Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 4, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Over the past two years or so, I have heard much about the publication "Instauration", but it wasn't until just a week ago that I actually read a couple of issues. It is an interesting publication. I am giving the address below.

Today I just want to give you a taste for the tone and substance of this magazine. Here is an excerpt of a two-issue article titled "Bismarck and the Jews", subtitled "Jewish Clout". It has a lot of parallels to our times for the discerning eye:

"Every lurch forward in federal power (e.g. the activist administrations of FDR, LBJ and Clinton), every uptick in big government is commonly accompanied by a new round of Jewish influence. Though Jewish power is sometimes less expansive during "conservative" administrations, it soars to new heights with each new round of government activism. It may not necessarily be a conspiracy but simply a matter of numbers. As a small minority everywhere outside of Israel, it would be difficult for Jews to control a decentralized nation. They would be spread far too thin to take over all the city, county and state positions of influence. They can't take the high ground if there is no high ground. The enormous growth of the US government has, in effect, created the high ground and allowed them to climb to influential heights. In Bismarck's Germany, as in the contempoary U.S., Jews stood ready to "serve" the state. But serving the state is not quite the same thing as serving one's country. Efforts on behalf of the state often work to the detriment of the people, as evinced by the arrogant federal bureaus and staggering national debt of the U.S.

The powerful, centralized state is capable of bestowing lavish favors and can apply pressure - military and/or economic - to other countries that are less tolerant of Jews, as Romania found out to its grief during Bismarck's tenure. The all-powerful state, of course, can also protect domestic Jews from anti-Semitism. Consider how well the centralized countries of Europe have insulated Jews from criticism and Holocaust revisionism with hate crime laws. In the U.S., with the Chosen behind the wheel of the Leviathan, legislating outlandish amounts of foreign aid for Israel is a snap, as is browbeating tiny Switzerland into paying huge sums in reparations for dubious and unproven claims of mishandling Jewish funds allegedly stolen by the Nazi regime.

Curiously, Jews don't seem to understand that in forging an all-powerful state capable of protecting them, they are also creating the one mechanism capable of destroying them, should the tide of public opinion turn.

The decentralized Germany of yore, though struggling with the question of Jews' emancipation, was hardly a threat to their very existence. While the all-powerful centralized state is an ideal vehicle to promote Jewish domination, the decentralized, regional state may better serve their survival.

One can only wonder what the future holds for Jews in America. By any standard they are riding high with the aid and encouragement of all bureaus and branches of the federal government. But any government capable of coming up with quotas (or affirmative action or guidelines or whatever euphemism you choose) to enhance black and Hispanic participation is just as capable of instituting quotas to restrict the growth of Jewish power. America, however, has a long-standing tradition, as well as a Constitution, in favor of civil liberties. This would make government-sponsored anti-Semitism extremely unlikely except under a "state of emergency" when the Constitution is suspended, as when Southerners were forced to live under a military dictatorship during Reconstruction.

For contemporary Americans, the lesson to be learned from Bismarck's Germany is to beware of statism, particularly at the federal level. Does it really matter whether governments or politicians are socialists, communists or fascists? Although they reflect varying degrees of statism, they all view the individual primarily as a servant of the state. It was the "conservative" Bismarck who initiated state socialism in Germany. It was "conservatives" in America who supported peacetime conscription to fight foreign police actions of questionable import. Conservative captains of industry are among the strongest advocates of affirmative action.

Just as pre-Bismarck, decentralized Germany was renowned for its philosophers, composers and poets, the pre-Civil War U.S. was a particularly vibrant culture. The moral and intellectual acuity of the founding fathers has never been matched. Even subsequent roughnecks like Andrew Jackson displayed a vigorous integrity that stands in bold relief to the pussyfooting chief executives of more recent vintage.

We can't blame Bismarck for America's woes, but he does serve to warn us that nationalism is not always in the nation's best interest when it involves a rapid growth of statism. Indeed, when the state works hand in glove with Jews, the result is likely to be an iron fist. No matter what national anthem you sing, it might end up sounding like Israel ueber Alles."

Judson Hammon

(Posted with permission, Instauration, August 1997, published by Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc., Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL, 32920, annual subscription US$35. )

Thought for the Day:

"The mere possession of Instauration may soon be a criminal offense."

(A reader letter to Instauration, commenting on what is happening in Canada regarding the political persecution of Ernst Zundel)

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