Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 31, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This is a follow-up on Dr. Faurisson's advice to Revisionists: "KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid!"

Advice to the sometimes not-so-wise!

Having worked in public relations for some time, I wholeheartedly agree. I came across a website recently I want you all to take a moment to visit:

Does it not speak in volumes? Who could ever forget that powerful image?

Similarly, I believe that music can do it for us in ways that scholarly books never will in reaching the general masses - no matter how well researched and how meticulously footnoted. Those books are important, and they are the foundation upon which outreach education should proceed, but I believe that a song, such as Carl Klang's enormously powerful audio containing the line ". . . before the prince of darkness we shall no longer cower!" can do more by way of imprinting on emotions than printer's ink will ever do.

Visit his website, check some of his audios, and decide for yourself!

Moving on: Some time ago, I saw an artist's cartoon rendition of the Revisionist struggle, showing the crumbling letters of the "Holocaust" and Ernst standing there, hard-hat and all, showing the victory sign.

I believe that that should be on all his stationary and should start showing up on bumper stickers etc.

I think a bumper sticker asking "Have you hugged YOUR holocaust today?" would go a long, long way.

Remember "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"? It was the most powerful slogan ever designed to bring higher education to the Blacks. A mind _is_ a terrible thing to waste. And so is a culture. And so is a people.

We need to think "short cuts" - big time! Help, all you artists out there!

The other day, I saw an ad for "Politically Incorrect Jewelry." I think that is one way to get a stimulating conversation going.

The same goes for words.

Words such as "Holohoaxers," "Agony Aunts" "Attack Poodles" and "Yelping Wonders" are already part of the public domain describing the Forever Persecuted and their minions. Yesterday I added "Holocaust Mafia" to my personalized dictionary. Please send me others as you come across them.

We should systematically speak of the "gutter media" when we see it. Conversely, we should give credit where credit is due when a conscientious journalist shows our side with fairness. We need to give those individuals and groups a name that honors what they do.

One of my readers has made this point well, speaking about the highly polished public relations skills of the Tribe: He writes:

"This has been the case for decades now and the tactics of the (Jewish Lobby) will not cease. Think about it: they control television, the movies, radio, ALL the major organs of reaching the public and influencing the beliefs of the masses.

They are in our grammar schools, high schools and universities as instructors; in EVERY area where opinions might be and ARE molded. And of course, they always seek to promote their own interests and denigrate the achievements of our race.

The result has been entire generations of people who are ashamed of their heritage, seeking to identify with those groups whose culture has barely developed beyond the stone age. When it comes to influencing public opinion, there has been no more effective media than the movie and film industry, and we can see how much time and energy and money has gone into the effort.

The re-education of our children begins in infancy and continues up to old age. With each year the propaganda grows bolder and more offensive, seducing our nation and people to accept revolting life-styles and always inculcating two basic themes: hatred of the white race and Germany in particular, and instilling guilt into the white race.

And the people swallow it, hook, line, and sinker. And they swallow it because they have become complacent. Things will have to get worse before they will ever get better. Fortunately, the enemies of civilization, as we know, have not succeeded as of date in controlling the Internet, but not for lack of trying.

What can we do to counter this massive smear campaign? We need to gain greater access to Public Television, for one. We need to start making movies and documentaries as well, from OUR standpoint, and somehow get these items out to the public.

If we sell them, we must sell them CHEAPLY enough where our financially hard-pressed citizenry can purchase them with ease. This is not impossible. A movie can be extremely low budget and still be interesting as a feature-shot in black and white, a sort of film noire, but from OUR point of view.

We need to concentrate our efforts in converting those with an artistic temperament. And I can already hear the armchair politicians moaning: Oh! That would be impossible!......To which I say: WHY? Because it would require too much WORK?

Think of how many struggling, resentful, and dissatisfied young actors there are, who have been denied a career by Jewish dominated Hollywood....This is surely something to think about.

We should begin editing our OWN documentaries, especially on the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler. That would be relatively simple: write the dialogue, get the films which are in the public domain, add a GREAT soundtrack, and we are off to the races...

In fact, we have already taken a step in this direction, with Resistance Records. And the music is reaching the public!

Once we are actually IN THEIR MEDIA, we will still be slandered and smeared even if we come off like Mother Teresa. Ask anyone from our side who has ever debated any of the media lapdogs or even consented to an interview for a magazine or is like dining with the devil or entering an ancient Roman amphitheatre, where we are throw to the lions by a pack of dogs. . . "

Probably. But look at it this way: How many people have a chance to be at the cusp of something that big and exciting as this new, world-wide movement called "Nationalism" - back to our roots, back to what we were meant to be?

What is a little elbow grease if it translates into YOUR own artistic stamp upon a new millennium?


Thought for the Day:

"To understand our own society-for what we do not recognize as existing we can scarcely see as endangered-requires more than the assertion that it is today a society in the contemporary world.

It requires disentangling the personalities of alien societies that time and custom have long fused with the image of our own."

(Lawrence R. Brown)

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