
almost say its prerogative of offending."
(Sobran's, September 1995, p. 4)
* Note: Since this ZGram was written, a communique was received from SIRC
regarding Anti-Racist Action, which will be posted shortly on the Zundelsite.
It is not yet available to me.
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