Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

June 16, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

"Lebensraum" has been the working title of a manuscript over which I have labored for years. Whenever I run it by people for their input, it gets a "thumbs down" sign. Anything but "Lebensraum"! The word is almost as loaded as "Auschwitz", "Six Million", "Nazi", "Anti-Semite" and "Final Solution".

You can imagine that I haven't been too happy, because it is a perfectly respectable German noun, simply meaning "living space." Like so much else in our lifetime, it has been systematically corrupted. One more idea to set straight!

Toward that end, one ZGram reader put his thoughts to pen:

"There are several variations of the following, 'Germany wanted to conquer the world.' That is what I want to address.

First off, let me point out that there is not the slightest written physical evidence of any such plan. There is not even evidence of a plan to conquer Europe. There is exactly one written plan that (refers to) partition(ing) Poland with Russia. There is also only one written agreement created in 1942 with Japan that consists only of general guidelines for the partition of the post war world and it speaks of who can station troops in the nations that will exist after the war, not of assimilation of those nations. It was NEVER followed up. It was a basic protocol and nothing more. It was not a plan.

But the second point is the one that galls me to no end. And not because I am a germanophile or whatever the term is, simply because it is so brain-dead stupid.

The second point is that Britain, France and Russia had, at the time they were accusing Germany of wanting to conquer the world, THE largest empires in the world. Let us grant for the moment Germany was attempting to conquer the world. Its enemies were already well on their way to world conquest.

Was Germany trying to conquer North Africa? If so, it was to take North Africa AWAY from the British and French conquerers. There was not one free nation from Gibralter to Turkey. Yes, Il Duce had part of it - so? Was Germany good in doing it? You tell me AFTER you admit that Britain and France were equally "evil" in doing it FIRST!

Britain had conquered (read enslaved in the terminology of Allied war propaganda) many nations of Africa (tribes are nations if the tribes of Israel are a nation), the Indian nations of Canada, the Aboriginal nations of Australia, all of what is now India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and a host of minor nations around the world such that the sun never set on its evil empire.

Evil? Do you really like atrocity stories?

The Brits in Australia were stealing Abo children quite literally. It started around 1880 and ran through 1970. They were taken from their parents and put into Christian orphanages, used as slave labor and, when too old, kicked out into the street without an education worth having. There they turned to crime to stay alive and everything that entails - including prison and execution. (Remember that the NSDAP is accused of having only talked about raising some Slav children as Germans by taking them into families, not into orphanages. There is no evidence IT ever happened.)

Anyone want to talk about France? They moved into Indochina and were at war from day one. That is a war that did not end until hopefully yesterday - when Pol Pot was finally put on the run in Cambodia. A small perusal of Algeria's War of Independence will show the Israelis learned their tactics from the French but are not quite up to French standards of terrorism. I remember the stories in the news at the time. They were played for maximum shock value in the US. But remember that was in the 1950s, after he lesser evil of Germany had been conquered. For those who need a reminder, Casablanca is a work of fiction.

Russia? How can we ever forget Russia?

Germany wanted the Ukraine. The Ukraine was a slave nation of Russia. Russia partitioned Poland with Germany. There is physical evidence for the Katyn Woods massacre - and the Russians committed it. There is no physical evidence of the Jewish holocaust. Russia was the only accuser of the holocaust as it accused Germany of Katyn Woods.

Russia had the largest empire in Europe by population and the largest empire in Asia by square miles and it still has the latter. When does Siberia get self-determination, now that the US has acceded it to Russia?

Do I leave America out?

It had the Phillipines and in fact expected it to absorb the first Japanese attack, instead of Pearl Harbor. Anyone wants to talk about the nation of Hawaii and its members? Rather more seriously, the US has all of northern Mexico as its southwestern states. And ask the Indian nations about enslavement some day.

All of that war propaganda is exactly that - propaganda. There is nothing Germany has ever been accused of that the nations allied against it were not at the time doing and in a greater number - period. And that includes the Jewish holocaust even if absolutely true and correct as related.

I have no interest in exonerating Germany or in condemning the Allies. I am simply pointing out the facts of reality in the world that existed before, during and after World War II.

I would hope it is clear that there is absolutely no reason to be condemning Germany that does not warrant a greater condemnation of one or more of the nations allied against Germany. And this is not selectively taking the worst of each nation but rather comparing each of them individually against Germany on every grounds of condemnation. Percentagewise there were more Jews left than Amerinds or Abos.

I presume there are no objections to this one. I will be happy to address any exemplary objections that are posted back to me. That means: present facts, not epithets."

(Replies to:


Thought for the Day:

"Definition of conscience: A small, still voice that makes minority reports."

(Franklin P. Jones)

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