Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 1, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Up-front, two corrections from yesterday's ZGram. To send out a ZGram at 8:50 PM that starts with "Good Morning . . . " must surely tell you something!

It was a heavy day! I'm sorry!

First, referring to Dr. Faurisson's sentence for refining an important Revisionist concept, I said "A French court levied a $120,000 French Franc fine. . ."

Take out the "$", please. It is obviously a typo I should have caught but didn't. That fine translates to US$20,000 ! A very costly sentence for a sentence! Somebody ought to count the politically incorrect Revisionist consonants and vowels to find out, precisely, what they cost.

Secondly, as one kind reader pointed out, the poem "Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream . . . " is by Longfellow, not Shakespeare. It is called "Psalm of Life".

I stand corrected. It didn't sound like Shakespeare, and I should have double-checked.

Next, I would like to thank my loyal supporters for being so incredibly conscientious in sending me their pledges. As far as I can tell, only one pledge is a bit late. I am in splendid company. We are a team. The future will remember.

I will continue to send my newsletter to my regular supporters as a token of my gratitude, and several issues to my occasional supporters in hopes of "converting" them as well.

If you have friends who think along our lines and who might also become supporters, please ask for a gratis copy of "Lebensraum!" and I will gladly send them my maiden issue.

I have ambitious plans to build around that concept - "Lebensraum!" - not just a series of books and a letter! You haven't seen anything yet. There are 60 million Germans or German-descendants out there, most of them still snoozing. Believe me I know how to reach them.

Now to today's ZGram body:

I have spent a lot of time thinking about the strangeness of this "war of beings" and how odd - in fact unnatural! - it is that we are not allowed to name our enemies by name.

I am constantly being warned that, when I make a point worth making, for my own good I should not say "the Jews." It makes them "an identifiable group" and me a "hate monger."

Now, isn't that odd in the extreme? I can talk about all other nationalities, and it will not offend. They can talk about the Germans all they want, and smear us all they want, and it does not imperil them - prime hate mongers against an "identifiable group" being Elie Wiesel and Daniel Goldhagen.

But heaven help both you and me if we take for ourselves, and in defence of ourselves, that liberty!

Today's mini-essay, sent to me courtesy of Granata Communcations, was written in a vein that I must now "correct" and "sanitize" by qualifying whom I mean.

I herewith carefully replace the "offending" blanket designation by calling it "The Chosen."
Logic and evidence tell you that not all Jews consider themselves "chosen". Some do, and some don't. I am speaking about those who do. I am exempting those who don't.

This mini-essay is entitled "The Simple Truth", and it is food for thought:

"Superstitions in an age of enlightenment speak volumes. When superstitions even dress themselves up as rational doctrines, something is definitely hiding behind the fog.

Never before in human history have so many transparently false doctrines been sold as divine truth. Communism and Zionism are two classic examples.

A doctrine which never got past the first principles of economics, which killed tens of millions and enslaved millions more, was sold to the intelligentsia of the world by a thoroughly prostitute press. A social system in Germany which was solving problems was condemned as the essence of all evil.

Zionism was a naked power grab from inception. It has always been a colonial adventure from outset and the conquest of an "inferior" race by a "superior". It has been endorsed and applauded by those who denounce the same sins in others.

The modern age of superstition is "The Chosen" rebuilding their temples on the ruins of others. It is no more complicated than that.

All the lies, equivocations, blatant double standards, historical hoaxes and changing of the media "party line" amount to precisely that.

"The Chosen" are increasingly becoming unmasked. This is why the media wail about "hatred" and "bigotry." Awareness of "The Chosen" is a crime.

Awareness shows both how far "The Chosen" have come in their drive toward world empire and how much they fear exposure before their scheme is complete.

'All things equal to each other are equal to themselves' is the simple formula which should be applied to world events. Only "The Chosen" gained power by the destruction of Nazi Germany. Only "The Chosen" gain by support of Israel. "The Chosen" are the agitating force. "The Chosen" are the beneficiaries.

Many will call this analysis simple-minded. Two plus two equals four is simple but true.

People do not perceive patterns when they have not been taught to look for them. People have been taught to avoid the concept of "The Chosen." This - the idea that "The Chosen" act in a coordinated manner to achieve anti-Gentile objectives - has been programmed out of them.

People must be taught to think of "The Chosen" as a distinct factor in world politics with an agenda specifically their own. This does not mean rank anti-semitism or tortured conspiracy theories. It does mean re-evaluating past and present facts in terms of real power."

(Published with permission, Granata Communications)

Thought for the Day:

"Civility and courtesy are possible between honorable men who differ on principle. Unfortunately our enemies are anything but honorable. We have absolutely nothing at all in common with them. They seek to destroy our country and, ultimately, us."

(N.B. Forest)

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