Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

June 9, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

As I was flying home from Toronto a couple of weeks ago, I had an occasion to share an airport breakfast with a fellow Revisionist who told me that, aside from the enjoyment of following the path of truth, what attracted him most to Revisionism was ". . . the quality of the people."

That's where it's at, folks! If only the ignorant knew the crowd we call our own! They can think for themselves; and they speak out about the many Holocaust absurdities in ever-novel ways. Here is a newcomer, for instance, commenting on alt.revisionism:

"I have been reading this newsgroup for about eighteen months. On the one side we have people reporting IMT eyewitness claims which are impossible, cremation rates which are impossible, disposal rates of ash which are impossible.

On the other hand we have screaming fanatics who claim that the so-called "deniers" (a very loaded term, I prefer "analytical truth seekers"), are mad, bad and wrong, shouting personal abuse, and following that up with MORE eyewitness reports.

Name calling will not win the argument.

All my life I have "believed" - merely by accepting without thought - that about 6 million people, mainly Jews, were gassed, shot and tortured to death as a deliberate German policy in the War.

Now, it appears to be that 12 million, or is that 11 million, died - of whom "at least 6 million" as Spielberg put it at the End of "Schindler's List", were Jews.

So the questions come to mind.

How? Where? When?

Think of the logistics of such figures. It's awesome.

In Britain, we have a supposed danger from BSE infected cattle. It is proposed to kill and incinerate 180,000 of the animals.

Guess what? There is a logistical problem.

There are not enough slaughter houses, and the cremation is a formidable problem. It is thought by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food that it will take up to three years to dispose of the cattle.

This, in a modern country, with no secrecy, lots of money, no war, no disruptions to the flow of death and the very latest equipment to be used!

Would you think it reasonable to suppose that a cow would equal four or five people? If so, that means 180,000 X 4 = 720,000 human equivalents. The cows will not attempt to escape, or attack their captors. In other words, docile, the perfect prey. Remember, the slaughter of cattle happens every day, always has. So, there is no need for new killing techniques, new types of disposal.

Yet, it will still take a modern country 3 YEARS!!

In 1967 there was an outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in the British Midlands. At every infected farm, the cattle were killed and incinerated on the spot. There were "only" a few thousand cattle affected, but the lime pits were of enormous proportions, as were the bonfires.

It was not thought necessary to transport cattle from one part of the country to another for slaughter and disposal. Yes, the pit locations are known to this day, and I am sure that farmers would be willing for "deniers" to take core samples from these areas.

It is next to impossible to "lose" a burial pit within half a century - otherwise, what would happen to the science of archeology (in particular the technique of finding "worked" land by aerial photography)?

Yet, the pits of the "death camps" are not accurately located. Why?

The whole story of the Holocaust is full of holes. It would be easy to accept that a large number of Jews, let's say several hundred thousand, were killed by the most diabolical methods by the Germans. But no, we're not allowed to believe that. We have a huge number thrust onto us time after time with nothing sensible, nothing scientific to back it up.

Who does this? Those with an interest in the myth continuing.

The reality is bad. The Myth is disgusting. So, come on chaps, you've been caught out, do the decent thing. Time to own up and admit that you are wrong.

After that, you can start to address the real horror of what happened to ALL those who were killed by the Germans and the Russians. Respect the real and tragically dead. Don't use them in a sick advertising campaign on behalf of Jews alone.

Otherwise, the rubber band will snap on your toy aeroplane, and it will crash badly."

Thought for the Day:

"We are here to humanize destiny!''

(Elie Wiesel - and no kidding! - upon receiving just a few days ago an honorary Ph.D. from University of Guelph chancellor and former Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, Lincoln Alexander. Wiesel spoke at the convocation of the College of Social Science.)

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