Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 8, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Below is Part III of the "Holoshlock" ZGram series. Antonio Marques of Portugal is the author. (My apologies to Antonio. I misspelled his name as Marquis in previous ZGrams, and now I stand corrected.)

This one deals with the "Holocauster" tactics on the Internet:

"Please understand the tactics of the Holocauster conscripts, who are not interested in the truth at all. They will ***always*** try to lead the discussion into the dark - away from the light and the public eye.

Always (bring) this clearly to the attention of your readers, since it proves bad-faith better than anything else!

(Ingrid's comment here: I saw this tactic slipped in yesterday in the fight-censorship group. A newcomer tried to shed light. IMMEDIATELY Jamie McCarthy of Nizkor latched onto him, inviting him away from the group to discuss some Holocaust issues "privately" so as not to cause a "flame war". . . )

(Holocausters) know that people at large have no idea at all of the ongoing fight, haven't heard of Revisionist sites on the Net, and will rarely go to alt.revisionism in order to read the articles there.

This is what (Holocausters) will probably do:

A. They will try to limit the scope of the discussion by throwing in completely worthless and ridiculous topics - such as Hitler's supposed physical deformities, Germany's desire to conquer the whole world, and similarly idiotic nonsense - which will (absorb your) time and lead you away from the real issues.

This will allow them to transform a serious discussion into a whimsical battle of wits over anecdotes, while poking fun at your interest in aiming at the greater Truth.

I've seen this over and over at alt.revisionism and less frequently elsewhere.

(Ingrid's comment: The perfect example is the UFO red herring that Nizkorites trot out at every opportunity. So Ernst had an interest in his youth in UFOs and wrote a book on it - so what??

Go into any bookstore. There's tons of books on UFOs.

Do those book discredit the authors on very seriously held philosophical and political issues that have nothing but nothing to do with UFOs?

It shows you just how little the Nizkorites have on Ernst Zundel that they need to do the UFO rain dance round the prairie fire every time the blasted name comes up!)

B. They will try to limit every discussion of the "Holocaust" to the alt.revisionism ghetto. This they will do by answering your articles in other newsgroups and trying to direct your replies exclusively to the one and only newsgroup of their choice - which is, of course, alt.revisionism, the lone Black Hole where they wish they could bury the facts forever.

They will also try to enlist support to drive you out of the newsgroups you are addressing, under the pretense that you are "abusing" the newsgroups.

They will sometimes do this by having the same posters with long histories of alt.revisionism intervention pose as innocent casual contributors to the newsgroup in question, or else by proclaiming that alt.revisionism has some sort of unique, god-given legitimacy to be the only place where any public reference to the "Holocaust" debate may be tolerated.

C. They will repeat ad nauseam the same irrational, worthless piece of argument which everyone with some inside knowledge will recognize at a glance as such - and (which) "scholars" nowadays will avoid like the plague! - (which) they cannot abandon and ordinary little-informed readers will not immediately identify.

(Examples are the purposeless and impossible "burning of the dead in ground pits", the amazingly inept ***second*** report from the Krakow Institute and its transparent trickery and sophism to help diminish the impact of the truly devastating ***first*** one which vindicated the Leuchter Report, etc.)

D. They will try to draw attention from every confirmation of a Revisionist viewpoint, by addressing the people ("ad hominim" argument), instead of the facts under appreciation.

This they will do by throwing in barrages of libelous, scurrilous claims, which will put you on the defensive, take away all your free time, simply bore the casual reader to death and away from the discussion, and free the "Holocausters" themselves from facing the hard facts - for which they have no answer at all.

E. Most important of all: They will always try to drive the flock to their own "Nizkor" grazing grounds, where the poor sheep will shudder at the same old atrocity propaganda - mainly the same old recycled photos, both the true ones, generally left unidentified for further use in all possible different contexts, and the forgeries, which are clear-cut cases of manipulation with deception in mind."

How well we all know this scenario! We're talking Racketeers in Hatred - Hatred AGAINST the German Nation and People!

The battles around alt.revisionism have their place as practice exercises and as a means to get a good hard look at our enemies' Talmudic sophistry, but knocking out the "Holocaust" as the deceptive fraud it is MUST HAPPEN ELSEWHERE!

For almost two decades, Ernst Zundel has suggested a practical, fair and logical solution: an out-in-the-open, scientific, non-rigged, well-moderated INTERNATIONAL symposium, with equal chances for opposing points of view to be allowed to make a case - and let the best argument and evidence win!


Thought for the Day:

"History is a nightmare from which we are trying to awaken."

(James Joyce)

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