Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

March 11, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

For the next two weeks or so, I will be very occupied with a major project being of a Revisionist nature but having nothing to do with the Zundelsite per se. Therefore, the content of the next 14 ZGrams will be, intermittently, review of what I call "Holocaust Myth 101."

We have a lot of new ZGram readers, and new ones get added to our lists all the time. For those of you who have advanced to sophomore/junior/senior status or who are already in "Revisionist graduate school", this may be somewhat tedious.

Just take a break from ZGrams and let the rest catch up.

Today, a brief review on the concept of "hate mongering" - which is, of course, not what we do but what our opposition does.

This is an old Talmudic ruse - to turn a legitimate complaint around and ship a copy back as an "original". In Russia, for instance, millions belonging to the middle class and to the peasantry were genocidally eliminated on the political hate charge of being "parasites" when they had been the very one ones who tolerated parasites until it was too late.

So it is with the charge "hate mongering."

We say there has been hate mongering against the Germans generally since 1916 in the United States and the West, intensifying more and more against the German World War II generation specifically - only to have that charge heaved back at us in an ever-increasing crescendo.

In retaliation, a few months back Ernst decided to go on the offensive, protesting the labeling of his writings and broadcasts as "hate mongering" to the Radio/TV Commission etc.. Additionally, he is preparing a number of specific defamation charges against major mainstream media.

One benefit already visible is that the habitual use of "hate merchant" and "hate mongering", from all we know, is being used less frequently in Canada by Jewish leaders wise enough to see what's coming down the chute. Now you see weakened references to "Nazi apologist" and "Holocaust denier" - which has tangential benefits in that it helps to spread the word that there is such a thing as "Holocaust denial" - though Ernst prefers the designation "Holocaust skeptic".

On the net, the label 'hate monger" is still rampant, but there, thanks to the built-in advantage of electronic linking, the outcome is ironic and sometimes even "beneficial", as per this little gem a reader sent to us:

"I visit the 'Hate Watch' page daily to find some of the best sites on
the web - and to tell you the truth, I think they are helping people such
as ourselves more than they are harming."

I know that Nizkor was and is useful to the Zundelsite since, were it not for them, we would not have had such a spectacularly useful model for comparison of content - namely hyperbole, subterfuge, evasion versus plain old facts and common sense etc. As Thackery has said: "A good laugh is sunshine in the house."

In view of the Canadian Human Rights Commission Hearings scheduled to start in two months pertaining to the Zundelsite being labeled as a "telephone", however - and hence a "medium transmitting hate" as they would like you to believe - it will not hurt to put on record yet one more time the following, as taken from our "Holocaust Myth 101" introduction jettisoning Nizkor claims that pass for intellectual tidings.

Here's Ernst:

". . . I am described by Nizkor, citing Canada's Security Intelligence Review Committee, as a . . . prolific publisher of hate literature.'

That is not quite correct.

In Canada, the distribution of hate literature is a criminal offense, as is bank robbery and child molestation. If you call me a bank robber in print and I am not a bank robber, that is called libel. If you call me a child molester and I am not a child molester, that is called libel also.

You called me in electronic print a '. . . prolific publisher of hate literature.' You have just libeled me.

I have lived and worked in Canada for almost 40 years and have never been convicted of having published and/or distributed hate literature in that country. I have never even been charged with having published and/or distributed hate literature in Canada, although in Canada there are such things as 'hate laws.'

In point of fact, various judicial and police bodies, after extensive study, have specifically cleared me of that charge. Had there been proof, my enemies would have made sure I would have been charged, convicted and promptly deported for worse treatment in Zion's mental slave colony called 'West Germany.'

I have been charged with '. . . spreading false news,' a frivolous charge a malcontent, multi-millionaire Jewish busybody brought against me. It cost Canadian taxpayers approximately $6 million to have me declared innocent . . . and all, for what? The Supreme Court of Canada decided in the end that society may be enriched by cultural and intellectual diversity, which does include unpopular views on history and other matters of discomfort to certain minorities."

Thought for the Day:

"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws."


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