Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 25, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This is the third of five fund-raising letters I had planned. So far, the pledges have been encouraging. But I need more of you. This is an intellectual war. We're talking here pre-emptive strategies so that the Zundelsite as your cyber flagship does not go into "idle" and start to drift while I am on the road.

Tomorrow I will tell you more about the pending publication and launching of my trilogy, "Lebensraum!" and what it will mean to the Nationalist movement. If the pledges continue the way they have come in so far, surprises will occur before another year is gone.

Those of you who have already responded - thank you so very much! And I will be in touch! Just give me a few days until I have a data base system that will make it easy for me to communicate with you.

I will contact you regarding where and how to send your pledges. If things go well for me - and indications are they will - I might even have a monthly print newsletter for my regular supporters.

Today I want to talk a little more about some of the goals I have set for myself in doing my Zundelsite work. Believe me that what I outline below is merely the broadest of sketches.

1. I want the Zundelsite to be the intellectual "Ellis Island," but with a different slant. I don't have the words on the Statue of Liberty at my fingertips right now - ". . . give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free . . . "

You know, all that? It sounds so wonderful, but a Jew wrote those words. And everybody knows about the immigration problems.

I say: "Give me the unafraid. Give me the ones who will refuse to keep on crawling on their bellies in the dust and lick the boot that kicks them. Give me your princes of the spirit."

I want to draw the best to our struggle. I want to tell them of the intellectual, cultural and monetary treasures stolen, and they will go off on their own, reclaiming what belongs to them and to their children and their children's children.

2. I want the Zundelsite to "de-fang" certain words that hurt my racial family. I want to make my kin folk out there realize that words like "Racist!" "Nazi!" "White Supremacist!" "Extremist!" are clubs our opposition uses to beat us to a pulp.

I want to say: "Go right ahead and call me 'Nazi' if I can call you 'Hebe'. Is that okay with you? Of course not. You wouldn't stand for it. How dare you think I will!"

3. I want the Zundelsite to model Aryan principles. Many of you, out there, with all the best intentions in the world, have told me that I should cut down on the number of ZGrams and maybe only ship them once a week or so. You mean well when you tell me I need a vacation.

That would make me like everyone else. I am into this for the duration.

I want to pummel our opposition without a pause, day after day, with all the strength at my command, by letting them know, over and over: "I will be in the trenches, seven days a week, 365 days a year, until this job is done. I mean it! I will not be intimidated by your shrieks!'

4. I want the Zundelsite to set certain crucially important cyber-standards. As I see all these so-called "Nazi" websites springing up that claim to be in our camp, I shudder! So much of our movement is rudderless, and much of it is violent and ugly, and some of it is smutty.

Pay attention: We don't play by the enemy's rules!

How will I do it? Look, I can't do it alone. Our weapons are our words. I want to draw the best in the intellectual resistance to help me. For now, the only thing that I can do is treat these fringes with an icy silence, the way I treated Nizkor. I don't go visit them and get myself embroiled in accusations/counter-accusations. They are not of my world.

5. I want the Zundelsite to take a stronger editorial role. One of my close associates has said: "Our side is desperately in need of stuff that fires the emotions as well as the mind. More tracts on delousing procedures and HCN residues won't do that." He is so right. I want interpretation. How much of a cutlet do you have to eat until you know what mutton tastes like?

We now have all the information that we need to make an impact on the world. What does that information MEAN? How does it play while we sit, watching passively, as country after country turns into Jell-O and succumbs to the Holocaust Mafia?

6. I want the Zundelsite to offer simplification. The average man in the street does not need to understand scientific charts of Zyklon B. He needs to understand he has been lied to and lied to and lied to about what happened and what did not happen in Europe to the Jews.

He has been systematically deceived. Not once or twice. For more than fifty years!

He needs to understand that, while he snoozed, his brain was circumcised so that his wallet could be rifled, and that this happens to his children, and to his children's children - even as we speak!

7. I want the Zundelsite to help legitimize an objective and scholarly study by scientists all over the world about the cultural, financial and social innovations that Adolf Hitler tried to implement. Relax! The man has been dead for more than half a century. He won't come back and put you in a concentration camp to gas you!

Each generation crafts its own icons and logos. Adolf Hitler was a legitimate leader. He was a social visionary. He had some things to offer. The Germans have a word for it - "Geistesgut", the "treasures of the spirit" - that we ignore at our peril.

What are we? Ostriches? Ignorance will hurt us - and, in the end, will finish us. Knowledge will release us. The choice is up to us.

8. I want the Zundelsite to tell the world: We have ALL the forensic arsenal we need to finish off the so-called "Holocaust". The evidence that we are talking MAJOR FRAUD when we get served up yet another sob about the "Holocaust" has been accumulated over more than twenty years. It's called Revisionism.

Revisionism is a respectable body of knowledge. The purpose of the Zundelsite is to make sure that it gets into the hands of those who have more money and MUCH more political clout than we do.

I read just this morning that Christoph Blocker of Switzerland is being smeared with the Zundel-Taint in one of Germany's (Swiss?) publications, "Sonntags-Blick", because last week I ran excerpts of two of his speeches.

I never met Dr. Blocher or had any dealings with him. Last year, I did not even know his name. The man is not a "Nazi" - he is a Nationalist. From all I can tell, he has done a terrific job defending a small country that he loves - HIS homeland, Switzerland - against a power grab by the alien Holocaust Mafia. I greatly admire Dr. Blocher's courageous stand, but he speaks from a platform of Holocaust Dogma. He BELIEVES that the Holocaust happened.

How much stronger would Dr. Blocher be if he had solid evidence that no way could the "Holocaust" have happened the way it has been crammed down everybody's throats for decades! SCIENCE CANNOT BE SUSPENDED - not even for the "Nazis". The "Holocaust" claims do not square with the facts. They don't square with the documents available, and with the documents not yet available that we KNOW sit at Arolsen at the International Tracing Service - well under lock and key!

I have no way of getting that information out to Dr. Blocher except by shooting out this ZGram and posting it on our website. The situation could be fixed by flying out a team of our experts to meet with Dr. Blocher for one weekend. Is that going to happen? Of course not. We are living in a state of intellectual terror - a prison of the mind! - that's called the "Holocaust"!

In closing, let me say: Believe you me that what is happening today is going to be studied carefully for many years to come. What's happening right now is going to decide: Will we be slaves - or free?

There is no question in my mind AT ALL that the mendacious story of the so-called "Holocaust" has yielded our enemies enormous monetary as well as media power. We can plug up that power.

Dr. Faurisson was right: Revisionism IS the great intellectual adventure as our century draws to an end. Participation is YOUR choice. Bear with me one more time. Support the Zundelsite!

___ Yes, I would like to contribute $___ on a monthly basis to keep the ZGrams going. Please let me know particulars.

___ Yes, I would like to make a one-time contribution of $____ to help bridge the financial and organizational gap. Give me an address to send my donation.

___ Yes, I am interested and am considering support, but would prefer to wait and find out more - but I promise I will make a decision on or before August 31.

___ No, keep your ZGrams to yourself. I would rather spend my money on ____________. ( . . . for you to fill in the blank creatively)

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