Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

March 24, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

These past two weeks of "Boot Camp Holocaust 101 Myth" hereby draws to a merciful close with three more summary statements before I'll go back to my vigilant ways of observing the scene in the furtherance of truth as opposed to the shearing of sheeple:

No one denies the concentration camps. These camps existed - here as there. In fact, according to the Time Life book series on prisoners, German concentration camps numbered less than one-sixth the number of camps the USA had for the Japanese, Germans, Italians and P.O.Ws - and considerably fewer camps than the Allies' vicious ally, Stalin, had in his Gulag.

It is absolutely true that camps like Auschwitz harbored Jews - among many other nationalities. They also harbored criminals, including German criminals. They harbored traitors, spies, informers and war profiteers caught sabotaging Germany. They were detention centers - in numbers not nearly as high as is claimed. They were NOT killing centers.

Nobody survived Stalin's killer squads in Katyn, and very few if any survived the icy tomb of Kolyma and many other Stalin camps. It bears repeating that in the notorious, numerous "Holocaust" claims we have the only case of "genocide" that is daily "proven" by survivors.

It is sadly true that tens of thousands of all kinds of nationalities died in different German camps, largely of diseases caused by malnutrition, overcrowding, lack of hygiene and lack of medicines. Undoubtedly some died of cruel treatment. Human nature being what it is and was, there must have been atrocities. No one denies there have been individual atrocities.

Who can surmise how a beleaguered concentration camp guard might have felt and acted who was just told that his own baby was incinerated in the true Holocaust of Dresden - a defenseless, strategically unimportant city filled to its rim with refugees? What if he just found out that his own mother lay buried in the ruins of Hamburg or Berlin? He would not have felt kindly toward those whom he considered dedicated enemies of Germany. Jews may have been high on his list.

These experiences were not unique to "Nazi camps." They were shared by tens of millions in Stalin's Gulags in political and in prisoners-of-war camps. This fate was shared by the Dutch at the hands of the Japanese, and by the British and Canadians in Burma, Singapore and Hong Kong. It was shared by the Americans in the Philippines, and by the Germans in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and France.

It was even shared by Germans in Germany after the war in the American Army's Rheinwiesen death camps described by Canadian author James Bacque in his book "Other Losses" and in his recently released new book, "Of Crimes and Mercies" on the topic. Bacque claims that nine million Germans died as a direct result of a deliberate Allied policy of killing off the Germans long after the shooting had stopped.

All of these deaths were tragic deaths. They were tragic for Jews, and they were tragic for Germans. To quote Dr. Robert Faurisson, eminent Revisionist: "You keep talking about war crimes. War itself is the crime."

The statistical and logistical riddle about which Jews went to what camps, and why, and when, and for how long, was documented a long time ago by a highly detailed book by Walter Sanning called "The Dissolution of European Jewry." To claim there were atrocities and then equating them to genocide is viciously deceptive.

One final word:

In the latest twists and turns of the Holocaust Promotion Lobby's dance around the Great Holocaust Myth they will have you believe that the death camps were mostly in the "East," (where most of the Jews were said to have lived) and that few died in the "Old German Reich" - because it would have been easier to keep a genocidal secret in the East.

Wow! What a flash!

It is a well-known fact that tens of thousands of people were shipped via trains from Auschwitz in Poland to other camps in the Altreich (Germany Proper) at the end of the war - Elie Wiesel, Sabina Citron and Anne Frank among them. This was done at German expense and German inconvenience. It was hardly done to kill them. They could have been easily left behind to starve to death in the abandoned concentration camps as people were scrambling to get away from Communism in the very last days of the war.

There were no German "death camps."


People died in every wartime concentration camp for any number of sad reasons, including old age.


Thought for the Day:

"General Eisenhower told a press conference in London that the (Communists) '. . . like to laugh.' It must make them chortle up their sleeves the way we coddle their insidious fifth columnists."

(Ralph Franklin Keeling in "Gruesome Harvest: The Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany", a book published in 1947, when the Morgenthau Plan for killing off the German race was still official US-Allied policy)

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