January 31, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

In an article titled "Labour plans jail for denial of Holocaust" in the September 29, 1996 issue, there was a rather extensive article on the British Labour party's proposal to make the denial of the Holocaust a criminal offence, punishable by up to two years in prison.

This article referred to Jack Straw, the shadow home secretary, as the man

". . . expected this week to call for the outlawing of right-wing intellectuals and political campaigners who claim the Holocaust never happened or was unknown to Hitler. . . "

Such laws, of course, already exist in Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland. In the same article, an opponent to this legislation proposal was quoted as saying:

"If you want to make Holocaust revisionism a specific offence, that would play into the hands of extremists who would attract far more sympathy and attention in the wider community through having their freedom of speech suppressed."

This article also mentioned that books and magazines circulating in Britain carry numerous articles

". . . in which apparently respectable experts assert that the number of Jews murdered during the second world war was nowhere near 6m, and that gas chambers were reconstructed by Communist governments after the war."

It also mentioned the now notorious "66 Questions and Answers about the Holocaust", an IHR publication, which was the original "debate" document that triggered the January 1996 cyberwar, and is still one of the eight documents banned by Germany as "disorienting to minors" on the Zundelsite.

Now it is four months later, and an ANA release summarizes where issues in Britain stand now:

"British Labor party leader Tony Blair said yesterday (1/29/97) that if his party wins the elections this May it is likely that they will back a law making it a crime to deny the 'Holocaust.' Blair said 'There is a very strong case that denial of the Holocaust should be a specific offense.'

The denial law was proposed yesterday, but there is no chance that it will pass before the elections. A legislator said that the law would help contain racist activists. He said 'We should minimize the effect of those who are trying to claim that somehow the worst crime of this century did not happen.'. . . "

Following this story as it plays in Britain, I now have spied three additional important Holocaust Deniers or, at least, sympathizers of Holocaust Denial who see the writing on the wall:

First, there is Professor Norman Stone from Oxford University:

"The accepted version that six million people were gassed is probably wrong. Probably four million died, of whom a significant number died of hunger and diseases." (Daily Telegraph, Jan. 30, 1997, p. 2)

Second, there is Anthony Lerman, of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research:

"I think the Bill will have a lot of problems in defining Holocaust denial." (Daily Telegraph, Jan. 30, 1997, p. 2)

Third, there is Jewish Labour MP, David Winnick, as quoted in the Jewish Chronicle about a week ago:

"I've campaigned against racism for many years. But I do not believe the danger in this instance is such that it makes legislation necessary. I would have most serious reservations about supporting this measure if there were any chance of it becoming legislation." (24.1.1997, p.8)

Also from Britain came word via Shanti Communications that "Germany calls for action on Internet 'Nazis'":

"The Internet should not and will not be used as an electronic rendezvous point for right-wing extremists," said Klaus Kinkel, the German Foreign Minister who called for a crackdown on the use of the Internet, ". . . expressing a more general alarm about its use for political purposes".

This remarkable insight was delivered in a speech a few days ago to ". . . mark the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp," and is expected to be ". . . sure to trigger a new debate about censorship in Germany." (The Times, London, 1.28.97)

From Japan, a reader faxed an article that that states: "It's odd how in France everyone's grandfather seems to have fought with de Gaulle, and how in Holland the entire population tried to save Anne Frank (it must have been quite a crush in that attic). . ."

In Canada, Dateline NBC, a prime time news magazine, will be airing a feature segment tonight at 9:00 pm EST on ". . . Canada's record in dealing with Nazi war criminals." Additionally, a press release, sent yesterday by B'nai Brith Canada, alerts us to coming attractions:

"Canada's record in dealing with alleged Nazi war criminals has sparked great interest with major U. S. media outlets. In the past few weeks, the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and 60 Minutes have all produced stories on Canada's post-World War II policies which rendered immigration to Canada easier for Nazi war criminals than for their victims. "

And a second B'nai Brith press release - same time, same date, same topic - points out, in case the global Zundel-Haus supporters miss the message:

". . . Canada is increasingly being seen as a haven for Nazi war criminals and the worldwide distribution centre for racist and Holocaust denial material.

It is hoped that the increase of attention by both the domestic and foreign media will finally impel our government to take action and deal effectively and appropriately with alleged war criminals and Holocaust deniers residing in Canada . . . "

A USA reader reports that

". . . the Seattle Post-Intelligencer is running articles every day on the holohoax and the Jews. They must be really desperate! The walls are coming down!"

And so the plot thickens and thickens. There is such overload of Holocaustomania now in the lapdog media that even people who were sympathetic to so-called Jewish victimhood for half a century are crying for relief.

How do you think we feel? One of our readers took the words out of my mouth:

". . . What if the Western Christian nations were to all get together, call a meeting with the Zionists and offer them a goodly portion of their wealth to just leave.

Say to them, 'Please go to Israel now. Your days of wandering are ended. Call your state Israel; call it New Khazaria. We don't care. Christians have shed barrels of blood to purchase it for you. Arabs have shed barrels of blood to purchase it for you. Here now. Take this gold. Walk through the Louvre and pick out what you want. Our people created most of these works, we will create again. Just go to your Zionist state and leave us in peace.'
Wouldn't the West give out a long sigh of relief? Wouldn't we feel the tremendous burden that would be lifted from our shoulders?"

Could it, indeed, come to that?


Thought for the Day:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and neither are your ways my ways."

(Isaiah 55:8)


Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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