Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 10, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

I remember a video I saw some time ago where Ernst was interviewed by three young journalism students, one of them a Jewish girl who was asking many penetrating questions in a soft and courteous voice. Afterwards, Ernst commented:

"She was a typically Sephardic girl, with not a mean bone in her body. She definitely was not a Khazar Jew."

I would say that, even as recently as two years ago, the concepts of "Khazar Jew" as opposed to "Sephardic Jew" did not mean much to me. Since then, I have read my share about the origins and nature of the Khazar Jews, and I must say the implication of "two kinds of Jews" feels disconcerting for the future.

It will be one sad day when we will see the guilty hide behind the innocent - with both being caught in the maelstrom of an enraged and wrathful citizenry robbed and tormented beyond its limits of endurance, who will not care that there might BE a difference.

That both parties sense this fact is playing out already in the media in various telling ways, even in advertising ways. Recently I saw a truly nasty ad placed by the Anti-Defamation League - I cannot locate it right now but I remember it well - showing the halls of a prison, with text underneath implying that people offending against "hate crimes" laws had better know what to expect.

It said, as I recall it: "There is a place for everybody in America."

On September 30, 1997, the New York Times ran an ad titled "THE TORAH TRUE JEWS HAVE NO PART IN THE AFFAIR AGAINST THE SWISS"

I post it here in full:

"According to the Torah, we must declare that the true Jews are opposed to these rebelling acts: requests from, investigations of, accusations and claims against Switzerland (banks, government, institutions) or any nation. We will not take any money or assets resulting therefrom. For sure we are opposed to the boycott threats, coercive tactics, insults and intimidation.

This we know, that during the war Switzerland was a safe haven for thousands of Jews, including those admitted from surrounding occupied countries, and Jews lived there peacefully. Moreover, Switzerland and Sweden provided - at great risk - safe houses in Budapest which sheltered 100,000 Jews.


We have been foresworn by G'd "not to enter the Holy Land as a body before the predestined time", "not to rebel against the nations", to be loyal citizens, not to do anything against the will of any nation or its honor, not to seek vengeance, discord, restitution or compensation; "not to leave exile ahead of time." On the contrary; we have to be humble and accept the yoke of exile. To violate the oaths would result in "your flesh will be made prey as the deer and the antelope in the forest," and the redemption will be delayed. (Talmud Tractate Ksubos 111). To violate the oaths is not only a sin, it is a heresy because it is against the fundamentals of our Belief.

Before the Almighty gave us the Holy Land 3268 years ago, He made these conditions: If we will abide by the Torah, it is ours; if not, we will be expelled. Alas, we sinned, and we were exiled from the land "Umipnay chatoenu golenu mayartsenu". Only through complete repentance will the Almighty alone, without any human effort or intervention, redeem us from exile. This will be after G'd will send the prophet Eliyu and Moshiach who will make all Jews do complete repentance. At that time there will be universal peace.

Any suffering in exile is a punishment from G'd and we cannot do anything about it on our own because nations where we suffered are only instruments of G'd's anger at our misdeeds (Hebrew text here). The Torah teaches us how to survive during exile (Hebrew text here) by being humble (not vindictive, demanding or vengeful). The Torah gives an example of this and says that in the ocean one must go under the wave (Talmud Tractate: Yevomus 121). We have to take the punishment; if we go against it, we will suffer more. The only way to alleviate suffering in exile is through repentance. We must mend our ways and pray that G'd should not punish us again.

The Jewish people remained faithful to the Belief for over 1800 years and dealt with the problems of exile accordingly and never asked for things taken from them until the advent of Zionism 100 years ago.


The Zionists do not believe that Jews are a special nation (Hebrew text here) but they say that Jews are a nationalistic people, a nation like all the nations, and can solve their problems by their own power (Hebrew text here) using the slogan "Never Again!" They say that we Jews were exiled because we had a weak army and suffer in exile because we are not standing up physicially and politically, are not speaking out loudly, unashamedly, are letting ourselves be trampled on and are not demanding restitution. They claim that with a stong army we can remove ourselves from exile. By using the new atheist exile politics they provoked and increased anti-Semitism in Europe which led to the Second World War and the destruction of European Jewry. All the great Rabbis have warned of the terrible consequences of the Zionist heresy. The same exile politics has caused the problems in the Middle East where Jews lived peacefully with the Arabs until the advent of Zionism. Now the same tactics are being used against the Swiss and other nations.

The act alone of seeking compensation and restitution from a nation - even without threats - provokes anti-Semitism, whether or not they receive what they ask. Anti-Semitism is a phenomenon serving the basic goal of Zionism - to increase immigration to their state. This is evidenced by the fact that the whole campaign against the Swiss was initiated in the Zionist state by Avraham Burg, head of the Jewish Agency (the Zionist organization promoting immigration to the Zionist state).


How could the Zionsit leaders and the World Jewish Congress (a major Zionist organization) have the nerve to ask for Jewish assets? The worldwide boycott against Germany in 1933 and the later all-out declaration of war against Germany initiated by the Zionist leaders and the World Jewish Congress so enraged Hitler that he threatened to destroy the Jews. Then the Wannsee Conference convened in January 1942, decided the fate of the Jews, and the real suffering started. The Zionists also refused and blocked rescue efforts and food supplies during the war. Their motto was "Rak B'Dam (Only by blood will we get the land)"


* The Zionist state or any Zionist organization, or one that calls itself "World Orthodox Council" and any individual involved in this issue does not represent the Torah true Jews.

* The Torah true Jews plead with the politicians involved in this matter to stop dealing with this.

WE HEREBY PROCLAIM: Zionism is a heresy, and true Jews are not contaminated by Zionism. True Jews have no part in Zionist activities. According to the Torah, we are not allowed to insult, humiliate or dominate another people.

* All land should be returned to the Palestinian nation, and other occupied lands should be returned to Syria and Lebanon.

* Zionist politicians and their fellow travelers, even if they appear religious, do not speak for the Jewish people. Indeed, the Zionist conspiracy against Jewish tradition and law makes Zionism and all its deeds and entities the arch-enemy of the Jewish people!"

Thought for the Day:

"Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist."

( General Patton in "Letter to Beatrice" July 21, 1945 )

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