Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 17, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

The ADL claims that there are now some 600 so-called "hate sites" on the Net, up from some 250 or so identified a year ago. About a week ago, Ernst had a call from "Hatewatch", an organization (apparently non-profit) that sees as its mission the collecting, grouping and what they call "exposing" of such sites, the Zundelsite naturally being one such website designated.

Ernst agreed to do an interview with them, which was later canceled due to some scheduling problems. Should this interview take place, Ernst will tape and broadcast it uncensored because, as he has said many times, ". . . it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

Meanwhile, it seems to that some other internet freedom fighters received similar requests for interview, Michael Hoffman II being one such journalist. Here is his reply, which I am pleased to post in full:

HateWatch Dangles Some Bait

The Orwellian "HateWatch" web, originally affiliated with the Harvard
University Law Library and now an adjunct of the Shoahbusiness
growth-industry, is dedicated to the proposition that all who express
less than 100% conformity with claims of homicidal gassings by Nazis,
are "haters" to be libeled as such on-line.

This group recently contacted this writer, requesting an interview. My
reply follows.

Subject: Re: HateWatch interview request
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 11:38:00 -0800
From: Campaign for Radical Truth in History <>
To: David Goldman <>

David Goldman wrote:
> Dear Mr. Hoffman:
> We would like to do an interview with you for our weekly 'State of
> Hate' RealAudio News broadcast. The entire interview would be around 15
minutes and center on your use of the net to publicize your material and
views. We would like to do this interview this friday or
saturday if possible, or at your convenience. Please let me know as soon
as possible.

> David Goldman
> Director of HateWatch
> PO Box 380151
> Cambridge, MA 02238-0151
> United States
> email:
> phone: 617-876-3796
> url:

Dear Mr. Goldman

Have you read the two articles I wrote concerning your group that are
posted in the "Essays on Current Events" section of our website?
If so, then you are aware that your inclusion of "The Campaign for
Radical Truth in History" on your list of alleged hate-mongering sites
constitutes libel.

Second, when you have interviewed the homicidal murderers among the
Jewish settlers of occupied Palestine, such as Rabbi Moshe Levinger, and
the Talmudists among the Orthodox who believe, with Moses Maimonides,
that only Jews are human beings; and after you have interviewed
terrorist Irving Rubinstein of the JDL and terrorist Mordechai Levy of
the JDO, and after you have interviewed the leading bull dyke
"feminists" on their hatred for men; and after you have interviewed the
top Hollywood directors on their hatred for Christianity, then perhaps I
will accept your invitation and debate you for fifteen minutes on your
audio program. After which, having lost that debate, you will
undoubtedly extend to me the "60 Minutes" treatment accorded to Ernst
Zündel, and delete my best retorts.

When there is a group that opposes hatred of Germans, hatred of
"rednecks," hatred of men and hatred of Palestinians, (along with hatred
of Jewish people or black people just because they are Jewish or black),
I would be interested in supporting such an independent, iconoclastic

Based on your track record, however, "HateWatch" is a proponent of hate,
part and parcel of the same senile, ADL-style process of stigmata,
whereby anyone who defies the Zionist agenda becomes demonized as a
"hater." It's a clever way to destroy an opponent--render him a witch,
rather than a dissident.

I am holding a mirror up to your dull scurrilities.

Michael A. Hoffman II

Thought for the Day:

"Anything 'they' don't like qualifies as 'hate' material. Internet censorship will no doubt be promoted as the solution to keep people from seeing unapproved ideas and opinions."

(A Zundelsite reader)

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