Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 27, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

My good friend, Nancy, insists that when I say "grateful," it comes out of my mouth as "greatful." I must confess I cannot hear the difference, what with my German ears - but I will take her word for it; in fact, I feel greatful to her that she has given me a brand new insight into feeling greatful.

On this Thanksgiving Day, I say that to feel "greatful" when you are challenged, as we are, to find ourselves again within our mutilated culture is not a bad beginning. I now proceed to tell you why I have cause to feel greatful to the hilt:

I feel greatful for the Zundelsite that has our foes just foaming at the mouth because the First Amendment of the greatest country in the world is still protecting it. How long? That will depend on just how greatful other people are for being in possession of the First Amendment to their Constitution.

I feel greatful for the millions of blue ribbons. If it is true as was reported in "Der Spiegel" that there are 60 million websites globally, and 7% are wearing it on their computer screens, that comes to a hefty 4.2 million - and don't our enemies deny it shriekingly that it was those five Zundel words plus question mark: "Did Six Million Really Die?" that made those blue ribbons appear? Just check back on your calendar! Smack in the middle of the Cyberwar around the Zundelsite!

I feel proud and very greatful for the giants of Revisionism whose quality of research and restrained logic make me tall! Where would we be without the Faurissons, the Udo Walendy's, the Mark Webers and Greg Ravens, the David Coles and Josef Ginsburgs, the Germar Rudolfs, the Fred Leuchters - and the many, many others? Last but not least, our stubborn Swabian favorite out of the legendary Zundel-Haus has been among the stalwarts and icebreakers just plowing doggedly through all the bloodless glaciers of fifty years of lies!

My growing cadre of financial supporters make me very proud and greatful. Their letters tell me that, in many cases, what with their own huge pile of bills, to render support does not come easy - but that support there will be! These people are greatful themselves - and they will see to it that their own children and their children's children will feel greatful! Their "Scherflein", as we say in German, will be blessed. It will bear fruit beyond the wildest dreams of man!

As I behold the media scene, I see occasion to feel greatful. Articles are popping up across the globe announcing that there is a movement called Revisionism. Overnight! Like mushrooms! There is a lot of lapdog media about to turn into ex-lapdog media. Daily, and sometimes hourly, faxes keep on rolling in that show us we are being featured for our "heresies."

I feel very greatful on behalf of our server, Webcom. These people have shown class! They don't like us, they claim - but, boy, have they shown spine against the utterly corrupt and crooked! If there were more Chris Schefflers in this world, the differences between the Germans and the Jews would be resolved in no time.

Even the Nizkorites make me feel greatful. Especially the Nizkorites! Next to a Nizkorite, most anybody can feel greatful! Just put yourself next to a Nizkorite and see how greatful you will feel! Every time somebody, having visited the Nizkorites, and then the Zundelsite, writes me a letter telling me "You guys have something interesting to say. From now on, count me in!" I feel a greatfulness that puts a shiver on my spine.

I feel greatful that I'm not alone in our struggle for the truth in history. Some may not know this, but I do: there is an army of our fallen heroes standing right behind me. On account of those who have been tortured, beaten, raped, burned, starved and - by the millions! - killed doing their duty to help preserve our cultural legacy, I feel greatful. These people did not call themselves The Chosen - THEY chose to sacrifice their all. Their sacrifice counts, too. In fact, it tips the scales if there is justice in the universe as there is not on our globe - as yet!

Most of all, I feel humbly greatful for the many, many little, anxious voices shipping me their skittish missives simply saying: "Right on, Zundel!" "Bravo, Zundel!" "God bless, Zundel!" and, often, simply "Thank you, Zundel!"

Those are the voices of the truly greatful people of this world.

Thought for the Day:

"Our principle is that a free mind has the resource to choose or to abstain."
(The proud Webteam of a French Revisionist site at )

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