Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

April 8, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

These days, you don't read "gassing" stories in the papers readily - what you see, more and more, are stories about executions by bullet of some Jews in Eastern Europe, mainly by the "Einsatztruppen".

This is a highly significant development, for two reasons:

1) Unlike the so-called "executions by gassing" - largely figments of sick imaginations in psychological warfare departments of Allied nations and representations of Jewish Lobby groups - some of these shootings happened, particularly on the Eastern Front.

They happened for just cause and good reason. They were REPRISAL shootings against armed and dangerous guerrillas endangering soldiers and civilians alike.

In the East, they happened largely to an armed gang of underground thugs called "Partisans" who didn't bother wearing uniforms as was prescribed by the "Rules of Land Warfare" and the Hague and Geneva Conventions agreed to by civilized nations.

These hooligans looked like civilians while acting as murderous soldiers in Stalin's Red Army, doing sabotage on an enormous scale and of the most sadistic kind - of which you will hear plenty via Revisionist rebuttals as the "gassing" story is more and more abandoned and the struggle to hold on to "victim status" by means of "mass executions in yet another Holocaust" is peddled by the tribe to make sure the sympathy meter keeps ticking.

Revisionists have never denied that these executions of armed terrorists against German soldiers and native civilians did happen. The Jewish Lobby has not been eager to let you know WHY they happened - only that they happened, and even THAT information was rationed.

Now ask yourself: Why did it take some fifty years for people to hear about these real executions by the gun - compared to the fake executions of allegedly millions by "gassing"? Why was this "crime" not milked?

Or better yet - why NOW? Would you not have assumed these executions by the bullet would have been mined for additional promotional mileage to keep the reparations going and the guilt gauge in place?

Because this topic of reprisal shootings is a can of worms the Holocaust Promotion Lobby is not at all eager to have opened. In future ZGrams we will tell you why.

Canadian columnist Doug Collins wrote recently:

"Were atrocities committed? Yes. Especially on the Eastern Front. And Jews were murdered because they were Jews.

It's worth bearing in mind, though, that in spite of Atlantic Charters and other soothing declarations, large numbers of Germans were killed for being Germans."

In Instauration: February 1997, you read the following:

"The latest estimate of those who died in Soviet Gulags is 86 million, a figure endorsed by Solzhenytsyn. That's more than 14 times the number of Jews who allegedly perished in the Holocaust."

2) Why now? Here's why: You read about these real reprisal shootings because there is no other choice. The Holocaust Lobby is hurting for physical, scientific evidence and incontrovertible proof of mass gassings; they can't back up their wild, emotion-laden claims by so-called witnesses about the so-called "Holocaust" conventionally sold and bought.

By leaps and bounds, the Holocaust promoters are now running out of suckers who will believe them without question. The well is running dry.

One reader sent me a copy of a letter he sent to James Bacque, the author of "Other Losses" and a more recent title "Of Crimes and Mercies" - for which the author was unable, incidentally, to find an English language, mainstream publisher in Canada and the United States:

"What would happen, I wonder, if people really began to grasp the truth of World War II? The liquidation of the helpless, the alliance with Stalin, the creation of Red slaughterhouses throughout the world--by the US State Department?

The magnitude of death and suffering is really beyond comprehension. I think that the degeneracy we see coming out of America and the other English-speaking countries is simply the inevitable aftermath of the catastrophic destruction of WWII."

And elsewhere:

"When you study our history of deliberate and sadistic actions against decent people everywhere you are confronted with a magnitude of evil that is really beyond comprehension. . . . All the crimes and atrocities committed by the US government since 1861 have been "legal." The Supreme Court said so.

This is the fundamental flaw of America, the greatest crime of which was WWII, for which America can never be forgiven.

Future historians of America will sit and read of the wartime and post-war actions and be made physically sick from shock and disgust. It is amazing that current historians are protected from revulsion. . . "

And so they will be in the future - if the Holocaust Lobby is not defeated soon, or if it should manage to hold on to its influence and power through yet another "Holocaust". That "protection" has been going on for a long time - and not to benefit the truth.

The unraveling of the role of the "Partisans" in the East or guerrilla and resistance fighters in the West will bring to light the criminal involvement of the Allied governments and largely Jewish personnel, saboteurs, assassins, bombers and other cutthroats in this dirty and totally illegal activity against the Germans involved in a desperate, bravely fought war. No, that is not enough - I should say "wars" because what happened in the past was not unique to the Germans, or even to that era. These same Jewish tactics were and are used against the British in Palestine and then against the Palestinians and all over the world - against Arabs and Gentiles who stood in their way from the King David Hotel explosion to Deir Yassin to the murder by the Mossad of Gerald Bull, the Canadian artillery genius, to the current-day treatment of Middle-East kids armed with rocks.

I predict that the "coming out of the closet" of the shootings of the "Partisans" will bring about the long overdue beginning of the end for those who have lied for so long - so cleverly, they thought. And high time, too - now that we are less than three short years away from what a lot of people think will be THE NEW MILLENNIUM and what we think will be the Age of Truth.

As one reader put it: "The (Old World Order) is actually on its last stand. It is like a bull in the last stages of a bull-fight, nasty and most dangerous, but going down."


Thought for the Day:

"But European Americans are still the majority in this country, and it is our intelligence, our labor, and our consent which holds the evil empire together. Thence, the potential for Whites to influence the course of future events is very great indeed."


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