February 11, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

The titillating bits and pieces of evidence pertaining to the intellectual assault against the "Holocaust-for-Dummies" version on one hand, and desperate efforts on the other to keep the stitches in the spine, just keep on rolling in!

On US Newswire via Individual Inc. we read that the The Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

". . . welcomed the steps taken by the publisher of the Random House Webster's College Dictionary to advise its users against using the word 'Nazi' in a 'jocular' sense, even though the dictionary will include it in its definition.'

This is in response to 'weakening' the smear 'Nazi' with such derivations as 'Nico-Nazi' and 'Femi-Nazi' that were to be part of the Random House edition of the updated dictionary edition.

Abraham H. Foxman (spokesman for the ADL) wants a 'deeper meaning'.

'It is clear that, as language experts, the editors of the dictionary have recognized their responsibility as standard-setters as well as reports of common usage,' Foxman added."

Unlike our worthy opposition who likes to be as solemn as a morgue, we laugh a lot because our readers help to keep us sane. Here's one who sent us guidelines as to how to keep bias out of our language and keep ourselves politically correct - let's say in advertising rentals:

"Master bedroom" -- too redolent of slavery, might make Blacks feel bad.

"His-and-hers-closet" -- might cause homosexuals to feel left out.

"Walk-in closet" -- unfair to the handicapped.

"Beautiful view" -- bias against the blind.

"Near churches" -- anti-Semitic.

· Back to more serious matters. There was a very interesting item in the Baltimore Sun two days ago (Feb. 9) titled "Institution tracks paper trail of extermination", referring to World War II data housed at the International Tracing Service (ITS) based in Arolsen.

The ITS was formed in 1946 by the Allies and has been run since 1955 by the Swiss-based International Committee of the Red Cross. These are data in that place that Revisionist have lusted after for years!

This Documentation Center is believed to hold the master key as to who, precisely, did or did not perish in Third Reich concentration camps. These files and cards have been off-limits to Revisionist, despite many efforts by competent researchers such as Dr. Faurisson and others.

By contrast, all these date are freely available to Israeli investigators because Israel has veto power, together with the other controlling powers, over who gets, and who is denied, access to Arolsen. There are, we have been told, some 47 million file cards holding detailed information on some 15 million people!

The reson why this access has been denied to Revisionists in the past is that the TRUE "Holocaust losses" could be established. Also, the REAL crimes committed by many of the incarcerated people would be revealed - such as child molestation, rape, incest, treason, bank robbery, assaults, forgery etc. Many imprisoned people were common criminals who had committed real crimes. The halo would be knocked off from many a head - the smaller percentage of the concentration camp inmates, by far, were incarcerated for "ideological", much less "racial", reasons.

What is so very interesting about this article is that there are strong hints about ". . . incongruous documents" ". . . spellings might change" ". . . identification numbers might change" ". . . children born out of wedlock" ". . . mothers have moved on - with husbands and families who know nothing of their wartime children, and do not wish to be contacted . . . "

Believable? So is the Easter Bunny.

We cannot wait! If this documentation center is ever made available to uncensored researchers, chances are that the data won't square with the Holocaust claims!

· Canada's flamboyant columnist, Doug Collins, has just returned from Europe where he has also noticed a brand new, telling trend - "Jews who wore Nazi uniforms."

In Collins' words:

". . . There were many of them. They included two field marshals, one of whom was Erhard Milch, who 'masterminded German aircraft production and transformed the Luftwaffe.' His father was Jewish.

At least 77 senior officers were Jewish, or 'of mixed Jewish race or married to Jews.' They included eight lieutenant generals, five major generals, and 23 colonels.

Seventeen 'Jews in Nazi uniform' were awarded the Knights Cross, Germany's highest military honor. In all probability there were many more. The research is continuing.

Some of the stories are bizarre. One Jew got to German-occupied France in 1940 and later joined the Waffen SS under a new name. He is still alive.

Another visited the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to visit his father, 'wearing the Iron Cross he had earned in battle.'

Another lost his mother in Auschwitz. He and others are now asking whether they were 'victims or perpetrators.'

A Jewish film-maker and holder of the Iron Cross First Class worked in the German propaganda office in Paris in 1941 . . ."

The person who collected this amazing evidence is one Bryan Rigg, a Texan studying at Cambridge University who did a year-long investigation and "stumbled" across this material, accumulating 30,000 supporting documents in the process." (!)

(Note: The German "Bundesarchiv Koblenz" has a study in its archives, dated as late as November 1944, by the German general staff who wanted to find out how many individuals of Jewish background - one parent or one or more grandparents being Jewish - were in positions of sensitivity and authority in the German Armed Forces then!)

Collins goes on to say that

". . . The British press got excited over it because everyone had assumed that Jews were totally unacceptable in Hitler's Germany; also that no Jew could ever have fought for Hitler.

A leading historian at Cambridge has been quoted as saying, 'It makes the reality of the Nazi state more complicated'. . . "

Well. Well.

I now forecast a brand new trend: Before long, there will be sprouting a prodigious crop of Holocaust Deniers among the Chosen Tribe. Did we not claim that "Holocaust Denial" was contagious?

· Meanwhile, Germany is still busy putting the cork on the bottle to keep the genie in. With credits to Mike Hoffman at http://www.hoffman-info.com and dated February 10, 1997, we read that "Elite Online Magazine (apparently part of the German version of HotWired!) Exposes Forthcoming German Internet Censorship Legislation."

Here is an extract:

". . . international activists a year ago rallied for freedom of information for the German Internet. The issue arose after Germany's telecommunications giant, Deutsche Telekom, tried to keep its customers from downloading 'revisionist Holocaust materials' from a Santa Cruz, California, Web server in January 1996 . . . "

That's us! That was the dreaded "Holocaust Debate" - announced and then aborted by our Nizkor friends! Take note, Nizkor - you always claimed we made it up and hamstered undue credit for the first censorship cyberwar EVER!

The Hoffman article goes on to summarize that, during this cyberwar, activists at various universities

". . . thwarted the crackdown by mirroring the offending material on their own sites, which Deutsche Telekom wouldn't dare block.

For the complete article, which contains more detail and is worth reading, go to: http://www.netizen.com/netizen/97/06/index0a.html

Hoffman notes for our benefit:

"The female authors of this article can be e-mailed by clicking on their bylines. One of them is a journalist based in Frankfurt. You may wish to retain her electronic mail address for further communication. I have e-mailed both of them protesting the fact that they have self-censored their own article by failing to name and link to the Zundelsite, which would be standard practice for HotWired!, whose articles are usually loaded with every possible hyperlink. Yet apparently the too-hot-for-Germany Zundelsite is also too hot for HotWired's article opposing censorship.

You can e-mail the "Netizen" (HotWired! editorial board) which is linked at the end of the piece, and also protest the link-omission to them.

If the HotWired! article is correct, the German government's Internet censorship legislation is in for a battle from within and without Germany, which may prove to be very consciousness-raising for the German people, or at least for the very old (German survivors of the Allied holocaust) and very young among them."

Thanks, Mike. Well-spoken and right on the money!

· And, finally, this very nice note from a young reporter not yet contaminated with Political Correctness, who wrote to the Zundelsite in response to the "Sixty Minutes" feature on Canada's "dirty little secret," the so-called "war criminals":

". . . I am once again truly amazed at the lack of research done by Sixty Minutes on their sources. If what you say is true, and it appears to be very legitimate, I would expect that the show will receive numerous complaints and will air an explanation. This is a classic example of bad journalism that negatively effects society. The weight of such a mistake is indeed immeasurable.

As a young journalist I am dedicated to changing the face of this industry which has become a dangerously loose cannon. Only now are we realizing the real dangers present in mass communication. Hopefully things will change . . . "

Yes, hopefully they will. The difference is the Internet. As one Net activist has summarized it beautifully:

"The problem with controlling the Nets is that it is only slightly harder to transmit bits over them than it is to think thoughts - so unless the governments can come up with some effective method of thought control, Net control will prove difficult."

That shall be your Thought for the Day!



Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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