Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

March 22, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Four more to go - and aren't you glad?

I personally find it difficult to deal with topics that have been talked to death, but there are many newcomers to our list to whom this information is brand new. Also, these bite-sized InfoGrams get plastered all over the newsgroups by energized aficionados of the Zundelsite; therefore, I'll keep on going in the same vein for yet a little while. But I long to get back to my "fireside-chat" ways, if I may be so presumptuous.

Okay. Here goes:

The Revisionist Claim: Zyklon B was highly toxic. This being so, it would have been foolish and counterproductive to endanger Third Reich personnel engaged in allegedly pulling bodies from the execution chambers shortly after "victims" were "gassed."

The fraudulent story of the powerful ventilators installed in the alleged gas chambers, which in reality were morgues, has often been repeated. Anyone with common sense can visit Auschwitz-Birkenau and look at the close proximity of the alleged "gas chamber" to the SS-cafeteria and hospital a few meters across the street. They will see no powerful exhausts, no screws or nuts, no mounts or anchors for them, no tall stacks to expel and dispel the deadly gas similar to those that exist, for instance, in the death house gas chamber complex in Parchmont, Mississippi and other U.S. gas chambers.

Furthermore, there are reports - for example, the ever-handy Hoess "confession" obtained through bestial torture! - by all kinds of Holocaust Promotion Lobbyists that the "Sonderkommandos" entered the alleged gas chambers to remove the corpses only minutes after the alleged "gassings" - smoking, eating, and drinking!

They hardly did that through gas masks!

Go to Auschwitz. Go to Birkenau. Look at the crematory ovens allegedly in operation for 24 hours around the clock, right in the next room to the "gas chamber." Between the two rooms was not even a door! No provisions for a door are evident.

We have forensic proof, independently verifiable, via the samples and scrapings taken from these facilities by the much maligned Fred Leuchter and the brilliant German scientist Germar Rudolf, showing no residue or very little residue of the Zyklon B that, according to the late Dr. William Lindsey (top ranking research chemist for the giant U.S. chemical company, Du Pont of America) would still have to be there, attached to the iron in sand, concrete etc. - for hundreds if not thousands of years!

(Lindsey, William B. "Zyklon B., Auschwitz and the Trial of Dr. Bruno Tesch," Journal of Historical Review, 4, (1983: 261-303.)

The samples taken by the Leuchter procedure wearing rubber gloves and face masks and dating, identifying and double-bagging these samples in sterile plastic bags were filmed as a precaution before they were taken to the USA and analyzed by Alpha Laboratories of Ashland, MA, by Dr. James Roth, a ten-year veteran professor of Chemistry at Cornell University. Dr. Roth was accredited as an expert in his field by the Toronto Court during the 1988 Zündel trial.

(Roth Testimony as summarized in Did Six Million Really Die? Report of the Evidence in the Canadian "False News" Trial of Ernst Zündel - 1988, Edited by Barbara Kulaszka, pp. 362-363)

Nizkor et al, check up on Dr. Roth's testimony and then forever hold your peace. Or else, come up with scientific proof that what we say is wrong.


Thought for the Day:

"We don't do violence - we specialize in the total demolition of the human spirit."

(Quote taken from an anonymous hate letter sent to the Zundelsite)

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