Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 28, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This morning, you're in for a laugh. I now have a brand new definition of "chutzpah". Hold onto your seat - you haven't seen anything yet!

The newest wrinkle in the disintegrating story of the so-called "Holocaust" is that "gas chambers" didn't, after all, exist - according to what some Jews now allegedly discover. The post-war Germans made it up to cover their own hides!

I am not kidding you!

Here's why they made it up: to cover their collective guilt. It turns out they needed the "gas chamber" story to put the blame on just a few - instead of everyone!

Below is a letter written BY one man many allegedly call "Chaim Davidovich" of New York, written TO a German named Dr. Edward Peter Koch. Dr. Koch exists; we have no proof at this time that "Dr. Davidovich" exists. (We do have an address, however. . . )

This letter has been circulating widely in Europe in several different languages for the past two or three months. I want to state clearly that IF this letter is a hoax - and it could be a hoax!, having come from either camp! - I will immediately publish a retraction.

However, since it is being widely circulated and copied in Europe, you might as well add it to your repertoire of tales in this unraveling story. Read it, replete with minor grammatical flaws, savor it - and file it for what it is worth. It is a Revisionist's dream:

"March 11, 1997

ref: Holocaust Denial, Motivation of the Germans behind (Paragraph) 130 StGB

Dear Dr. Koch:

you know the law against historic research of the Holocaust, which was passed by the German Bundestag a few years ago, and you may be interested in the information, given below.

Allegedly, this law was passed in order to oppose the neo-Nazis. However, it was put into force only in order to hide the complicity of the majority of the German people in the extermination of the Jews. The Germans wanted to hinder scientists carrying through their work. This work was going to expose the invention of the gas chambers as a lie.

However, recently our institutions were able to reveal the truth about the involvement of almost all Germans in the killing of Jews. First evidence of this was given already ten years ago by Ida Zajdel and Marc Ascione, when they pointed out, that the gas chambers were invented by the Germans shortly before or after World War II as a lie in order to harm the Jews (see the periodical Article 31, January/February, 1987, p.22).

The Germans wanted to hide the participation of almost all Germans in the murdering process. Therefore, they invented the gas chambers as an effective instrument, thus making the world believe, that only a few Germans were needed to kill Millions of Jews.

From the work of Fred Leuchter and Germar Rudolf we know, that the gas chambers did not exist, as maintained. In Auschwitz the Zyclon B was used mainly to kill lice in fabrics and the killing by gasoil engine exhaust in other concentration camps was not possible, because gasoil-exhaust is not poisonous enough.

In more datail Prof. Michel Korzec showed in his article "De mythe van de efficiente massamord" in the Dutch journal Intermediar of December 15, 1995, what has been the real motivation of the Germans to invent the Auschwitz lie.

Recently, the personal participation of the majority of the Germans in the murder was made public to the world by Daniel Goldhagen with his book "Hitler's Willing Executioners".

Of course, we cannot tolerate such covert actions of the descendants of the Nazis. In Germany measures as follows should be undertaken:

1. correct the German StGB in order to enable historians to do serious research work,


2. start a public action, where all Germans have to confess the atrocities committed by their ancestors. We know, that the Germans under Hitler were proud of their personal involvement in the killing process. They reported about their murdering in their families. The children, who witnessed these reports are still alive. They have to disclose their knowledge.

It also would be helpful, if you would invest your energy in order to legalize all books, which were confiscated by German officers, because they reported about the so called Auschwitz lie. It is absolutely necessary, that the German judicial authorities refrain from punishing people for "Holocaust denial", because these measures infringe on the rules of democracy. It also shows, that the Germans did not learn what democracy is and they may never be able to do so. It is even worse, because this violation was undertaken in order to give credibility to the wrong view. As described above, the wrong view maintains, that only a few Germans were involved in the murder. This view, which is favorable to the Germans, is the lie.

The truth must be revealed. The atrocity of the German people must become known to the world to its full extent.

Most Germans still badly need to learn about honesty.

Please help to teach them.


(Chaim Davidovich)"

This story is almost too good to be true! The Germans have a word for threadbare - "fadenscheinig". When the material is worn, the threads are shining through.


Thought for the Day:

"I really hate to trouble someone who is doing such an admirable
service, but I must say that, when Jews, identifying themselves as
Jews, start jumping ship - it's not good news, from an historical

(Letter from a Zundelsite reader)

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