Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 25, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

You remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood who finds the wolf in grandma's bed, all dressed and snug in her old flannel nightgown. The little girl starts asking questions:

"Why do you have such big eyes?"

"So I can better see you."

". . . such large ears?"

"So I can better hear you."

". . . such large hands?"

"So I can better grab you."

That's pretty much the situation in America these days: "What are you doing in my grandma's bed? Why do you look so odd? What's wrong with this and that?"

There is a lot of polite questioning, and some audacious answers. Yet the tension is there, and the atmosphere is charged with electricity, for both parties know that the questions will not go away, and the wolf is just about ready to spring.

Consider this vignette, right from the horse's mouth, as published in Hans Schmidt's book, "Jailed in Democratic Germany: The Ordeal of an American Writer":

"On the occasion of the American 'Days of Remembrance' in January of this year, the January 26, 1995 issue of the Washington Post, a Jewish-owned newspaper, published a long article by Jewess Sharon Waxman, who commented on the now disavowed figure of 4 million casualties in Auschwitz: 'The West had never believed this figure anyhow.'"

Amazing, the cavalier attitude!

Writes Schmidt:

"What audacity, what impertinence, what a lie! How many people have been punished in Germany for decades now because they presumed to publicly question the mendacious claim of 4 million in Auschwitz - and the 'six million' directly related to it?"

And, furthermore, he tells us: Consider these statistics:

"In April 1993, just in time for the dedication of the taxpayer-funded US Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., the American Jewish Congress (AJC) published the results of a poll showing that approximately 23% of Americans do not believe in the 'Holocaust' (gas chamber) story, and 30% doubt that it could have happened as told."

Please note what we are talking here - millions and millions of so-called 'Holocaust Deniers'. For how much longer can that kind of massive, widespread doubt be contained?

Can you imagine the force that must be mobilized, the threats that must be hurled, the terror that might be unleashed, to keep what Schmidt has called ". . . the most astronomically profitable swindle ever conceived. . . " locked in place?

Is the wolf going to get up of his free will and out of grandma's bed and disappear in the blue yonder? Not likely.

He is ready to spring, and no wonder.

And what he will spring on America, if he can, is those insidious "hate laws" already locked in place in much of the rest of the world - nowhere more firmly than in my forbears's country, Germany, where questions mean "hate" - as per law.

This morning, I was re-reading some of Hans Schmidt's paragraphs (here rearranged sequentially to sharpen meaning) in his memoirs about his recent incarceration for having spoken of the ". . . Jew- and Freeemason-infested" political oligarchy and lapdog media in Germany:

"American citizens are extremely vulnerable to the suppression of their basic human rights at the hands of the clique ruling Germany today, and no assistance can be expected from the US State Department.

In contemporary Moscow and St. Petersburg nobody is being checked for forbidden literature when entering the country, and (no one has to) fear imprisonment in Russia for transgressions against ludicrous, politically-inspired censorship laws that do not belong in the statutes of a civilized nation.

That the elite Jews have now realized, at least subconsciously, that their power is waning, is demonistrated by a phenomenon currently in evidence throughout the world, whether it be after liberation festivities in Auschwitz, terrorist attacks on Jewish institutions in Argentina, England and elsewhere, 'kamikazi' attacks on Jewish soldiers in Israel, or American 'Holocaust' events, the press and TV assiduously show pictures of weeping Jews.

Since the same is not done with pictures of Bosnians in Sarajevo, women in Grossny, survivors of Israeli attacks in Lebanon or mangled people in Rwanda, one must assume that there is a specific intent behind this sob campaign.

But what intent?"

I'll tell you. Not a day goes by without the 'Holocaust' mafia making new enemies for themselves, particularly in Europe but also in America - and they know it. And it is worrying not a few of them - and should.

Yet you have Bonn as well as Washington idolizing and gushing over the intruder.


Writes Schmidt:

"An awareness of American doubts may induce some Germans to also question the dogma of this 'Holocaust' semi-religion, and if such ideas spread, they would eventually cause the remnant of the Reich to curtail its financial largesse for the Jewish state.

Yet no one in the corporate media asks how this word 'Holocaust' was so quickly and uniformly imposed as a supposed precise description of the fate of the Jews during the war. This word 'Holocaust' wasn't widely applied in this regard until more than 30 years after the end of WWII, around 1978.

Such imposition of new words which generalize particular details into a distorted composite, was predicted by the English writer, George Orwell, in his prophetic novel, 1984. He called it Newspeak and said it was "designed not to extend, but to diminish the range of thought.

Even Americans without any military background should wonder why only German and German-allied veterans are being hunted, while so far nobody has been called to account for the atrociites of Dresden, Katyn, Hiroshima, the murders by deliberate neglect in Eisenhower's death camps, or for the unnecessary destruction of, for instance, the ancient monastery of Monte Cassino. Justice is only served when it applies equally, to everyone.

I cannot strongly enough express my feelings about the travesty of justice that more than a half century after a lost war, soldiers of the defeated nation are still being arrested and put on trial (or otherwise persecuted) for alleged war crimes.

This is against all moral and ethical traditions of Western Civilization. I am fully aware that the hunt for old enemies is allegedly being conducted in the interest of justice, but anybody who has any sense of European history knows that this persecution of old men has nothing to do with justice or setting the record straight.

It is a clear expression of Jewish hatred, vengeance and power. . . "

A power that is waning. It's waning here with question piled on question - and what if it should wane and even disappear in Germany?

In Schmidt's words,

". . . (t)he entire existence of the Bundesrepublik is built upon the demonization of Hitler, the criminalization of National Socialism, the fable of an unjust war that was fought by the Germans, and the tall tales of the gas chambers.

The removal of even one pillar of this house of lies would cause the entire edifice to come crashing down . . . "

It has been said that St. Augustine's prayer went thusly: "God grant me chastity - but not yet."

My modified prayer is: "God grant me peace - but not yet!"

For out of my anger at the audacity of that imposter in my own grandma's bed come some of my sharpest contribution to this struggle. Every morning, as I get up and try to put my mind in gear, I call upon this image:

That in the country of my ancestry, Germany, it is permitted to display the Soviet star. It is the symbol of the Communist Red Army - and their behind-the-scenes handlers - who caused millions of German women and girls to be raped, more millions of German civilians to be tortured and murdered, yet more millions of German prisoners-of-war deliberately starved and worked to death by Stalin's largely Jewish Gulag keepers. (Remember that of the 96,000 German soldiers who surrendered to the Soviets at Stalingrad, only 5,000 came back!)

Yet it is forbidden to display the symbol of the valiant soldiers who fought and died to keep the scourge at bay that now claws at our windows.


Thought for the Day:

"Our research showed that every single one of the approximately 1,600 American dailies and almost all weekly papers and other publications carried a report on Auschwitz."

(Footnote. p. 186, in Hans Schmid't above-mentioned memoirs, documenting this poll at the time of the 1993 survey)

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